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The Eternal Friend

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 8:07 pm
by Seraph
Some stream of conscious writing I did while at work (shh don't tell):

God was there in the beginning, God will be there in the end. Before the big bang, God was there. After the heat death of the universe, God will still be there. We can't know for certain where we will be after we reach the end of our lives. But I am comforted by the thought that I will be in God's hands. Whether theres a heaven in the traditional sense or not, I have faith that we will be in God's care. Enveloped in light, in intamacy with the one who knows our every experience and detail. God is the Infinite Eternal Mind. God is the Limitless. God is the Uncaused Cause of All and the One who Transcends Space and Time. God is sovereign over everything. Though God's intervention is limited, God is the designer of the universe, sovereign over every body, energy, law, and detail. God is the Eternal Friend.