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Interesting article about Richard Dawkins

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 10:50 am
Being the conspiracy theorist that you all know I can be sometimes, I have had these very thoughts about Dawkins in the past but have only kept them to myself. But now I must admit, I feel as positively hopeful as the author of this article. And what I'm referring to specifically is near the very end of the article, let me know what you all think. GB. ... -to-jesus/

Re: Interesting article about Richard Dawkins

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 10:55 am
Oh and PS, and from this, if this theory holds any water, I'm then very open to the possibility that most pop culture evangelicals especially the hell fire and brimstone type not to mention nearly all of the local pastors in my area are really closet atheists trying to advance the cause for secular atheism, because whether they really mean to or not, their overly negative vibes that they give off to the public regarding God and Christianity, they are creating atheists by the thousands. So either way, it certainly turns the wheels in my brain that's for sure.

Re: Interesting article about Richard Dawkins

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 12:13 pm
by bippy123
DRDS wrote:Oh and PS, and from this, if this theory holds any water, I'm then very open to the possibility that most pop culture evangelicals especially the hell fire and brimstone type not to mention nearly all of the local pastors in my area are really closet atheists trying to advance the cause for secular atheism, because whether they really mean to or not, their overly negative vibes that they give off to the public regarding God and Christianity, they are creating atheists by the thousands. So either way, it certainly turns the wheels in my brain that's for sure.
Totally agree with you bro. We need more atheists like Richard dawkins as I have always suspected that honest atheists who read the God delusion will have no choice but to question their own atheism.
People like Richard Dawkins, Hitchens and their ilk are excellent for driving honest atheists back home to Christ because their arguments are more emotionally driven then reasonably driven.

I do agree with you about the fire and brimestone preachers also. My ex bible study teacher was one of them. You could see him coming out of church service on sundays as if the apocalypse had hit us and we were all doomed. Those kind see legalism but dont see God's love, compassion, mercy and forgiveness. Its people like that that I could see driving a confused Christian away from Christianity if he isnt careful.

What we need is 100 dawkins asking questions like who created God :mrgreen:
That alone will make any honest atheism start to question the sanity of his worldview lol

Re: Interesting article about Richard Dawkins

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 9:57 am
by PeteSinCA
Mehhhh ... whether it's atheists whose antics and unpleasantnesses make atheism look ugly or their Phelpsian and other unpleasant miscellaneous opposite analogs-in-ugliness, I think sincere ugliness more probable. I lean away from conspiracy-theory explanations of things - where evidence is not plentiful and unequivocal - when stupidity (in these cases, stupidity-in-hatefulness) is a sufficient explanation.