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Doubts with my faith

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 7:28 am
by YoungApolegist
I have recently been struggling with my faith. Mainly because it seems that OEC is unbiblical and scientific findings show that the Earth is 4.5 billion years old. I need an answer, because I don't want my life to become without purpose ( not to mention that I've been a Christian my whole life).

Re: Doubts with my faith

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 7:38 am
by SeekingSanctuary
Let me ask you a few questions so I can understand your beliefs better. Others here will probably way more help, but I might be able to get the ball rolling.

First, why do you find it unbiblical?

Why do you think the 'week of creation' is meant to be taken literally?

Re: Doubts with my faith

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 8:29 am
by B. W.
YoungApolegist wrote:I have recently been struggling with my faith. Mainly because it seems that OEC is unbiblical and scientific findings show that the Earth is 4.5 billion years old. I need an answer, because I don't want my life to become without purpose ( not to mention that I've been a Christian my whole life).
Like Seeking mentioned...could you clarify your statement as it makes a rather general assertion without granting any specifics?

In the meantime, OEC and YEC doctrines are non-essential doctrines as they have nothing to do with essential salvation through Jesus Christ. So I suggest that you read John chapter 10...

Also read Eph 1:13, 14 in the light of Rom 11:29, Mal 3:6, Isa 55:11 - These things are important...

Re: Doubts with my faith

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 9:19 am
by Stu
YoungApolegist wrote:I have recently been struggling with my faith. Mainly because it seems that OEC is unbiblical and scientific findings show that the Earth is 4.5 billion years old. I need an answer, because I don't want my life to become without purpose ( not to mention that I've been a Christian my whole life).
How long has the scientific method, and the evidence that accompanies it, been changing over the years.

Don't get caught up in that trap. Often the methods used to date are wrong.

YEC is compatible with an old earth though (not that I agree with it). The first lines of the Bible are as such:
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. 2 The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.
Now it doesn't say when in the beginning is, or how long a time there was between verse 1 and the start of verse 2.

I take it as you would read it though (the earth is 6 000 - 10 000 years old); but something to think about though.

Re: Doubts with my faith

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 12:07 pm
by Murray
YoungApolegist wrote:I have recently been struggling with my faith. Mainly because it seems that OEC is unbiblical and scientific findings show that the Earth is 4.5 billion years old. I need an answer, because I don't want my life to become without purpose ( not to mention that I've been a Christian my whole life).
I've personally come to the conclusion that a belief in creationism is not essential to be a christian. To be honest, when I was younger, the whole creation debate raging in my head did much more harm to my faith than good. To be a christian, and to be a good follower of christ, one does not need to be an expert in creation theories, one only needs to know jesus. I would suggest reading the gospels, then reading them again, maybe read on the historical factuality of the gospels ( Christianity's greatest defense is historical evidence), evidence of the resurrection, crucifixion, ect… I can tell from first hand experience, connecting creationism and the truth of Christianity in your head will bring you nothing but doubt, anger, and distraction from christ.

Get yourself firmly grounded in your faith, then explore the possible ways god created us, keeping in mind that the way god created us and the truth of christ's life are in no way connected. God created us, accept it, believe it and be grounded in your belief, and then you can explore it.

Having your faith resting upon the validity of creation theories is not building your house on a firm foundation.

Re: Doubts with my faith

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 12:50 pm
by Silvertusk
Murray - Where have you been man??? y>:D<

Re: Doubts with my faith

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 12:56 pm
by Murray
Distracted with life I suppose haha

Re: Doubts with my faith

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 3:31 pm
by Silvertusk
Murray wrote:Distracted with life I suppose haha
Good distractions I hope. Good to hear from you again.

Re: Doubts with my faith

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 5:54 pm
by B. W.
Murray wrote:Distracted with life I suppose haha
Gee whiz Murry, I was in North Dakota last week in Hettinger. Back last February I was in Dickinson a bit south of you in Williston...

Next time in the area I will let you know... Need any revival preachers up there?

Have Bible, will travel

Re: Doubts with my faith

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 6:13 pm
by melanie
Murray wrote:
YoungApolegist wrote:I have recently been struggling with my faith. Mainly because it seems that OEC is unbiblical and scientific findings show that the Earth is 4.5 billion years old. I need an answer, because I don't want my life to become without purpose ( not to mention that I've been a Christian my whole life).
I've personally come to the conclusion that a belief in creationism is not essential to be a christian. To be honest, when I was younger, the whole creation debate raging in my head did much more harm to my faith than good. To be a christian, and to be a good follower of christ, one does not need to be an expert in creation theories, one only needs to know jesus. I would suggest reading the gospels, then reading them again, maybe read on the historical factuality of the gospels ( Christianity's greatest defense is historical evidence), evidence of the resurrection, crucifixion, ect… I can tell from first hand experience, connecting creationism and the truth of Christianity in your head will bring you nothing but doubt, anger, and distraction from christ.

Get yourself firmly grounded in your faith, then explore the possible ways god created us, keeping in mind that the way god created us and the truth of christ's life are in no way connected. God created us, accept it, believe it and be grounded in your belief, and then you can explore it.

Having your faith resting upon the validity of creation theories is not building your house on a firm foundation.
Great response
Very well said Murray

Re: Doubts with my faith

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 6:33 pm
by Murray
B. W. wrote:
Murray wrote:Distracted with life I suppose haha
Gee whiz Murry, I was in North Dakota last week in Hettinger. Back last February I was in Dickinson a bit south of you in Williston...

well no kidding, I would've loved to met up and had coffee. Bummer.

What were you doing visiting our beautiful expanse of nothingness and oil rigs?

Re: Doubts with my faith

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 10:38 pm
by neo-x
Murray, welcome back... :wave:

YA, as a christian who firmly holds to evolution and consider Adam and eve story as not literal, I would suggest that you drop the creation theory search for now, its never ending, there is no concrete answer. To me Yec is not true, and oec comes close, evolution is true but it has its own problems, some of which are quite problematic because it don't sit well with the bible, I had been struggling with this too and finally just stopped.

Just get your faith in Christ first, let everything take second precedence. It isn't a matter of eternal life or faith or salvation. We Christians should be helping out there, in the world where we are needed but most of the time is wasted in petty squabbles over theories.

In the gospels where Jesus described the scene in heaven, where all people are present and God divides them and tells one group that they had been loving to others, dressed them, fed them, too care of them, they were the children of God, and the other group was condemned because they were always doing miracles and prophecies and theological warfare but they lacked the spirit of being christian, they didn't do what they were supposed to be doing, they had cheated themselves into becoming holy...and look where that got them.

So I'd say, you want to strengthen your faith? go out there and help someone. You will settle with a creation theory in time.

Re: Doubts with my faith

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 1:54 am
by Silvertusk
Agreed with Neo mostly.

Strengthen yourself with Christ first then check out the peripherals. As for Genesis there are many interpretations. Genesis is not a science book but something that imparts exactly who is God from the outset. Above all the other "deities" such as the sun and the moon. Plus it imparts the truth that God has a special relationship with man who somewhere along the line fell and broke that relationship with God.

Is Adam and Eve literal - who knows? I would personally say they are - whether in the context of two individuals or a group of Males and females I could not tell. Are they the first Humans? Possibily - certainly the first ones that were breathed into by God. A sort of Homo Divinius possibly. I just don't know. However I do believe in the literary (not literal) truth of that controversial book.

Bear in mind that the name Adam does not appear until the 2nd chapter. In the first God creates "Mankind". So there well may have been preexisting people before Adam came as a representative of the race.

Re: Doubts with my faith

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 2:00 am
by neo-x
Just to make it clear, I am not saying Adam and ever couldn't be real, they most certainly could be, I was referring to the story...carry on.

And I agree with silver. :)

YA, The main thing is that you need to trust God that whatever he does and whoever he is, he knows best. And you let your life in his hand, that is faith, to trust God when you are completely vulnerable.

Re: Doubts with my faith

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 3:14 am
by Danieltwotwenty
Murray wrote:
YoungApolegist wrote:I have recently been struggling with my faith. Mainly because it seems that OEC is unbiblical and scientific findings show that the Earth is 4.5 billion years old. I need an answer, because I don't want my life to become without purpose ( not to mention that I've been a Christian my whole life).
I've personally come to the conclusion that a belief in creationism is not essential to be a christian. To be honest, when I was younger, the whole creation debate raging in my head did much more harm to my faith than good. To be a christian, and to be a good follower of christ, one does not need to be an expert in creation theories, one only needs to know jesus. I would suggest reading the gospels, then reading them again, maybe read on the historical factuality of the gospels ( Christianity's greatest defense is historical evidence), evidence of the resurrection, crucifixion, ect… I can tell from first hand experience, connecting creationism and the truth of Christianity in your head will bring you nothing but doubt, anger, and distraction from christ.

Get yourself firmly grounded in your faith, then explore the possible ways god created us, keeping in mind that the way god created us and the truth of christ's life are in no way connected. God created us, accept it, believe it and be grounded in your belief, and then you can explore it.

Having your faith resting upon the validity of creation theories is not building your house on a firm foundation.
Wise words Murray and welcome back brother. y>:D<