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Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 8:13 pm
by Seeker
Jesus is God and God is Jesus. God is the Father of Jesus and Jesus is the son of God. When Jesus was on the cross he was calling out to God. But Jesus is God. He was calling out to himself. I feel as if their is an easy answer to this confusion and would love some of you guys' intelligible responses. :mrgreen:

Re: Confusion

Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 9:22 pm
by neo-x
You are your dad, and your dad is you, Dad is the father of you and you are the son of dad. When you were on the cross, you were calling out to your dad. But you are dad. You were calling out to yourself...does that make any sense?

No, because you are confusing persons within the trinity. Jesus is God but he is not God the father, he is God the son. God or Godhead is made up of the three persons. So it is that three persons are in Godhead but the three persons are unique persons, they are not interchangeable.

Re: Confusion

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 12:13 am
by Silvertusk
Seeker wrote:Jesus is God and God is Jesus. God is the Father of Jesus and Jesus is the son of God. When Jesus was on the cross he was calling out to God. But Jesus is God. He was calling out to himself. I feel as if their is an easy answer to this confusion and would love some of you guys' intelligible responses. :mrgreen:

Welcome to the mystery that is the Trinity.