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I go to Cornerstone

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 7:54 pm
by YoungApolegist
I live in San Antonio, TX, and I go to Cornerstone church. This church is most famous for its pastor, John Hagee, who is the author of the book " Four Blood Moons." I hope that people don't disrespect me for going to Cornerstone. I like Matthew's sermons, but not John's. Please don't think any less of me than you already do. I just wanted to get this off my chest before people criticize me on my choice of a church.

Re: I go to Cornerstone

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 7:20 am
by B. W.
YoungApolegist wrote:I live in San Antonio, TX, and I go to Cornerstone church. This church is most famous for its pastor, John Hagee, who is the author of the book " Four Blood Moons." I hope that people don't disrespect me for going to Cornerstone. I like Matthew's sermons, but not John's. Please don't think any less of me than you already do. I just wanted to get this off my chest before people criticize me on my choice of a church.
I also hope no one disrespects you for going to Cornerstone. Keep going and growing in the Faith of Christ!!!

Re: I go to Cornerstone

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 7:33 am
by Silvertusk
YoungApolegist wrote:I live in San Antonio, TX, and I go to Cornerstone church. This church is most famous for its pastor, John Hagee, who is the author of the book " Four Blood Moons." I hope that people don't disrespect me for going to Cornerstone. I like Matthew's sermons, but not John's. Please don't think any less of me than you already do. I just wanted to get this off my chest before people criticize me on my choice of a church.
I don't have a problem with John Hagee and have read his four blood moon book. He his a little dramatic but does not preach a false gospel as far as I know.

Re: I go to Cornerstone

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 3:10 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
You need to stop apologizing for being yourself, YA.


Re: I go to Cornerstone

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 10:23 pm
by melanie
Hey there YoungApolegist
We haven't met :wave:
Try to not worry what others think of you, I know sometimes it's hard. We live in a world where we are criticised continuously sometimes with merit but mostly not. Often it's a no win situation, we are told we're too quiet, too loud, too honest, not truthful enough, too harsh, too lenient, too selfish, or we let others walk all over us. No matter who we are there will be plenty of people trying to drag us down. We all want to be loved by family and respected and liked by our friends and peers but we cannot control what others think or say, but we can control how we respond to it, how we project it upon ourselves.
You have a sincerity and vulnerability that some may see as a weakness but it's your strength. You speak from the heart, that takes courage. Never apologise for who you are, and never apologise for your spiritual walk with Our Father. That is yours and yours alone, no-one has the right to say where you should praise The Almighty, for he is working in you in only a way he knows. That is where he wants you now, that may or may not change down the track. The church isn't between the bricks that man lays but within your spirit and heart. I am completely non-denominational, a Lady may walk out of a Baptist church having learnt from the Pastor to be more patient, a man out of a Presbyterian church feeling blessed and renewed by praising Jesus's name, even a Catholic can walk out having sung hymns in true worship to God and be looked favourably upon by Our Father.
Do not worry if people look down on you, think little of you, for they don't really know you. You are Gods child, so loved and very cherished. This world only knows that which is of the world, and judges us accordingly but in our love and acceptance of Jesus as our saviour we strive and try and live for the spirit. Your Father gives you strength in his name, he surrounds us in his love to walk in confidence, no matter what the world has to say HE says we are special, unique, loved and worthy.
When people look down on you and criticise you, it is their weakness and your strength in The Almighty that keeps your head held high.
God bless :)

Re: I go to Cornerstone

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 10:51 pm
by neo-x
YA, I think people inside cornerstone are saved people, so relax, you seem to be looking for respect from others, which is normal but you don't need approvals bro. God places us for learning and there will come a time you may have to be somewhere else. I gave me church 12 good years at the end of which they kicked me out because I disagreed with them theologically. I don't go to church anymore but I do go to "church" people out there, who don't even have bibles and preach and teach to them, that is more important for me now than to pass a Sunday morning in a church building.

Re: I go to Cornerstone

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 11:02 pm
by neo-x
melanie wrote:Hey there YoungApolegist
We haven't met :wave:
Try to not worry what others think of you, I know sometimes it's hard. We live in a world where we are criticised continuously sometimes with merit but mostly not. Often it's a no win situation, we are told we're too quiet, too loud, too honest, not truthful enough, too harsh, too lenient, too selfish, or we let others walk all over us. No matter who we are there will be plenty of people trying to drag us down. We all want to be loved by family and respected and liked by our friends and peers but we cannot control what others think or say, but we can control how we respond to it, how we project it upon ourselves.
You have a sincerity and vulnerability that some may see as a weakness but it's your strength. You speak from the heart, that takes courage. Never apologise for who you are, and never apologise for your spiritual walk with Our Father. That is yours and yours alone, no-one has the right to say where you should praise The Almighty, for he is working in you in only a way he knows. That is where he wants you now, that may or may not change down the track. The church isn't between the bricks that man lays but within your spirit and heart. I am completely non-denominational, a Lady may walk out of a Baptist church having learnt from the Pastor to be more patient, a man out of a Presbyterian church feeling blessed and renewed by praising Jesus's name, even a Catholic can walk out having sung hymns in true worship to God and be looked favourably upon by Our Father.
Do not worry if people look down on you, think little of you, for they don't really know you. You are Gods child, so loved and very cherished. This world only knows that which is of the world, and judges us accordingly but in our love and acceptance of Jesus as our saviour we strive and try and live for the spirit. Your Father gives you strength in his name, he surrounds us in his love to walk in confidence, no matter what the world has to say HE says we are special, unique, loved and worthy.
When people look down on you and criticise you, it is their weakness and your strength in The Almighty that keeps your head held high.
God bless :)
well said :clap:

Re: I go to Cornerstone

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 8:33 am
by 1over137
neo-x wrote:YA, I think people inside cornerstone are saved people, so relax, you seem to be looking for respect from others, which is normal but you don't need approvals bro. God places us for learning and there will come a time you may have to be somewhere else. I gave me church 12 good years at the end of which they kicked me out because I disagreed with them theologically. I don't go to church anymore but I do go to "church" people out there, who don't even have bibles and preach and teach to them, that is more important for me now than to pass a Sunday morning in a church building.
And why am I so concerned about getting into church? y:-/

Re: I go to Cornerstone

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 12:31 pm
by B. W.
1over137 wrote:
neo-x wrote:YA, I think people inside cornerstone are saved people, so relax, you seem to be looking for respect from others, which is normal but you don't need approvals bro. God places us for learning and there will come a time you may have to be somewhere else. I gave me church 12 good years at the end of which they kicked me out because I disagreed with them theologically. I don't go to church anymore but I do go to "church" people out there, who don't even have bibles and preach and teach to them, that is more important for me now than to pass a Sunday morning in a church building.
And why am I so concerned about getting into church? y:-/
Well, with so many Christians out there, why are their so few Christians?

That may say it in a nutshell. I suggest begin your own bible study or prayer group and have church wherever you are at. I basically been helping to establish such groups and these grow into ministries that outreach into local communities. These are part of the Church universal but outside the established churches. We make sure the meeting times do not infringe upon any Church in the area and go from there. We train, disciple, and establish leaders to do the same within their own respective group God has drawn together for them in their locations.

One such group that I am working with now is in the Reservation of Cheyenne River at 655 No Heart... No Heart is a name of a community. In this community there is one street is known as Meth Ave... this is in the middle of the most sin ridden sad places you can imagine. Abuse,neglect, rejection, hostility, etc runs rampant. Not many Churches in the local town are even near there - so plant one at NO Heart and transform it into New Heart... such is the power of God. There are a few good churches in the area so folks can still attend these if they so desire or just come to 655. Last week, several folks were led to the Lord and others returning who lost heart.

The Leadership there is lovingly tuff and they know and understand spiritual warfare. You have to in this environment. These are the kind of places where the Lord sends me and has me assist in aiding locals to reach their own people in some of the most dangerous of places. Certainly not for the faint of heart but how God works - he grants New Hearts with courage to live and be a real Christian. So Hana, you are one such person with a new heart, so be encouraged, seek the Lord and see what He might like you to do!

Sometimes we have to step out of the established churches to restore what the Church is to be about: Why? Well, with so many Christians out there, there are so few Christians. We just need, with God's help, to turn the many into the strength of the few... that's my vision

Blessings y@};-

Re: I go to Cornerstone

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 1:07 pm
by 1over137
You now infected me with that vision. I live in a village and would like to improve it. To help, etc. I am relatively new, people do not know me. But in a long run I may be of some help.

It starts with nearest neighbors.

Well, can you guys pray for me that I one day find deep Christian friends here? I know they are here, just to come across them.

Thank you.

Re: I go to Cornerstone

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 12:15 am
by melanie
B. W. wrote:
1over137 wrote:
neo-x wrote:YA, I think people inside cornerstone are saved people, so relax, you seem to be looking for respect from others, which is normal but you don't need approvals bro. God places us for learning and there will come a time you may have to be somewhere else. I gave me church 12 good years at the end of which they kicked me out because I disagreed with them theologically. I don't go to church anymore but I do go to "church" people out there, who don't even have bibles and preach and teach to them, that is more important for me now than to pass a Sunday morning in a church building.
And why am I so concerned about getting into church? y:-/
Well, with so many Christians out there, why are their so few Christians?

That may say it in a nutshell. I suggest begin your own bible study or prayer group and have church wherever you are at. I basically been helping to establish such groups and these grow into ministries that outreach into local communities. These are part of the Church universal but outside the established churches. We make sure the meeting times do not infringe upon any Church in the area and go from there. We train, disciple, and establish leaders to do the same within their own respective group God has drawn together for them in their locations.

One such group that I am working with now is in the Reservation of Cheyenne River at 655 No Heart... No Heart is a name of a community. In this community there is one street is known as Meth Ave... this is in the middle of the most sin ridden sad places you can imagine. Abuse,neglect, rejection, hostility, etc runs rampant. Not many Churches in the local town are even near there - so plant one at NO Heart and transform it into New Heart... such is the power of God. There are a few good churches in the area so folks can still attend these if they so desire or just come to 655. Last week, several folks were led to the Lord and others returning who lost heart.

The Leadership there is lovingly tuff and they know and understand spiritual warfare. You have to in this environment. These are the kind of places where the Lord sends me and has me assist in aiding locals to reach their own people in some of the most dangerous of places. Certainly not for the faint of heart but how God works - he grants New Hearts with courage to live and be a real Christian. So Hana, you are one such person with a new heart, so be encouraged, seek the Lord and see what He might like you to do!

Sometimes we have to step out of the established churches to restore what the Church is to be about: Why? Well, with so many Christians out there, there are so few Christians. We just need, with God's help, to turn the many into the strength of the few... that's my vision

Blessings y@};-
That is really inspiring B.W
You are exactly right about the many being turned into the strength of a few and why with so many Christians are there really so few. This sentiment resonates with me on very personal level and the spiritual inspiration that Our Father has recently guided me in.
God bless you in your endeavours, and the wonderful work that you are doing in The Almighty's name.

Re: I go to Cornerstone

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 1:45 am
by 1over137
Hey B.W., a vision revisited me. I dreamed about Slovak forum but ended up as a catastrophe in my family. I guess it was not even the right time for me.
Maybe in some years I will establish a Slovak webpage with forum, ask some Christian friends to have that project with me.

In the meantime I guess I am to grow.