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Death of Christianity

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 8:20 pm
by Questfortruth
Does anybody here see Christianity dying out within the next 100 years. I'd say no. Assuming the tribulation doesn't happen within this century, I believe Christianity will still be the dominant worldview. Christians are vastly rising in Africa and China, and the U.S.A still remains over 75% Christian. I don't think Christianity is dying as a whole, but cultural Christianity is. People are now more open to share what they truly believe instead of just checking "Christian" on a survey form. It has survived for 2000 years, and it will survive until the tribulation. Think about it. There is more to being Christian than just identifying yourself as one. If I said I was a fish, am I a fish? No. The same applies here. God is with us , and if he is with us, than who could be against us?

Re: Death of Christianity

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 2:37 am
by neo-x
ah...pretty much everyone else is against us lol.

To be honest organization Christianity may die but would the personal faith of billions die away, I don't think so.

Re: Death of Christianity

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 4:08 am
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
If by ''death of Christianity'' you mean ''cease to exist'', then, no, I don't think genuine Christians will cease to exist. And people will still be coming to Christ during the Tribulation.

Perhaps we can make a parallel with Latin: the language is no longer with us, no longer a lingua franca, no longer influential, but there are plenty of individuals here & there around the world
who know Latin.

FL y~o)

Re: Death of Christianity

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 5:16 am
by PaulSacramento
I don't think the death of "corporate Christianity", that is when groups use Christianity ( or any other religion) for their own purpose, is a bad thing.
Christianity is an individual religion, it is based on one-on-one relation between the believer and Christ with NO ONE inbetween and the sooner people understand that, the better.

Re: Death of Christianity

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 6:00 am
by jlay
There is a part of Christendom that need die.

Re: Death of Christianity

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 5:00 pm
by Lonewolf
jlay wrote:There is a part of Christendom that need die.

Which part would that be, jlay?

Re: Death of Christianity

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 6:30 am
by PaulSacramento
Lonewolf wrote:
jlay wrote:There is a part of Christendom that need die.

Which part would that be, jlay?
That part that fosters hate and intolerance, the corporate part that dares to set itself up as mediator between Man and Christ.

Re: Death of Christianity

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 7:42 pm
by Lonewolf
Could Christianity have become -for lack of a better term- the dominant "religion" in the west, and through it through out the world if it hadn't been to an extent because of such religionist practices?

Re: Death of Christianity

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 6:30 am
by PaulSacramento
Lonewolf wrote:Could Christianity have become -for lack of a better term- the dominant "religion" in the west, and through it through out the world if it hadn't been to an extent because of such religionist practices?
You mean could Christianity have continued without the corporate church?
Yes, of course.
Don't forget that Christianity has SURVIVED the corporate church, the entity that gave us the inquisition, the index, the non-needed crusades ( I say non-needed because it can be argued that at least the first two WERE needed) and so forth.
So, I submit that Christianity has survived in SPITE of the many issues, not because of them.

Re: Death of Christianity

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 11:00 am
by Lonewolf
Today, this day and age as in the first century, Christianity is faced with may enemies, both here at home and abroad. Everything from secularism and atheism getting stronger in America and the West, to Revolutionary Islamic forces and movements through out the Muslim world and Europe. Not to mention the falling away occurring in the so-called Christian masses. So, would you rather operate in a world where corporate Christianity is no more, or do you prefer for there to continue to exist some form of Church allied with the State?

Re: Death of Christianity

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 12:31 pm
by PaulSacramento
Lonewolf wrote:Today, this day and age as in the first century, Christianity is faced with may enemies, both here at home and abroad. Everything from secularism and atheism getting stronger in America and the West, to Revolutionary Islamic forces and movements through out the Muslim world and Europe. Not to mention the falling away occurring in the so-called Christian masses. So, would you rather operate in a world where corporate Christianity is no more, or do you prefer for there to continue to exist some form of Church allied with the State?
Christianity is a religion of PERSONAL relationship with God.
It is a religion that is base don choice and the choice is to have a personal relationship with God or not.
The church of Christ is the body of Christ and that body/church is EVERY believer, EVERYWHERE.
It is NOT a place or corporate entity.
People may "fall away" for the organised religion that is corporate Christianity ( Christianity run by those that set themselves up between man and God) but unless they deny and reject Christ they have not fallen away from Christianity.
Christianity is not so weak as to depend on anything other than Christ and the HS to "make sure" it survives.
The issue with corporate religion is NOT doctrine or anything like that, it is when IT views ITSELF as more than ANY believer.
It isn't.