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Kundalini spirits in the Charismatic Movement.

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 12:16 pm
by Silvertusk
Ok Rick got me onto this so it is his fault.

I have been looking up the false holy spirit of the hindi cult of Kundalini and I have to say the similarities to some of the hyper charismatic practices are startling, especially the Toronto Blessings and from people like Todd Bently, Benny Hinn etc...

Has anyone else noticed this or looked into this?


Re: Kundalini spirits in the Charismatic Movement.

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 12:48 pm
by B. W.
Silvertusk wrote:Ok Rick got me onto this so it is his fault.

I have been looking up the false holy spirit of the hindi cult of Kundalini and I have to say the similarities to some of the hyper charismatic practices are startling, especially the Toronto Blessings and from people like Todd Bently, Benny Hinn etc...

Has anyone else noticed this or looked into this?

Yes, it is sad to see this and encounter this. It stains the name of Christ and robs other Christians from ever accepting the real gifts of the Holy Spirit with the result that many live under various kinds of duress instead of the fullness of Christ. It is in my opinion part of the end times deception and doctrines of demons. Their is no sanctification in these, no radical life transformation, and no renewing of the mind. My opinion of how this came into being is due to several factors such as, one, a wrong concept of Grace, two, a desire for a spiritual encounter with God, and three, a desire to see results that make evangelism based upon miraculous demonstrations that leave out the toil and commitment of discipleship involved as per Matt 28:18,19,20 injunction.

In other words as Jesus said - Father forgive them for the know not what they do - so please wake them up to this error and cause them to endure the quail you feed them so they'll repent...and return to the sweat of the plow of evangelism. Amen

Re: Kundalini spirits in the Charismatic Movement.

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 8:37 am
by Rob
Whoa, nice! I just talked about this topic on my podcast.

Its origins are in Hinduism, yes and it has also been shown in the New Age as well. I recently saw a video (from a new age perspective, no less) warning people to not try and rush into their "kundalini awakening" because it can cause very frightening experiences. He encouraged people to wait until they are spiritually "ready" to have their awakening. Scary stuff.

In regards to the Toronto Blessing. Oh boy... People rolling around on the floors, screaming like they are on fire, and acting like animals... (I mean literally like animals. You can see people being led around on leashes and behaving like dogs.)

We are supposed to be imagers of God. Would the Holy Spirit, who created us to be an Image of Himself really cause us to act like lower forms of life?
Well, I don't think God would do it, but... I can think of someone else who might.