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Christian Universalism

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 10:59 pm
by B. W.
There are several new waves of teaching within the body of Christ that are subverting sound Christian Doctrine and replacing Christian Theology with peculiar modes of thinking.

I have posted several already and please feel free to add to any of these if you so choose.

Another teaching that has a current effect on the modern Church is Christian Universalism.

Basically, Christian Universalism (CU) is a theology teaches the doctrine of universal reconciliation where all human and all fallen beings will ultimately be restored to right relationship with God in Heaven. In other words, there is no Hell or lasting Hell. In some forms of CU, hell is remedial and temporal and others eternal recompense does not exist. Christian Universalism includes a leap into a form Christian liberalism and variations of Open Theism. It also mixes other religions and blends these into a Christianity.

How has CU influenced the modern Church? Let me again give you a few questions to demonstrate how...

Have you heard of Christian Marxism or that Jesus was a socialist?

Due to God's love, there is no hell... How often do you hear teachings or sermons on eternal recompense and Hell? Most of the Church is silent on this - have you noticed?

As with Open Theism, doubts are cast on the biblical reliability and textual criticism. What influence does have on you when you come across it?

There is a - we are the world - mindset in CU sharing and teaching that is popular in the culture is okay to model in one's life ... how many Churches are going in this direction?

Though people reject CU, it has influenced the modern Church in various degrees concerning Hell so much so that you rarely hear any message on the subject. There is a slow blending of other religions into Christianity as well creating a form of Christianized Hindu philosophy. It has shaped the modern idea of love - God's love - as tolerant and permissive...

Have you seen its influence in the modern Church?

Re: Christian Universalism

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 4:17 pm
by Lonewolf
CU is everywhere among the average goody-two-shoes human theological minds of this day and age, hence the reason why CU is so popular among so-called Christian churches and church goers., Hence the reason why there’s so many so called right-teaching and therefore so many denominations, cults and wolf churches disguised as true disciples., People follow whatever feels good to them., they’re not one’s to follow solid doctrine that contradicts their lifestyles nor their own philosophies., CU teaches a Universal"ism" of being one with whatever or with whomever or however the other person(s) thinks it’s ok to be good like., be one with the same fallen mind., CU doesn't teach Christ, nope, CU teaches fallen angels spirituality., it teaches that it’s alright to think and be different in worldly terms, never ever really considering the cause or effect of their thoughts and actions., CU teaches that all will be ok after all is said and done with and that God will understand; therefore He will not condemn their ill thinking and actions., CU is a feel good gospel., it is not a gospel of sacrifice., it is not a gospel of confrontation., it is not a gospel of recognition of sin., it is not a gospel of suffering., it is a gospel of modern ascetics, but not One of true Living in Christ as Christ Lives in One., CU tends to confuse this world’s love for each others perversions in contrast to Christ Jesus love for God’s commandments!

Re: Christian Universalism

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 10:09 am
by B. W.
Lonewolf wrote:CU is everywhere among the average goody-two-shoes human theological minds of this day and age, hence the reason why CU is so popular among so-called Christian churches and church goers., Hence the reason why there’s so many so called right-teaching and therefore so many denominations, cults and wolf churches disguised as true disciples., People follow whatever feels good to them., they’re not one’s to follow solid doctrine that contradicts their lifestyles nor their own philosophies., CU teaches a Universal"ism" of being one with whatever or with whomever or however the other person(s) thinks it’s ok to be good like., be one with the same fallen mind., CU doesn't teach Christ, nope, CU teaches fallen angels spirituality., it teaches that it’s alright to think and be different in worldly terms, never ever really considering the cause or effect of their thoughts and actions., CU teaches that all will be ok after all is said and done with and that God will understand; therefore He will not condemn their ill thinking and actions., CU is a feel good gospel., it is not a gospel of sacrifice., it is not a gospel of confrontation., it is not a gospel of recognition of sin., it is not a gospel of suffering., it is a gospel of modern ascetics, but not One of true Living in Christ as Christ Lives in One., CU tends to confuse this world’s love for each others perversions in contrast to Christ Jesus love for God’s commandments!
Some of the themes of CU have moved into mainline churches and teachers as well and in my opinion infected the biblical doctrine of grace as well stretching it to an unhealthy area for one's spiritual growth.

Re: Christian Universalism

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 10:15 pm
by Lonewolf
Have you heard of Christian Marxism or that Jesus was a socialist?
^ ^ Liberation Theology comes to mind.

Due to God's love, there is no hell... How often do you hear teachings or sermons on eternal recompense and Hell? Most of the Church is silent on this - have you noticed?
I have the most trouble with the teaching of "hell" as an eternal place of torment, and although I do tend to believe that God will ultimately "reconcile all things to Himself," the reconciliation itself does not necessarily mean that everyone, including the fallen angels will once again be with God in heaven/paradise.

Although I have trouble understanding or adhering to the orthodox teaching on these two subjects, I however by no means consider myself a Christian Universalist.

Re: Christian Universalism

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 5:17 pm
by Lonewolf
fROM ~>
What is Christian Universalism? Christian universalism is a belief in the simple Bible truth that Jesus Christ is the "Lamb who takes away the sin of the world." He is the promised Messiah of whom the prophets of the Old Covenant foresaw; Jesus is the Savior of the world, He is the "Second Adam," through Whom all mankind will be restored to God's original image, He is the only way to the Father, the only begotton Son of God Who gave His life for the world. We believe He is king and judge of the universe, and owner of all Creation, and that His purpose for the ages (aions) is to bring all things under His government and reconciled with Himself.

We believe that through His death, burial and resurrection, Jesus will save all mankind and restore all things. As Christ Himself said, "If I be lifted up (crucified) I will draw all men to me" (as also prophesied in Psalm 22). Jesus is the Name before which every man, woman and child, from all of human history will bow before and declare that He is Lord. At that day, the prophesied "restoration of all things" shall come to pass, and of the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end.

In the Greek New Testament, this teaching was called apokatastasis. Over the centuries, men and women used many different terms to describe this glorious teaching including ultimate reconciliation, universalism, Christian Universalism, Biblical Universalism, universal salvation, universal restoration, universal reconciliation, the larger hope, the greater faith, the doctrine of inclusion, Paul called it "The Glorious Gospel," and "his gospel." The founders of Tentmaker Ministries, Gary and Michelle Amirault (and the behind the scenes web-manager, Karen Rowland), prefer the phrase "The Victorious Gospel of Jesus Christ."The term focuses on Jesus Christ, the importance of the gospel and Christ's ultimate victory. Tentmake Ministries is in the process of publishing a New Testament translation with that name.

While the early American Universalists embraced a biblical Christian version of universalism, when it merged with the Unitarian denomination, it became a non-christian organization. It is unfortunate this has happened. This is one of the reasons many Christians who embrace the teaching of the salvation of all mankind do not like to use the words "universalism" and do not like to be called a "universalist." But the term has always had a derogatory slant on it....

Re: Christian Universalism

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 6:39 pm
by Lonewolf
3. Universalism mostly begins with Origen of Alexandria.

Read ~> ... salism.php