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excellent NDE presentation by Doctor William Guy

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 3:06 pm
by bippy123

Re: excellent NDE presentation by Doctor William Guy

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 7:01 am
by PaulSacramento
Can you give us the summary of what he says?

Re: excellent NDE presentation by Doctor William Guy

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 8:49 pm
by bippy123
PaulSacramento wrote:Can you give us the summary of what he says?
Paul what he says is that veridical nde's give tremendous anecdotal evidences that the mind is not the brain, that people have had many veridical nde's that were verified by outside witnesses, and that while nde's don't prove God per say, it makes perfect sense that if there are souls that survive death that it is perfectly reasonable to assume that there is an ultimate soul that started it all.

He also gives many examples of veridical nde's that were brought to him when he was a doctor and when he was a psychiatrist that are impossible to explain by materialistic means.

Re: excellent NDE presentation by Doctor William Guy

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 9:59 pm
by B. W.
bippy123 wrote:
PaulSacramento wrote:Can you give us the summary of what he says?
Paul what he says is that veridical nde's give tremendous anecdotal evidences that the mind is not the brain, that people have had many veridical nde's that were verified by outside witnesses, and that while nde's don't prove God per say, it makes perfect sense that if there are souls that survive death that it is perfectly reasonable to assume that there is an ultimate soul that started it all.

He also gives many examples of veridical nde's that were brought to him when he was a doctor and when he was a psychiatrist that are impossible to explain by materialistic means.
Thank you for giving the summery as I could only look at the beginning clip only briefly. I remember mine while being rushed to the hospital, floating above the vehicle, watching my neighbor run several red lights and saw what looked like a 1963 white Ford Galaxie almost hit the us all the while - while floating above cab of the truck a few feet. I mentioned this to my neighbor afterwards and he could not understand how I saw anything as I was slumped over - unconscious... at the time. I let it drop and never mentioned it again. I still remember it as plain as day and even more scenes on the way to the hospital clearly even after all these years. Another intersection, a bark blue car honked at as after slamming on the breaks because my neighbor, after stopping at a light, saw me, and floored it through the intersection and a few other things too - people waiting at a bus stop...

Re: excellent NDE presentation by Doctor William Guy

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 11:13 pm
by bippy123
B. W. wrote:
bippy123 wrote:
PaulSacramento wrote:Can you give us the summary of what he says?
Paul what he says is that veridical nde's give tremendous anecdotal evidences that the mind is not the brain, that people have had many veridical nde's that were verified by outside witnesses, and that while nde's don't prove God per say, it makes perfect sense that if there are souls that survive death that it is perfectly reasonable to assume that there is an ultimate soul that started it all.

He also gives many examples of veridical nde's that were brought to him when he was a doctor and when he was a psychiatrist that are impossible to explain by materialistic means.
Thank you for giving the summery as I could only look at the beginning clip only briefly. I remember mine while being rushed to the hospital, floating above the vehicle, watching my neighbor run several red lights and saw what looked like a 1963 white Ford Galaxie almost hit the us all the while - while floating above cab of the truck a few feet. I mentioned this to my neighbor afterwards and he could not understand how I saw anything as I was slumped over - unconscious... at the time. I let it drop and never mentioned it again. I still remember it as plain as day and even more scenes on the way to the hospital clearly even after all these years. Another intersection, a bark blue car honked at as after slamming on the breaks because my neighbor, after stopping at a light, saw me, and floored it through the intersection and a few other things too - people waiting at a bus stop...
Wow, BW that must have been an amazing experience.
What did it feel like being out of your body? Did you feel anything? were your senses heightened ? and how did you move? By thought or some other way?
Veridical NDE's are the type of NDE's that atheists tend to ignore because they have no material explanation for them.
Amazing stuff :)

Re: excellent NDE presentation by Doctor William Guy

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 8:26 am
by B. W.
bippy123 wrote:
B. W. wrote:
bippy123 wrote:
PaulSacramento wrote:Can you give us the summary of what he says?
Paul what he says is that veridical nde's give tremendous anecdotal evidences that the mind is not the brain, that people have had many veridical nde's that were verified by outside witnesses, and that while nde's don't prove God per say, it makes perfect sense that if there are souls that survive death that it is perfectly reasonable to assume that there is an ultimate soul that started it all.

He also gives many examples of veridical nde's that were brought to him when he was a doctor and when he was a psychiatrist that are impossible to explain by materialistic means.
Thank you for giving the summery as I could only look at the beginning clip only briefly. I remember mine while being rushed to the hospital, floating above the vehicle, watching my neighbor run several red lights and saw what looked like a 1963 white Ford Galaxie almost hit the us all the while - while floating above cab of the truck a few feet. I mentioned this to my neighbor afterwards and he could not understand how I saw anything as I was slumped over - unconscious... at the time. I let it drop and never mentioned it again. I still remember it as plain as day and even more scenes on the way to the hospital clearly even after all these years. Another intersection, a bark blue car honked at as after slamming on the breaks because my neighbor, after stopping at a light, saw me, and floored it through the intersection and a few other things too - people waiting at a bus stop...
Wow, BW that must have been an amazing experience.
What did it feel like being out of your body? Did you feel anything? were your senses heightened ? and how did you move? By thought or some other way?
Veridical NDE's are the type of NDE's that atheists tend to ignore because they have no material explanation for them.
Amazing stuff :)
Well, how can you explain it ? It is like waking up to a new day, however, you are more alive and things are visually more acute and sharp. There are new sounds you hear. Basically you feel more alive. In this life, when we first wake up, we are a bit groggy for a few minutes. It is like that - waking up and your senses coming into focus after a bit. The new senses are more clear and sharp and you are more alive - really alive in a manner that I find very difficult to explain. Best thing is, you don't need glasses to see!

When I passed, in the duplex apartment before the ride to the Hospital, as I mentioned in my book, I floated in the room above my body and noted a painter's finger print in the upward fold of ceiling texture. You can't see it, unless you had a ladder, know where to look, and press your face sideways against the ceiling to see it. It is there. Then the part not in the book about the Swamp Cooler on the roof is another - For those who do not know what a swamp Cooler is click here. After the event, I went had to change the filter and the bailing wire and bandanna used to secure the access panel was there as I saw before as I passed previously through the roof into the darkness mentioned in the book. These were used by someone because the holes for the screws were striped out. You cannot see the access port from anywhere ground level due to the installation technique of that cooler as it was set a bit inside the roof due to the roof's slope so it would be level. The access port faced the peak of the roof. You see things like that and then poof - you really come alive after that!

As I say often when speaking on this subject - it was more terrifying to stand before the Lord, being judged - uncovered - thoughts and intents of the heart exposed than what occurred afterward, as frightening as that was, it can't compare standing before the Lord as a sinner. With that, people need Jesus Christ to be spared this and Christ died for our sins so we can dwell with him in his goodness forever. Without him, there is no salvation. What happened to Jesus after the last supper exposes what really is in the human heart without question. So for others who may read this, please read Matthew chapters 26 and 27 soon. As you read please ask yourself how you have done the same, and similar things to family, friends, strangers, acquaintances, co-workers, spouse, yourself, and, yes, even God.

Come to Christ Jesus today, and pray as Jesus tells how in Luke 18:13, "God, be merciful to me, the sinner!” it is that simple…

Re: excellent NDE presentation by Doctor William Guy

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 10:36 pm
by bippy123
Amen my friend :). Wow what an amazing experience u had :amen: . Sorry I didn't respond sooner as my thoughts and prayers were totally focused on my dad
I cant wait till the day I see Jesus. Im gonna give him the biggest HUG y>:D< and tell him ty for being my Lord and my Savior :)

Re: excellent NDE presentation by Doctor William Guy

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 10:39 pm
by 1over137
bippy123 wrote:Amen my friend :). Wow what an amazing experience u had :amen: . Sorry I didn't respond sooner as my thoughts and prayers were totally focused on my dad
I cant wait till the day I see Jesus. Im gonna give him the biggest HUG y>:D< and tell him ty for being my Lord and my Savior :)

Re: excellent NDE presentation by Doctor William Guy

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2014 12:54 am
by Starhunter
The mind has other capabilities not fully recognized, which have to do with the chemical communications through a wide range of hormones, of which there have been over 200 identified.

The normal function of nerves has to do with electrical charges enabled by chemical reactions.

If these main electrical functions cease, the hormonal functions are still able to operate, creating all kinds of mental activity, some of which are fairly predictable and common such as in near death experiences.

The chemical or hormonal communications are used by the brain all the time, especially when we are dreaming. They are also capable of giving the human mind extra ordinary thought abilities, one of which is to be able to fairly accurately visualize events which only have a couple of stimuli of incoming facts, either before the loss of consciousness or after.

This does not mean that when a person is declared clinically dead that they continue to live, because it is only when the mind receives the electrical nerve function that these chemical exchanges are processed by the mind and set down as a memory.

Some people who have had some brain damage, are able to perform astounding feats in memory, construction, maths, artwork, language, dancing, music and science. They used to be called idiot servants, but now only servants, as we discovered who the real idiots were.

The brain is able to fathom the past, present and future to some extent. In animals this ability is sometimes named instinct.

Human instinct has been highly developed in some native tribes, but other modern cultures wiped those abilities away, with the people of course.

One of those instincts, is to be able to 'see' the world from an aerial point of view, with detail.

Another ability is to be able to reconstruct events, like the movement and actions of other people, from simple items like the position of a tree, the size of a room, the instruments in the room, the clothing people are wearing etc. It is like an ultra detective.

All these basic instincts have been lost though time, and will be given back on the day of the resurrection.

It is a broad and interesting topic on its own.

Re: excellent NDE presentation by Doctor William Guy

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2014 2:53 am
by 1over137
Part from B.W.'s post
When I passed, in the duplex apartment before the ride to the Hospital, as I mentioned in my book, I floated in the room above my body and noted a painter's finger print in the upward fold of ceiling texture. You can't see it, unless you had a ladder, know where to look, and press your face sideways against the ceiling to see it. It is there.
It's not just about better senses. You would need ladder to see the print.

Re: excellent NDE presentation by Doctor William Guy

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 5:23 pm
by B. W.
1over137 wrote:Part from B.W.'s post
When I passed, in the duplex apartment before the ride to the Hospital, as I mentioned in my book, I floated in the room above my body and noted a painter's finger print in the upward fold of ceiling texture. You can't see it, unless you had a ladder, know where to look, and press your face sideways against the ceiling to see it. It is there.
It's not just about better senses. You would need ladder to see the print.
Yes, I used a ladder! :lol:

Re: excellent NDE presentation by Doctor William Guy

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 7:59 pm
by bippy123
B. W. wrote:
1over137 wrote:Part from B.W.'s post
When I passed, in the duplex apartment before the ride to the Hospital, as I mentioned in my book, I floated in the room above my body and noted a painter's finger print in the upward fold of ceiling texture. You can't see it, unless you had a ladder, know where to look, and press your face sideways against the ceiling to see it. It is there.
It's not just about better senses. You would need ladder to see the print.
Yes, I used a ladder! :lol:
A Spiritual Ladder :mrgreen: