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islam vs christianity

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 11:53 am
by WannaLearn
If considering christianity from a muslims point of view what should he know about christianity. And why christianity than islam? Why should I believe in the bible and not continue the quran, what makes the bible more legit.

Re: islam vs christianity

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 12:07 pm
by PaulSacramento
That's a pretty big question there.

Why the Bible and not the Quran?
Why Christianity and not Islam?

Oivay !

Re: islam vs christianity

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 1:09 pm
by Byblos
WannaLearn wrote:If considering christianity from a muslims point of view what should he know about christianity. And why christianity than islam? Why should I believe in the bible and not continue the quran, what makes the bible more legit.
Because Jesus proved who he claimed to be and he said there will be no more revelation after him, making Islam a false religion.

Re: islam vs christianity

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 1:14 pm
by B. W.
WannaLearn wrote:If considering christianity from a muslims point of view what should he know about christianity. And why christianity than islam? Why should I believe in the bible and not continue the quran, what makes the bible more legit.
Let's see... Islam...

"To those who believe and do deeds of righteousness hath Allah promised forgiveness and a great reward," Surah 5:9

"O you who believe! If you are careful of your duty to Allah, He will grant you a distinction and do away with your evils and forgive you; and Allah is the Lord of mighty grace," Surah 8:29

"Then those whose balance (of good deeds) is heavy, they will be successful. But those whose balance is light, will be those who have lost their souls; in hell will they abide," Qur'an 23:102-103

Salvation is based upon works and these works are at best if'y because one wrong move, deed, and wham you are out of Allah luck...

Christianity on the other hand is based upon the work of Jesus Christ and what he accomplished.

One is saved by God's grace and not by their good works, Eph 2:8,9. Salvation is God's work - our works cannot save us - only God - Gal 2:21

That is the big difference between the two. Also a tree is known by its fruit and the fruit of Islam is not good - 911 -

Re: islam vs christianity

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 6:37 pm
by Lonewolf
I'm sure I have a huge misunderstanding of what Islam is and teaches, and frankly speaking most of what I have come to learn of Islam is because of what other non-muslims say, and/or what the media projects. But the one huge diff that I see as fundamental to believing what the Bible teaches, as opposed to what the quran teaches, is "salvation by grace," because truly no one can save themselves from their sinful state. The Bible has a detailed record of God's plan for redemtion, the quran does not. The Bible shows a lineage of prophets and people of God who spoke as one of the One to come and fulfill God's plan of redemption, the quran doesn't. The Bible records our Lord Christ being a perfect man, abiding by all of God's commandments, and sacrificing himself even unto death in obedience to God's love for us; and He never hurt a fly. Mohammed on the other hand was not spoken about by the long lineage of prophets, and he was nowhere near being a perfect man, neither did he sacrifice himself for our sake, and who knows how many countless lives have gone under forced conversion by his followers since their religious beginning. I'm not by any means saying that false-Christiany hasn't had its share in bloody conversions and wars, but that was not committed by neither Jesus nor the Apostles. These are key to why I believe the Bible and not no other book or teachings., And then there's one more that I must point out to, and that is the HS who teaches me and comforts me, and helps me to see where others don't see.

Re: islam vs christianity

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 9:00 pm
by WannaLearn
Ok some of these longer posts are good but thats not what im re ally looking for. Yall are pointing out big differenfes between the spirtual part but is there like any external and historical parts or evidences making one book more reliable than the other? And a muslim would probably be thinkin which story he should believe, the story of Mohammad or Jesus? Because what yall are explaining each one has big differences but how do you know which one is telling the truth?

Re: islam vs christianity

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 9:41 pm
by SeekingSanctuary
Okay, basically this is my view:

For each one there are three options (keep in mind my knowledge of Islam is limited). They are lying, insane, or telling the truth.

To lie one must have a motive, or a profitable reason. Jesus was crucified and gained nothing. Muhammad became effective royalty, from a merchant to running an army. Depending on the form of Islam, his family was to inherit the Caliphate like royalty.

To be insane we must have outside evidence. Jesus shows no outside evidence of madness, everything he sees others experience. In fact, many of these experiences he wants kept quiet for a time. There for, nothing he experiences can be considered hallucinations. He shows no symptoms. Muhammad claimed to see Gabriel and many of his experiences are visions, these visions are accompanied by spasms, growling, sweating, foaming of the mouth. He was having seizures. He also died of a headache, implying a brain tumor.

To tell the truth there must be collaborative evidence. Jesus performed miracles (I'll skip the list) and matched prophecies. In fact, based on the early writings of the Church Fathers, namely St Origin (the main site talks about this) the counter claim of Jesus was his miracles were black magic he learned in Egypt, no one claiming he didn't do them. He showed Godlike knowledge and wisdom from a young age. Meanwhile, Muhammad never performed miracles. Ever. There are traditions, and a single interpretations of a single line that might imply miracle. Nothing else. Nada.

So... you don't even need to question the authenticity of the texts, just at face value one shows the story of a God one is either a fraud, nuts, or both. Of course, I have read a total of maybe two pages of the Koran and this is all secondhand knowledge, if anyone wishes to correct me, go a head.

Re: islam vs christianity

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 3:34 am
by 1over137
I once attended seminar about Quran vs Bible - whether one can reconstruct original text. One cannot trace down the very source of Quran. There are variations, more sources.

I also found these links

Re: islam vs christianity

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 4:47 am
by PaulSacramento
Guys, the OP said this:
If considering christianity from a muslims point of view
Right there is the issue.
From the Muslim POV Christianity is impossible because God can NOT be incarnate, ie: Christ can not be God in any way, shape or form ( or nature).
First one must disprove Islam before one can prove Christianity as a valid position.

Re: islam vs christianity

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 9:32 am
by Jac3510
WannaLearn wrote:is there like any external and historical parts or evidences making one book more reliable than the other?
Refer to Byblos' post above. Jesus proved to be who He said He was by His resurrection. And that is a matter of the historical record. I would very strongly encourage you to look into the historical evidence for the resurrection of Jesus. There's a good bit of that discussion on this board and on the main site. If you've never looked into it in any detail, a good starting place (given it's popular level) is The Case for Christ by Strobel. Beyond that, I would recommend to you Jesus Under Fire, edited by Wilkin and Moreland, the much longer and more detailed The Resurrection of the Son of God by N. T. Wright, and the more recent and extremely helpful The Resurrection of Jesus: A New Historiographical Approach by Mike Licona. I can tell you with all seriousness, having studied this in a lot of detail, that the resurrection of Jesus is one of the most well attested historical facts from antiquity. It's very easy to say that if you reject it from a historical perspective, then you are far and away obligated by the same historical standards to reject anything and everything Islam claims, up to and including the very existence of Muhammed himself.

Re: islam vs christianity

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 10:02 am
by PaulSacramento
To Echo Jac, this book is very, very good:
The Resurrection of Jesus: A New Historiographical Approach by Mike Licona

The issue is however, like I posted above, before we get to the validity of Christianity we must first deal with the fact that the person IS a Muslim.

Re: islam vs christianity

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 1:13 am
by EachNewDawn
Here's an article I recently read, about how the Qur'an affirms the Christian and Jewish Scripture and claims that Muhammad was prophesied in them, but that the theology of the two books are at odds with each other, and there aren't really any prophecies for Muhammad in the Bible. http://www.christianapologeticsalliance ... rd-of-god/

Re: islam vs christianity

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 3:35 pm
by Lonewolf
EachNewDawn wrote:Here's an article I recently read, about how the Qur'an affirms the Christian and Jewish Scripture and claims that Muhammad was prophesied in them, but that the theology of the two books are at odds with each other, and there aren't really any prophecies for Muhammad in the Bible. http://www.christianapologeticsalliance ... rd-of-god/
There it is ^ ^ what more can you argue for if you're for muhammad? He was never part of the plan of redemption from the get go.