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Thank you for your comments.

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 11:57 am
by Domenic
I have had dialogue with many on this forum. We do not agreed on many issues. The comments such as troll, lost in my sin, are becoming nothing but attacks. I have been serving father for longer than most of you have been alive. I am not saying any of you are wrong in what you believe…just that we do not agree on many major issues. I know you will not change, nor will I unless father tell me to.
So with that said, I kick the dust from my feet.


Re: Thank you for your comments.

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 12:11 pm
by RickD
Out before the ban...

Re: Thank you for your comments.

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 4:53 pm
by Lonewolf
Domenic wrote:I have had dialogue with many on this forum. We do not agreed on many issues. The comments such as troll, lost in my sin, are becoming nothing but attacks. I have been serving father for longer than most of you have been alive. I am not saying any of you are wrong in what you believe…just that we do not agree on many major issues. I know you will not change, nor will I unless father tell me to.
So with that said, I kick the dust from my feet.

Dom, my friend, I'd like to converse and exchange thoughts with you on subject topics, so stick around and don't give it up like that, that quick., you may be have been around serving the Lord longer than some have been born, but remember, the first will be last and the last can be first.

Re: Thank you for your comments.

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 11:50 pm
by 1over137
Domenic wrote:I have had dialogue with many on this forum. We do not agreed on many issues. The comments such as troll, lost in my sin, are becoming nothing but attacks. I have been serving father for longer than most of you have been alive. I am not saying any of you are wrong in what you believe…just that we do not agree on many major issues. I know you will not change, nor will I unless father tell me to.
So with that said, I kick the dust from my feet.

James 1:19-20 ESV
Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God.

May God bless you in your further journey

Re: Thank you for your comments.

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 7:10 am
by melanie
I would also like you to stay Domenic
Although I can see why you wouldn't want too, you have just been threatened with a ban for reasons that completely escape me. At no point in time has this man done anything to warrant a ban, perhaps his tone in a previous post may have warranted a warning but under those conditions I think warnings should have been given to more than just Dom.
It has been stated previously that no-one has the right to question someone's interpretation of scripture as being wrong or unbiblical otherwise they will get banned, this was done in regards to YEC, so can someone please tell me why this is occurring on here in regards to other interpretations??
Which one is it? If you say someone interpretation of creation is unbiblical you can get banned, but that principal in the light of transparency and fairness should be across the board, not just in regards to creation.
But then we have a situation where someone must state their stance on the trinity, to assume "how long they will last here"
If their interpretation differs they are ripped over the coals for stating their belief and told that they will not last here and now get banned for such variations of beliefs, something is not right here!! By the standard used to warn YEC, for questioning an interpretation as unbiblical, then they should not be threatened with a ban, infact the person attacking their stance should be if you use the same standard.
I don't like it
I don't like people having to with demands express their opinion of God and the Trinity (it is valid to believe that Jesus is the Son of God, our redeemer, who sits on the right hand side of God, Our Messiah, Our King, but not think he is actually God the Father) they are not JW, they do not belong to cults, come on it's their interpretation and they are entitled to it, just as you are entitled to not agree
Statements are made like "tell us what you believe in regards to Trinity" ect to determine "how long you will last" and you wonder why they won't answer? This type of interaction is why people don't stick around on this forum and it's a shame.
People need to learn you don't have to agree to still converse with a spirit of love and understanding
If Dom gets banned under the premise of what has occurred then ban me also, for it is not warranted, far from it, and I don't want to part of anything that conducts themselves in such a manner.
It's not fair and it's not right!

Re: Thank you for your comments.

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 8:12 am
by RickD

You haven't been here long enough to understand what's been going on. So let me explain a little. This forum has a board purpose that was set up to help keep the discussions from getting out of hand. So this board doesn't become like many other boards where there's unbelievers who come here to attack Christianity. This board is primarily a Christian board. A place where believers can discuss what's on their mind. Of course unbelievers are more than welcome to participate, as long as they play by the rules.

Not too long before you joined, we had a few people join who just kept arguing against essential Christian beliefs. It just got out of hand. We have no problem discussing these things. It just becomes a problem when people come here and push their unbiblical beliefs. From the board purpose:
This board is not for those who have strongly made up their mind that Christ is "not" for them; who merely wish to put down, debate, and argue against essential Christian beliefs. As such, those who are Christian, have not made up their minds, or desire civilised discussions on Christianity are encouraged to join, while others who merely wish to attack and try to discredit Christianity are discouraged and will be heavily moderated.
As you can see, if you've been following Domenic's posts, he's arguing against the deity of Christ. Which is probably the most basic, fundamental Christian belief. This is not the forum for people to argue for, and promote false gospels, and false christs.

Once someone shows they're not open to the truth about who Christ is, and what he had done, it quickly becomes out of hand.

And FYI, I wasn't threatening Dom with a ban. I was just stating what was going to happen if he continued to promote his false christ. Since I've been here, without exception, everyone who came here to promote something unbiblical, has either left on his own, has been banned, or has accepted correction from those here and continued as a member.

Domenic or anyone else who is here to argue against essential Christian beliefs, is on a short leash.

If you have any questions, please feel free to pm me.

Re: Thank you for your comments.

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 8:24 am
by Domenic
RickD wrote:Melanie,

You haven't been here long enough to understand what's been going on. So let me explain a little. This forum has a board purpose that was set up to help keep the discussions from getting out of hand. So this board doesn't become like many other boards where there's unbelievers who come here to attack Christianity. This board is primarily a Christian board. A place where believers can discuss what's on their mind. Of course unbelievers are more than welcome to participate, as long as they play by the rules.

Not too long before you joined, we had a few people join who just kept arguing against essential Christian beliefs. It just got out of hand. We have no problem discussing these things. It just becomes a problem when people come here and push their unbiblical beliefs. From the board purpose:
This board is not for those who have strongly made up their mind that Christ is "not" for them; who merely wish to put down, debate, and argue against essential Christian beliefs. As such, those who are Christian, have not made up their minds, or desire civilised discussions on Christianity are encouraged to join, while others who merely wish to attack and try to discredit Christianity are discouraged and will be heavily moderated.
As you can see, if you've been following Domenic's posts, he's arguing against the deity of Christ. Which is probably the most basic, fundamental Christian belief. This is not the forum for people to argue for, and promote false gospels, and false christs.

Once someone shows they're not open to the truth about who Christ is, and what he had done, it quickly becomes out of hand.

And FYI, I wasn't threatening Dom with a ban. I was just stating what was going to happen if he continued to promote his false christ. Since I've been here, without exception, everyone who came here to promote something unbiblical, has either left on his own, has been banned, or has accepted correction from those here and continued as a member.

Domenic or anyone else who is here to argue against essential Christian beliefs, is on a short leash.

If you have any questions, please feel free to pm me.

Re: Thank you for your comments.

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 9:00 am
by neo-x
Thank God we no longer burn people at the stake for heresies (pun intended)...calm down Dom. No one can actually give glory to God nor can anyone take it away. You deny Christ as the only begotten son of God, what kind of a reaction you were hoping you'd get?

Re: Thank you for your comments.

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 9:44 am
by melanie
Thanks for response Rick
I get what your saying. I have only had one other experience with any online Christian Forum it was a bit different in being that it was a FB page. The short time I was there I became very disillusioned, there were people claiming all kinds of unbiblical nonsense and it was dangerous. There were gnostic Christians who were putting forward that Jesus was married, there were others claiming that marijuana wasn't an issue for Christians to have, there were also others that were there to cause divide. One particular man had a picture on his wall of Baphomet with the disciples at the last supper eating Jesus and they were covered in blood, it was the most horrible, vile thing I have ever seen, he also had other pics clearly showing he was a satanist. I immediately left, then Shawn the guy who had created the page asked me why I had left, I told him why and he asked me to return, I was reluctant but I did. I openly addressed the issues, told everyone to look at this mans FB page, I also said how wrong and dangerous it was to suggest lies like Jesus being married to Mary Magdelene, I expressed my views on gnostic Christianity and I was ridiculed and abused. I was even told that maybe the man was a bit lost on his path and as Christians we should embrace everybody, I told them to wake up that only a satanist would have such a vile picture and he had no place being there. I wasn't very popular for telling people their salvation was at stake if they didn't stick to sound doctrine. Then Shawn apologised to me, told me he really did agree with me but said that I would have to leave, that quite a few others were threatening to leave because of me and he wanted to build his page in numbers and people didn't like that I was questioning them, I told him I would gladly leave but warned him that his page would do the opposite to what he intended if all he was interested about was numbers and that what was occurring would lead people down unbiblical dangerous paths.
When I came here I liked that that kind of blasphemy and false doctrine would never be tolerated. That this was a place where Christians could interact with each other in truth of Gods word. I understand to keep it like that certain measures have to be in place.
But the Trinity is a tricky subject, I have heard many slightly differing interpretations. The Trinity doctrine itself was introduced by the early church, by vote because of the debate surrounding it. The Catholic Church was founded on the belief of the Trinity. It is not mentioned as such in the bible, people interpret it to do so, but the actual Trinity doctrine was introduced by man.
My mother holds a very similar view to Domenic, she believes in God the Father, Jesus the Messiah Son of God and the HS. She is non denominational. She does not like to use the word Trinity as it doesn't appear in the bible, but she holds a belief very similar to the Trinity but also to Dom. It is her interpretation, but she believes in the Almighty, she believes in Jesus as our Saviour, and one must believe in the death and resurrection to be saved and she believes in HS. I am not going to question and say she believes in a false Christ because she doesn't speak of the Trinity in that term, a name for the Father, Jesus and HS coined by the Catholic Church. Dom has never said he believes in a false Christ, you have assumed that because his interpretation is different, I don't think it is taking anything away from Jesus, his sacrifice or his promise of salvation. The 'church' has drummed into our heads we must believe in this particular way to be saved, it must be the 'churches' coined Trinity interpretation otherwise every other biblical belief a person has falls by the wayside. I say that's rubbish. When you take Jesus as king and Saviour in your heart, mind and spirit and believe and trust in God as our Creator and Father you are saved. If you start talking about Jesus being just a prophet like Moses and merely a man that is a whole other kettle of fish, but that is not what Dom is saying.
My mum is the most selfless, honest, kindest most generous person and Christian I know. She is odd and eccentric but she has dedicated her life to God. She is unlike any other I have ever come across. I used to think she was pretty bonkers, but I understand her now. She owns very little, she would literally give the shirt of her back, I have seen her many times give away the last 20 bucks she had, she has accumulated nothing in this life as she gives it all away to others. She doesn't live for this world, it used to annoy me greatly! She doesn't watch TV or movies, she doesn't own or use a computer, she has never owned a mobile phone. Now she doesn't have a car, she always dresses in a way that covers herself. She wasn't always like that, she was very beautiful, had a boob job in the early 70's and got alot of attention for her beauty but she is very different now. I have never caught her out in a lie or half-truth. The sabbath for her is a Saturday and she follows it. She is so very loving and kind and caring. She is gentle and peaceful. She spends all time in her garden with her animals and with God. She doesn't make any decisions in life without speaking to Our Father first. She is happy and content and wants for nothing. She is not afraid of death or dying. She has dedicated her life to God. It used to embarrass me now it inspires me.
Rick you cannot say she is trusting in a false Christ because she holds a different interpretation to you, if you met her you would understand what I mean.

Re: Thank you for your comments.

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 1:02 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
melanie wrote:But the Trinity is a tricky subject, I have heard many slightly differing interpretations. The Trinity doctrine itself was introduced by the early church, by vote because of the debate surrounding it. The Catholic Church was founded on the belief of the Trinity. It is not mentioned as such in the bible, people interpret it to do so, but the actual Trinity doctrine was introduced by man.
The Trinity is biblical. I think it is time - again - for someone to provide a link to B.W.'s excellent thread, The Old Testament Concept of God in the Christian Theology Forum.


Re: Thank you for your comments.

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 1:32 pm
by Domenic
Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:
melanie wrote:But the Trinity is a tricky subject, I have heard many slightly differing interpretations. The Trinity doctrine itself was introduced by the early church, by vote because of the debate surrounding it. The Catholic Church was founded on the belief of the Trinity. It is not mentioned as such in the bible, people interpret it to do so, but the actual Trinity doctrine was introduced by man.
The Trinity is biblical. I think it is time - again - for someone to provide a link to B.W.'s excellent thread, The Old Testament Concept of God in the Christian Theology Forum.


Re: Thank you for your comments.

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 1:33 pm
by Philip
Yes, that Jesus is also God is well-established in Scripture. That the Holy Spirit is also God is clear as well. And so here's the question: If Jesus is also God (and He IS), can one who puts his faith in a Jesus who is not also God, truly be placing his faith IN GOD to save him? I say no, as then you are placing faith, not in God, but in a false, man-made, invented, UNBIBLICAL Christ who has no power to save.

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

"And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth."

"I and the Father are one." The Jews took up stones again to stone Him. "

In fact, THIS is the very reason the religious leaders wanted to kill Jesus, because He had claimed to be God.

"For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form."

Re: Thank you for your comments.

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 1:45 pm
by RickD

As I can see this is a very personal issue with you, I don't want to say too much. I think philip's last post summed it up well.

Melanie wrote:
Rick you cannot say she is trusting in a false Christ because she holds a different interpretation to you, if you met her you would understand what I mean.
I don't say she's trusting in a false christ because her interpretation is different. The biblical Christ is God. If anyone is trusting in a Christ who is not God, then he's trusting in someone other than God for salvation. Do you see the issue with that? Only God can save. So if someone's christ is a created being, someone is worshiping something created, not the creator.

Re: Thank you for your comments.

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 2:07 pm
by Domenic
Philip wrote:Yes, that Jesus is also God is well-established in Scripture. That the Holy Spirit is also God is clear as well. And so here's the question: If Jesus is also God (and He IS), can one who puts his faith in a Jesus who is not also God, truly be placing his faith IN GOD to save him? I say no, as then you are placing faith, not in God, but in a false, man-made, invented, UNBIBLICAL Christ who has no power to save.

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

"And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth."

"I and the Father are one." The Jews took up stones again to stone Him. "

In fact, THIS is the very reason the religious leaders wanted to kill Jesus, because He had claimed to be God.

"For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form."

Re: Thank you for your comments.

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 5:17 am
by PaulSacramento
Domenic is still a JW at heart and his views of Jesus being a created being ( I am surprised he hasn't mentioned that Jesus was the Archangel Michael before He become Jesus), that the Trinity is not biblical is typical of JW's.
I can only surmise that he is no longer OFFICIALLY a JW because he probably told every one he was of the annointed class and they disagreed.
Jw's like Domenic do NOT understand that to say Jesus is God is not to say that He is The Father, they don't understand that for Jesus to be what He claimed to be and do what He did AND to have ALL authority in Heaven and Earth that He MUST be God.