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The Seven Spirits of God

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 6:47 pm
by Lonewolf
Revelation talks about "the seven spirits of God"

I'm not much into reading Revelation, it is just too much for me at the stage I am in terms of biblical understanding, so can anyone educate me on how it is that revelation speaks about God having seven spirits, and how does this fit in with the Holy Spirit of God?

It is an honest question., I'm not trying to blaspheme, so bare with me and share your teaching or understanding on the subject, please. Thnxs.


Re: The Seven Spirits of God

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 10:51 pm
by B. W.
Lonewolf wrote:Revelation talks about "the seven spirits of God"

I'm not much into reading Revelation, it is just too much for me at the stage I am in terms of biblical understanding, so can anyone educate me on how it is that revelation speaks about God having seven spirits, and how does this fit in with the Holy Spirit of God?

It is an honest question., I'm not trying to blaspheme, so bare with me and share your teaching or understanding on the subject, please. Thnxs.

Rev 3:1 is a referal back to the preincarnate Jesus being mentioned during the days of Isaiah in:

Isa 11:2 The Spirit of the LORD shall rest upon Him, The Spirit of wisdom and understanding, The Spirit of counsel and might, The Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD.

In other words, Jesus is speaking and identifying himself as God in Rev 3:1 - sharing the essence of God co-equally / co-eternally. Picture this for a moment in this illustration: Spirit of YHWH the Essence of the Godhead (God is Spirit John 4:24). Wisdom and understanding from The Son. Counsel and might from the Holy Spirit. Knowledge and Fear (terror) from the Father. Seven in the Bible is the number of perfection in this case perfection that unity (oneness of the Godhead) brings.

The preincarnate Jesus speaks of Himself in Rev 1:8,17,18 as the First and the Last and in Isa 41:4, Isa 44:6, Isa 48:12 as well too...which means He is God. To have the Seven Spirits of God means Jesus is God as it is obvious form Revelations chapter 1 thru 3 Jesus is speaking.

Hope this helps...