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Would space aliens go to hell?

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 11:49 pm
by ultimate777
If there are intellegent space aliens will they go to hell?

Re: Would space aliens go to hell?

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 12:56 am
by Lonewolf
There isn't any space aliens., i don't doubt that there is other life besides us here on earth., angels and so forth., but as to other beings living in other planets and such, hell no, that's just sci-fi., you would have to re-write the story of the Bible in order to include such beings and how God would incorporate them into the scheme of things in relation to contact with us humans.. But even if there were no contact involved, still, the story would have to be re-written, because ~> we would not be unique in terms of sin and death entering into creation. There would have to be other Gardens of Eden.

Now, in regards to hell, well, that's a whole nother topic in itself., having said that, there is scripture that speaks on what happened to those angels that felled, and how they have already -to an extent- been punished, and where they will have to spend the rest of their sentence later on, per say.

Re: Would space aliens go to hell?

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 8:55 am
by neo-x
i believe hell is for humans and fallen angels only. I don't think any creature of chemical-biological origin is subjected to it, except for humans but then humans according to the scriptures are unique, in that respect any other creature of organic nature is not unique, so be it aliens, or dogs or bacteria, they just don't qualify.

Re: Would space aliens go to hell?

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 9:54 am
by RickD
ultimate777 wrote:If there are intellegent space aliens will they go to hell?
Maybe, if they like cold winters. I guess this is where the saying, "as cold as Hell" came from.,_Michigan

Re: Would space aliens go to hell?

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 9:56 am
by B. W.
RickD wrote:
ultimate777 wrote:If there are intellegent space aliens will they go to hell?
Maybe, if they like cold winters. I guess this is where the saying, "as cold as Hell" came from.,_Michigan
Now that is good :lol:

You maybe right Rick!

Re: Would space aliens go to hell?

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 10:16 am
by Philip
we would not be unique in terms of sin and death entering into creation. There would have to be other Gardens of Eden
The question of aliens is uncertain. The Bible is all about THIS creation - our universe and its time. And the Bible doesn't tell us everything, likely because either God doesn't yet want us to know about them or He considers us unready for such knowledge or, at least for us, such knowledge is irrelevant. He gave us what He believes we need to know, for NOW. IF He has created other beings in our universe (and I don't have any reason to believe so), He may have placed them so far away as that we will NEVER encounter them - meaning present knowledge of them is unnecessary and unneeded. IF He created other beings, He may deal or have dealt with them differently than us. Does God deal with the angels the same way as He does us? Are we to believe that the angels not part of the rebellion have never, EVER sinned, not even once - as only GOD is Holy and perfect? God's other created beings may be like angels or they may be as different from angels as we are from angels. Who knows? There may be another special place of punishment for aliens - or a specific segment of hell designed for them. Again, who knows? We can only go on what He has told us.

As for "other Gardens of Eden," God could have created other realities and universes differently. They MIGHT exist or might not, separate and undectable by us. God MAY have created other universes and beings that no longer exist. Other times may have come and gone. God may have created in other spiritual planes or dimensions, still existing or no longer. We have to realize that God is capable of anything that is not outside of His Holy Character. He can create anything and in any way He so desires. He is also omnipresent - can be in many places all at once. No space or reality can contain Him, as He transcends all He creates.

We also have to remember that all God has created is NOT all about US and OUR time. One of God's major attributes is that He is constantly active, creative and at work. He is an ETERNAL being without any beginning or end. Time is a mere tool and creation of His. And so even if our universe is nearly 14 billion years old (or whatever it truly is), there has been an enternity of God's activities BEFORE our time and the creation of OUR universe. And so the question is, what might that eternity have included? What activities, creations and beings did God possibly create? Were there PREVIOUS heavens (principle spiritual abodes of God)? Out of a endless, previous eternity, why would or could we be certain that God has only created one universe, EVER? Only one planet of beings, EVER? We know that God was active in eternity past - which means the possibilities are uncountable, and we shouldn't be surprised at what God might have done. It's pure human narcissim to exclaim that our reality is the only one (besides angels, Heaven, hell, etc) that God has ever created. We can only speculate and know what God HAS told us. And Scripture tells us that God DOES have secret things that we do not yet know.

“The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever ..." (Deuteronomy 29:29 ESV)

"It is the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search things out." (Proverbs 25:2)

“Can you find out the deep things of God? Can you find out the limit of the Almighty? It is higher than heaven—what can you do? Deeper than Sheol—what can you know? Its measure is longer than the earth and broader than the sea." (Job 11:7-9)