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Satan got in my head this morning!

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 8:09 am
by militarynewb
Several questions here.
Since Jesus is God, why did he have to sight his own scripture to Satan? He said something like, "Do not test the Lord your God?" That's odd because that's like talking about yourself in the third person? Why not just say, "Don't test my Scripture Satan! I know you Satan!I sent you down here because of your Sin! "
Second question.
Why did Jesus AKA God have to test himself for 40 days in the first place?!? If Jesus knew the whole time He was God, Than he had infinite wisdom and understanding already? So testing himself on his own Laws is kind of pointless, even if it is because he was in Human form.

Thank you for any helpful answers! And I feel really bad about posting this. Especially since I am on my way to church right now.

Re: Satan got in my head this morning!

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 2:30 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
militarynewb wrote:Thank you for any helpful answers!
You are welcome. Since none of the recognized sages here have bothered to answer you, I shall:
militarynewb wrote:Why did Jesus AKA God have to test himself for 40 days in the first place?!? If Jesus knew the whole time He was God, Than he had infinite wisdom and understanding already? So testing himself on his own Laws is kind of pointless, even if it is because he was in Human form.
This question of yours is easier than the other, so I'll answer it first. Jesus wasn't about to fail this test, and He knew it. The test came about so that you, you and that pretty lady in the photo next to you, could read about it 2000 years later and know it as well. An example from everyday life might be helpful here: I was in the USA a few weeks ago and gave a store owner a $100 bill to cover the cost of my purchase. She took the bill, stared at it for a moment, held it up to the light briefly, then she put it in a machine that shone a blue light on the bill. I wondered, ''Did I hand her a fake bill?'' but then the machine with a blue light declared my $100 real. My purchases were put into a bag and the shopkeeper gave me my change. The analogy here is that my $100 bill ''knew'' it was real but the test was there to prove it to the doubters.
militarynewb wrote:Several questions here. Since Jesus is God, why did he have to sight his own scripture to Satan?
I see this as an example to be followed by us. Whenever I am tempted by either the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, or the pride of life (the only three types of sin that exist), I find it helpful to remember biblical passages that apply to my peculiar sin nature. Read again the temptation of Jesus in Lk 4:1-12 and you will find that Jesus was being tempted with all three types of sin. In each case, He cited His Word. Follow that example in your own life.

FL y:-B

Re: Satan got in my head this morning!

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 10:59 pm
by B. W.
Ditto to Furstentum Liechtenstein post...

As for sage - I am a bit allergic to it and been sneezing because of this time of year - whoops wrong kind of sage response :lol:

What FL said covers it very well.

Re: Satan got in my head this morning!

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 9:07 pm
by outlaw
Post deleted by a moderator.

Outlaw, this forum is not for you to post your anti Christian views. Please, check the board purpose.