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Slavery in the Bible

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 7:11 pm
by outlaw

Re: Slavery in the Bible

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 8:31 pm
by Philip
Outlaw, while you think you are being clever, linking articles by people who are largely ignorant of what God's word says about slavery, and what slavery was IN ANCIENT ISRAEL - which stood in enormous contrast to that of the heathen nations around them - then go get a copy of this book: ... 0801072751 If you are seriously wanting to understand this issue, and not merely trying to drudge up one thing after another that you THINK discredits Christianity and the Bible, you'll pursue it. It prolifically answers the critics and reveals the half-baked understandings that they typically base their accusations on, concerning the issue of slavery in the Bible.

As a mod here, please understand that you are under tremendous scrutiny, per you past trouble-making, baiting tactics and haughty attitude. You are here as a guest. Be respectful and don't think for a moment the members here are going to try to chase every rabbit you throw out to the many holes you attempt to dig. That smacks of insincerity of your supposed purpose of being here. It's not that you can't ask questions you truly want answers to - or even things about Christianity and the Bible you find disturbing. But if your mission is to waste people's time with more rabbits and holes, or to try to smear Christian beliefs and Scripture with false accusations, you WILL BE BANNED - permanently! After being given a chance, instead of coming back with a good attitude, first thing out of the penalty box you try to machine-gun accusations on another topic, showing you know little to do but to surf the internet looking for supposed facts on Biblical subjects you know little about. That doesn't bode well for your future here. Just saying, you best be careful how you proceed. You are welcome here, unless you continue to cross the line.

Re: Slavery in the Bible

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 9:23 pm
by outlaw
Philip wrote:Outlaw, while you think you are being clever, linking articles by people who are largely ignorant of what God's word says about slavery, and what slavery was IN ANCIENT ISRAEL - which stood in enormous contrast to that of the heathen nations around them - then go get a copy of this book: ... 0801072751 If you are seriously wanting to understand this issue, and not merely trying to drudge up one thing after another that you THINK discredits Christianity and the Bible, you'll pursue it. It prolifically answers the critics and reveals the half-baked understandings that they typically base their accusations on, concerning the issue of slavery in the Bible.

As a mod here, please understand that you are under tremendous scrutiny, per you past trouble-making, baiting tactics and haughty attitude. You are here as a guest. Be respectful and don't think for a moment the members here are going to try to chase every rabbit you throw out to the many holes you attempt to dig. That smacks of insincerity of your supposed purpose of being here. It's not that you can't ask questions you truly want answers to - or even things about Christianity and the Bible you find disturbing. But if your mission is to waste people's time with more rabbits and holes, or to try to smear Christian beliefs and Scripture with false accusations, you WILL BE BANNED - permanently! After being given a chance, instead of coming back with a good attitude, first thing out of the penalty box you try to machine-gun accusations on another topic, showing you know little to do but to surf the internet looking for supposed facts on Biblical subjects you know little about. That doesn't bode well for your future here. Just saying, you best be careful how you proceed. You are welcome here, unless you continue to cross the line.
Im interested to know if you actually read any of what i posted before you said all this, did you read any?

Re: Slavery in the Bible

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 9:26 pm
by Lonewolf
sir outlaw, that's just too much to read and still stay focused

Re: Slavery in the Bible

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 9:40 pm
by B. W.
Lonewolf wrote:sir outlaw, that's just too much to read and still stay focused
I warned on another thread the radical rule to spam the senses with a myth of power the that one has not...

Re: Slavery in the Bible

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 9:48 pm
by outlaw
Look up the meaning of the greek word doulos.

Remember this has nothing to do with ''The time back then" if you claim that the bible is GODS WORD then these are GODS WORDS. yes i understand slavery was going on in those times but i wonder why the timeless eternal god gives instructions for slave keeping.

When a slave owner strikes a male or female slave with a rod and the slave dies immediately, the owner shall be punished. But if the slave survives a day or two, there is no punishment; for the slave is the owner's property. (Exod. 21:20-21) Please explain

Re: Slavery in the Bible

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 9:51 pm
by outlaw
Lonewolf wrote:sir outlaw, that's just too much to read and still stay focused

That's too much haha, you read the bible right.
I understand this is a touchy subject but it's in your bible don't pretend it's not, so lets discuss it.

Just read one that's enough

Re: Slavery in the Bible

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 10:02 pm
by Lonewolf
outlaw wrote:
Lonewolf wrote:sir outlaw, that's just too much to read and still stay focused

That's too much haha, you read the bible right.
I understand this is a touchy subject but it's in your bible don't pretend it's not, so lets discuss it.

Just read one that's enough

yeah man, the Bible is a lot to read too, but what is the point exactly that you're trying to make?
without going in a thousand diff directions, just what is that you would like to point out with slavery in the Bible, but put it in your own words - layman's terms!?

Re: Slavery in the Bible

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 10:36 pm
by outlaw
Lonewolf wrote:
outlaw wrote:
Lonewolf wrote:sir outlaw, that's just too much to read and still stay focused

That's too much haha, you read the bible right.
I understand this is a touchy subject but it's in your bible don't pretend it's not, so lets discuss it.

Just read one that's enough

yeah man, the Bible is a lot to read too, but what is the point exactly that you're trying to make?
without going in a thousand diff directions, just what is that you would like to point out with slavery in the Bible, but put it in your own words - layman's terms!?
My point is the god that gave these instructions is the same god of today just because times change god doesn't yet you want call it loving.
Its also the same god that commits genocide.
My point is, how christians describe god and what I read myself and what others point out by others I mean (people without the pre existing idea that god is loving) don't match. Now im sure I could dig up passages that demonstrate god is loving but you can't ignore others so how do you reconcile this?

Re: Slavery in the Bible

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 4:51 am
by Philip
My point is the god that gave these instructions is the same god of today just because times change god doesn't yet you want call it loving.
Its also the same god that commits genocide.
Again, READ the BOOK ("Is God a Moral Monster?")! It's all there so that anyone can gain a much clearer understanding of what many now falsely believe or are disturbed by what they THINK they know about how God dealt with those in OT times. But I don't think you are serious, else you would be eager to read it. There is complexity to some things that are difficult to understand that take some study. But you don't appear to be doing anything other than trying to throw out as many accusations against Christianity and the Bible as possible.

Re: Slavery in the Bible

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 5:31 am
by RickD

Show us you are serious about learning. I have an offer for you. If you're serious about learning like you say you are, I have a copy of the book, Is God A Moral Monster, that I will send you free of charge. Just pm me an address to send it to, and I will put it in the mail.

The ball is in your court.

Re: Slavery in the Bible

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 6:23 am
by Stu
Outlaw, remember it was mankind who was making use of slaves. God just gave the rules by which they should be treated.

Re: Slavery in the Bible

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 12:41 pm
by Lonewolf
outlaw wrote: My point is the god that gave these instructions is the same god of today just because times change god doesn't yet you want call it loving.
Its also the same god that commits genocide.
My point is, how christians describe god and what I read myself and what others point out by others I mean (people without the pre existing idea that god is loving) don't match. Now im sure I could dig up passages that demonstrate god is loving but you can't ignore others so how do you reconcile this?
Here's the link to what G&S has to share on the subject of slavery.. ... bible.html

Re: Slavery in the Bible

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 2:21 pm
by outlaw
Stu wrote:Outlaw, remember it was mankind who was making use of slaves. God just gave the rules by which they should be treated.
Yeah that's exactly what I have a problem with

Re: Slavery in the Bible

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 2:38 pm
by RickD

I'm offering to send you a book for free. To wherever in aussie land you live. If you are willing to read it and be open to learning something new.