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I never knew the Pope was this liberal and well....heretical

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 7:09 am
by Silvertusk
Check out this article. Can't confirm if it is true or not - but it was posted last year. ... -eve-real/


Re: I never knew the Pope was this liberal and well....heret

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 7:37 am
by Rob
The only thing missing was the April 1st posting date.

Re: I never knew the Pope was this liberal and well....heret

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 7:59 am
by RickD
What point was the author trying to make? Is there some inside joke I'm missing?

Just looks like some fruitcake yoga website.

Re: I never knew the Pope was this liberal and well....heret

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 10:03 am
by 1over137
RickD wrote:What point was the author trying to make? Is there some inside joke I'm missing?

Just looks like some fruitcake yoga website.
It's probably taken from here ... n-council/
You can look at the disclaimer in the top menu.

Why is this stuff in Christian theology forum?

Re: I never knew the Pope was this liberal and well....heret

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 4:18 am
by Stu
Well he has said that atheists will go to heaven and that he condones being gay.

Re: I never knew the Pope was this liberal and well....heret

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 5:50 am
by Byblos
It'd be nice if you can provide a link or 2 but:
Stu wrote:Well he has said that atheists will go to heaven
And you don't? How do you know atheists don't profess belief at the momment of their death? How do you know those who have never heard the gospel don't have the same crack at salvation as you do?
Stu wrote:and that he condones being gay.
Now I really insist on a quote, otherwise please retract.

Re: I never knew the Pope was this liberal and well....heret

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 7:28 am
by Stu
Byblos wrote:It'd be nice if you can provide a link or 2 but:

And you don't? How do you know atheists don't profess belief at the momment of their death? How do you know those who have never heard the gospel don't have the same crack at salvation as you do?
Are you serious??

“You ask me if the God of the Christians forgives those who don’t believe and who don’t seek the faith. I start by saying – and this is the fundamental thing – that God’s mercy has no limits if you go to him with a sincere and contrite heart. The issue for those who do not believe in God is to obey their conscience."

link deleted by moderator. Please find another source that doesn't have ads with bare breasted women

Can you honestly defend these words from the Pope, that you do not need Christ, simply obey your conscience.

You are so blinded by his majesty that you will seemingly defend anything the Pope says or does. Don't let a fallible human being rule your life, but rather obey God and His word.
Now I really insist on a quote, otherwise please retract.
"If they accept the Lord and have good will, who am I to judge them?"

A google search will find you plenty of sources but here is one Source

Re: I never knew the Pope was this liberal and well....heret

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 7:48 am
by PaulSacramento
I think the Pope making a statement that ONLY GOD can judge ANYONE is a very correct statement for him to make.
We can't make the call that any atheist is going to hell NORE can we make the call that any homosexual is going to hell either.
All we CAN do is to state that to be saved one must believe in Jesus Christ as Son of God, Lord and Saviour, that He lived and died and was resurrected.
We CAN also state that everyone that does NOT believe will indeed be judged by their works.
We CAN state those things because they are plainly stated in the bible.

Re: I never knew the Pope was this liberal and well....heret

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 7:57 am
by RickD
There's nothing in that link that says the Pope condones homosexuality.

Re: I never knew the Pope was this liberal and well....heret

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 8:40 am
by Byblos
Stu wrote:
Byblos wrote:It'd be nice if you can provide a link or 2 but:

And you don't? How do you know atheists don't profess belief at the momment of their death? How do you know those who have never heard the gospel don't have the same crack at salvation as you do?
Are you serious??

“You ask me if the God of the Christians forgives those who don’t believe and who don’t seek the faith. I start by saying – and this is the fundamental thing – that God’s mercy has no limits if you go to him with a sincere and contrite heart. The issue for those who do not believe in God is to obey their conscience."

link deleted by moderator. Please find another source that doesn't have ads with bare breasted women

Can you honestly defend these words from the Pope, that you do not need Christ, simply obey your conscience.
And where exactly did he say those are definitely saved? All he said is that God's mercy has no limit. You obviously disgree with that, otherwise you wouldn't have an issue with what he said.
Stu wrote:You are so blinded by his majesty that you will seemingly defend anything the Pope says or does. Don't let a fallible human being rule your life, but rather obey God and His word.
Paleaaaaase, you think this is my first rodeo stu? At least give me some credit if for nothing else for being a member of this site for more than 9 years, several of which spent as a moderator. You think I haven't thought out my position as well as yours? Grow up.
Stu wrote:
Now I really insist on a quote, otherwise please retract.
"If they accept the Lord and have good will, who am I to judge them?"

A google search will find you plenty of sources but here is one Source
And once again I ask you, what did he exactly say, other than not to judge? But you turn that around as an acceptance of homosexuality. That's just down right dishonest.

There are many legimitate subjects we can disagree on but this simply isn't one of them. Let me ask you a question stu, do you celebrate Christmas on December 25th? Do you celebrate Easter some time in April? Have you ever gone to church on Sunday? If you've done any of these then guess what, you are guily of practicing pagan rituals. Not only is honesty a requirmenent when critiquing a person or a position, consistency is as well.

Re: I never knew the Pope was this liberal and well....heret

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 9:11 am
by Stu
Byblos wrote:And where exactly did he say those are definitely saved? All he said is that God's mercy has no limit. You obviously disgree with that, otherwise you wouldn't have an issue with what he said.
He is implying that those "who don't seek the faith" will be shown mercy when they die. That goes against the teaching that only through Christ will you come to the father.
Paleaaaaase, you think this is my first rodeo stu? At least give me some credit if for nothing else for being a member of this site for more than 9 years, several of which spent as a moderator. You think I haven't thought out my position as well as yours? Grow up.

And once again I ask you, what did he exactly say, other than not to judge? But you turn that around as an acceptance of homosexuality. That's just down right dishonest.
Yes, God tells us that homosexuality is wrong. Why can the Pope not then judge if God tells us it is wrong? Why is he silent on a topic that we know God disagrees with. Thats like saying he won't judge a thief or murderer.
There are many legimitate subjects we can disagree on but this simply isn't one of them. Let me ask you a question stu, do you celebrate Christmas on December 25th? Do you celebrate Easter some time in April? Have you ever gone to church on Sunday? If you've done any of these then guess what, you are guily of practicing pagan rituals. Not only is honesty a requirmenent when critiquing a person or a position, consistency is as well.
I will ignore your attempt at changing the subject.

Re: I never knew the Pope was this liberal and well....heret

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 10:30 am
by PaulSacramento
There are a LOT of things that God tells us are wrong, some that MAY be considered far worse than homosexuality ( the Big 10 for example), YET God offers forgiveness for those that seek and ask it.
Salvation is based on His Grace, not our sexual orientation OR how well we follow His commandments.
God shows mercy on who HE decides to show mercy.
Never forget that the "first shall be last and the last shall be first"...
Never think that because you have been a believer for how every many years that this means more to God than the person who repents and believes on his death bed.

Re: I never knew the Pope was this liberal and well....heret

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 12:20 pm
by Byblos
Stu wrote:
Byblos wrote:And where exactly did he say those are definitely saved? All he said is that God's mercy has no limit. You obviously disgree with that, otherwise you wouldn't have an issue with what he said.
He is implying that those "who don't seek the faith" will be shown mercy when they die. That goes against the teaching that only through Christ will you come to the father.
No, that's not what he's implying at all. That's simply what you're reading into it.
Stu wrote:
Paleaaaaase, you think this is my first rodeo stu? At least give me some credit if for nothing else for being a member of this site for more than 9 years, several of which spent as a moderator. You think I haven't thought out my position as well as yours? Grow up.

And once again I ask you, what did he exactly say, other than not to judge? But you turn that around as an acceptance of homosexuality. That's just down right dishonest.
Yes, God tells us that homosexuality is wrong. Why can the Pope not then judge if God tells us it is wrong? Why is he silent on a topic that we know God disagrees with. Thats like saying he won't judge a thief or murderer.
First you think he implies people can be saved without Christ and attack him for it, then you contradict yourself by saying he outght to be judging others based on their sexual preference. Well which is it, should he judge or shouldn't he? Or is it tied to your presonal preference?
Stu wrote:
There are many legimitate subjects we can disagree on but this simply isn't one of them. Let me ask you a question stu, do you celebrate Christmas on December 25th? Do you celebrate Easter some time in April? Have you ever gone to church on Sunday? If you've done any of these then guess what, you are guily of practicing pagan rituals. Not only is honesty a requirmenent when critiquing a person or a position, consistency is as well.
I will ignore your attempt at changing the subject.
My apologies, I mixed up two unrelated threads (I'm 52 years old, things are starting to blend where they ought not :mrgreen: ).

Re: I never knew the Pope was this liberal and well....heret

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 7:29 pm
by Philip
Thing is, we DON'T and CAN'T know if God might communicate with at least some, perhaps even at the cusp of death or as they lie in an unconscious state, but BEFORE they actually die (there are NO chances or opportunities to repent, post death), so as to give them one last chance and/or an unquestionable understanding of what their choice is, and as to what rejecting Him actually means. Or NOT. It may be that God does NOT do this. Unquestionably, one must have faith in Jesus to be saved, and that MUST happen BEFORE death. Remember, it is GOD Who reaches to us, FIRST - and HE is the One that draws and woos us. Our ONLY (God-provided/Calvary made possible) opportunity is to decide how we are going to RESPOND to RECEIVE His freely offered gift of Jesus/Salvation. And so, for SOME, God MIGHT reach to them in that short, narrow window between life and death. But it is also quite possible that He doesn't do this at all. There is just no way of knowing the truth of this. But make no mistake, people who end up in hell, to a one, will be those who reject God and all He offers them. It's not that they WANT Hell, its just they want to reject God while simultaneously having things their own, desired way - yet without having to incur the terrible consequences of hell. But that's not the way it works, is it?

Re: I never knew the Pope was this liberal and well....heret

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 1:34 am
by Stu
Byblos wrote:No, that's not what he's implying at all. That's simply what you're reading into it.
What is he saying then?
First you think he implies people can be saved without Christ and attack him for it, then you contradict yourself by saying he outght to be judging others based on their sexual preference. Well which is it, should he judge or shouldn't he? Or is it tied to your presonal preference?
You're skirting the issue - he says he will not judge homosexuality, when the Bible clearly tells us that we can judge homosexuality just like theft or any other sin.