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Matthew 10:28

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 2:58 am
by 1over137
Matthew 10:28
Do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

The greek word apolesai is used and it is translated as destroy. Other translations in others verses are: destroy, perish, lose.

Does destroying the sould and body in hell mean that the soul ceases to exist?

Re: Matthew 10:28

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 8:02 am
by B. W.
1over137 wrote:Matthew 10:28
Do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

The greek word apolesai is used and it is translated as destroy. Other translations in others verses are: destroy, perish, lose.

Does destroying the sould and body in hell mean that the soul ceases to exist?
Here is how Vines Expository Dictionary defines the word use:
Destroy, Destroyer, Destruction, Destructive

A. Verbs.

1. apollumi (Greek 622), a strengthened form of ollumi, signifies "to destroy utterly"; in middle voice, "to perish." The idea is not extinction but ruin, loss, not of being, but of wellbeing. This is clear from its use, as, e.g., of the marring of wine skins, Luke 5:37; of lost sheep, i.e., lost to the shepherd, metaphorical of spiritual destitution, Luke 15:4, Luke 15:6, etc.; the lost son, Luke 15:24; of the perishing of food, Johe 6:27; of gold, 1Pe 1:7. So of persons, Mat 2:13, "destroy"; Mat 8:25, "perish"; Mat 22:7; Mat 27:20; of the loss of well-being in the case of the unsaved hereafter, Mat 10:28; Luke 13:3, Luke 13:5; Joh 3:16 (Joh 3:15 in some mss.); John 10:28; John 17:12; Rom 2:12; 1Co 15:18; 2Co 2:15, "are perishing"; 2Co 4:3; 2Th 2:10; Jam 4:12; 2Pe 3:9. Cf. B, II, No. 1. See DIE, LOSE, MARRED, PERISH.
Hope this helps...

Re: Matthew 10:28

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 8:23 am
by 1over137
Thanks B.W.

Then next question.

Matthew 10:28
Do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

If "the idea is not extinction but ruin, loss, not of being, but of wellbeing", then what is in the soul that God can destroy? What in the soul or how soul will be ruined?

Re: Matthew 10:28

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 9:06 am
by B. W.
1over137 wrote:Thanks B.W.

Then next question.

Matthew 10:28
Do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

If "the idea is not extinction but ruin, loss, not of being, but of wellbeing", then what is in the soul that God can destroy? What in the soul or how soul will be ruined?
First note that the word translated Hell is the word Gehenna which refers not to the existing hell but rather the Lake of Fire mentioned in the Book of Revelation. The warning is that both body and soul will face utter and hopeless eternal ruin. That is by far a more somber and serious fitting Jesus warnings to avoid this place, than to say one faces extinction (annihilation). As it is written, there is truly no rest - peace - for the wicked.

Job 26:5-6 mentions a principle that is confirmed in Pro 15:11 which reads: Sheol and Abaddon lie open before the LORD, How much more the hearts of men!

Jeremiah 17:9,10 speak of the same thing, God uncovers the thoughts and intents of the human heart and renders accordingly. In other words, the current hell and the future lake of fire will be a place where the thoughts and intents of the human heart is fully uncovered, revealing the true person's sin nature, if left unchecked would pollute all it touches. Both places are for eternal confinement because God does not take away life. Think of it, body soul, and spirit reunited, even though our bodies die, we do not, and later we will be rejoined with our bodies just as the bible indicates. Therefore the truth of 2 Sam 14:14 remains intact.

Hell and the Lake of Fire uncover the real state of a person as that is the purpose. The torment in these places involves having that revealed about oneself and the demons make sure of that. Punishment is of this sort of recompense - reaping what one has sown. The reason for one's sowing is uncovered in these places to the full. Utter depravity is the result that none can doubt. People do that to themselves no matter how nice they appear of the mortal surface, the real them is recognized by them, their personal meanness is known to them. They cannot escape it no matter how they try to cover it up. In fact, we had one person on this forum state they'll responsible for their sins. I do not think that individual really understands the gravity of they said.

Jesus came to grant us who believe in him eternal life with him that transform us and changes our character and nature now and prepares us for God's original purpose for humanity in this mortal life. It comes by the John 3:14-21 way ask him to forgive you and release you from the debt of sin one is incurring which if left alone will be uncovered fully in the afterlife where no change is possible.

Jesus in the Matthew Ten text cited is giving full warning of a dire nature to avoid such a place that uncovers the real sin nature within by coming to him and being released from just recompense.

Jesus explains how this is done in Luke 18:13,14...

Re: Matthew 10:28

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 12:06 pm
by 1over137
The torment in these places involves having that revealed about oneself

Re: Matthew 10:28

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 12:56 pm
by Jac3510
When the body is killed or destroyed it doesn't cease to exist, and when those who are able to kill or destroy the body do just that, they leave behind not a non-existent body but a dead one. Just so, when the soul is killed our destroyed, it doesn't cease to exist, either. Instead, a "dead" soul is left behind--one that is corrupted, unable to function, and devoid of life.

Re: Matthew 10:28

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 1:07 pm
by 1over137
Jac3510 wrote:When the body is killed or destroyed it doesn't cease to exist, and when those who are able to kill or destroy the body do just that, they leave behind not a non-existent body but a dead one. Just so, when the soul is killed our destroyed, it doesn't cease to exist, either. Instead, a "dead" soul is left behind--one that is corrupted, unable to function, and devoid of life.
Unless it is destroyed by explosion. But well, 2000 years ago they did not have bombs. ;)

Re: Matthew 10:28

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 1:29 pm
by Jac3510
touche, and touche the touche!

Re: Matthew 10:28

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 6:42 pm
by Sparrow
Matthew 10:28 “Do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.


Meaning- He will unleash the brutal, overwhelming and unstoppable force that will crush the desperately prideful, compulsively touted and ridiculously over hyped strength of one’s façade, exposing them to the revelation of their true weakness, devastating one pitiful, pathetic and foolish defense after another, as they struggle, squirm, thrash about in a grand and massive pool of their own shameful, futile and ludicrous sinful repugnance, crashing and burning, over and over and over again in a fiery blaze so epic there can be no end to the sheer magnitude of it’s renown, while they beg and whine: help, please, no more..blah, blah blah only to find no end, no mercy and no way of escape from the gut-reaching, bone shattering, teeth grinding- "Deva-Deva-Deva-Deva-DEVASTATION and MAYHEMMMMM!!! Left hopelessly grasping as they see everything they were along with that lame and stupid façade go up in glorious lumps of fragrant smoke….forever and This is SPARTA!!! !!!…cough…errrr ever!!!

And the saints and even the holy angels give reverence and praise: for God is mighty, God is awesome and his power and might is revered forever and ever.


2 Thessalonians 1: 6For after all it is only just for God to repay with affliction those who afflict you, 7and to give relief to you who are afflicted and to us as well when the Lord Jesus will be revealed from heaven with His mighty angels in flaming fire, 8dealing out retribution to those who do not know God and to those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. 9These will pay the penalty of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power, 10when He comes to be glorified in His saints on that day, and to be marveled at among all who have believed

Revelation 14:10 they, too, will drink the wine of God's fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath. They will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb.

Daniel 12:2: "Many of those who sleep in the dust of the ground will awake, these to everlasting life, but the others to disgrace and everlasting contempt.

Re: Matthew 10:28

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 7:17 pm
by Sparrow
Regarding the meaning of Matthew 10:28 during the time of Christ ministry on earth (The dismissal of which would of had similar implications as stated in my previous post).

Christ is saying.

Do not give into weak-mindedness (these guys will ruin me) and involuntarily find yourselves being compelled away from your task in fear of self-preservation. Instead-be unthreatened by the weaklings who stand before you, have peace of mind and remain stead fast-men of God, for He is with you as you stand united in Him and His enemies will fall (see post above)!

Note that the bible does make a distinction between the spirit and the soul (soul being the embodiment of one’s existence/where what they have chosen to make of themselves lives-that is, the storage of beliefs, experiences and concepts that keep one an individual or make them united in in their convictions and devotions with others or against them).

1 Thessalonians 5:23 Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you entirely; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete, without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

One’s rational facade and self-willed justification for personal welfare being placed above Godly Good will not save their soul from ruin or prevent their ethical estate, self-worth, and life from being destroyed (ruined- meaning not literally destroyed or annihilated, just ruined and no longer what it use to be-they lost it), not in this world or the next.

Matthew 10:28 Interpretation: "Do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul (heart/honor/pride in honorable things etc); but rather fear Him who is able to bring to ruin (destroy) both your essence (substance, honor, significance, properties, constituents, self-worth, spirit/soul-not meaning life force) and body in hell.

Matthew 16:26 For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?-King James Bible

Re: Matthew 10:28

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 11:57 am
by crochet1949
God's Word tells us about both heaven and hell. But there is also satan's desire to deceive mankind into thinking that 'hell'/ eternal punishment/ won't really be That bad. But we're Also reminded that while here on earth-- our physical body Can be killed, but our 'soul' / spirit continues on. The Soul of a person is the Most important. Satan already knows Exactly what's in store for him and he wants as much company as possible to suffer along with him. We Don't want what Satan is capable of doing to a person. The horrific things a person is capable of doing to another person -- and then try to imagine what 'hell / lake of fire and brimstone' would be like.
What we tend to forget is that God has provided the One way to avoid the horrible conditions of hell -- if mankind would simply be willing to accept God's gift of Salvation and not try to 'do it on our own'. Because we're told -- not of works, lest any man should boast' -- people are capable of and accomplish tremendous good but that will Never Earn our way to heaven.

Re: Matthew 10:28

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 5:27 pm
by Starhunter
When I buy processed food, if it has too many ingredients I don't buy it, especially if the names go all chemical.

There has been a lot of Greek explaining and contextual explanations with this text and not enough accepting of what it says in plain English first. We don't have to be a Greek scholar to understand these simple words of Christ.

Jesus knew that there are those on earth who will kill His disciples, but they cannot stop the saints from being resurrected, only God decides who will come back to life.
But if "kill" means "not kill" then we have an error in print. It would read like this "and fear not them which cannot kill the body, but kill the soul, but rather fear Him who cannot destroy both soul and body in hell." Does that make sense? No.

When the bodies of the disciples were killed, were they killed? Of course, they died and returned to dust. What some people are saying is it is not real "killing as such" that is mentioned here but some sort of semi destruction like an emotional or spiritual death.

Was the life and soul of the disciples destroyed? No, because they will live again on the day of the resurrection when God calls them back to life.

"Soul" is the "life" that God gives, it is not a disembodied entity as taught by the devil. pagans and churches.

Here is the scriptural meaning of "soul" given right in the introduction to the Bible, look it up. When Adam was created, God breathed into him the breath of life, and Adam what? - "became a living soul." That's the meaning of soul - "living person." If God does not give us life we are just a body which returns to dust, but if we have life we are a "soul." Is that true or not?

In the OT Jacob migrated and took all his "souls with him" 70 or so in number. Did he have 70 jars with ghosts in them? No. Souls are lives, real people - real life. We are souls - living people.

When we die our life goes back to where? to God who gave it.
Can God keep who we are, our life and the breath of life in Himself? Yes.
Can He give us life again? Yes.
Can He make us a new body? Yes.
Will He take our life and right of life away if we fail at the judgment? Yes.
Will He give us life so that we can be tortured? No.

Adam was made of dust + the breath of life = a living soul. It cannot be more plain. That's the formula for a living person.
Jesus raised people to life didn't He? And on the day of the resurrection, when He comes back, He will raise all of His children at once. He said "I am the resurrection" He has never said "I am the God of ghost lands" or "I am the great torturer" or "I am the God of disembodied spirits that will never have a body."

God made a real earth with real people with real bodies, with real life in them, real souls. And He has prepared a real home in heaven, with real flora and real fauna and rivers and buildings, and real food, for real resurrected people with real bodies. And the rebellious are not there, why? because they will have been killed and turned to ashes, never to be again. there will not be this crying and moaning in the underground of heaven.

If you go through some of the posts in other threads on the topic of hell etc, you will find that this is what is being taught. I am not quoting directly but stating was has been proposed.
"God cannot and will not destroy life because He has created it to live forever"
"The soul lives forever and cannot be destroyed, therefor those souls which are lost will suffer for eternity"
"Death is not death in the spiritual world, but eternal life both to the righteous and the wicked"
"Death is the door to eternal life - either in heaven or in hell"
"The wages of sin is not death, but eternal hell"
"Man has an immortal soul, but animals don't"
"Hell cannot be destroyed"
"Hell is not fire, but eternal torture"

None of these perversions are taught in scripture.

Here is the simple equation of the text in Matthew, -
Are people able to kill your body? Yes
Are people able to kill the soul? No
Is God able to kill your body and soul? Yes

"Only God hath immortality" and can give life or take it away - Timothy

Will God eventually remove sin and sinners - body and soul? Yes.
Will He give life to those destroyed? No
Will He torture them or allow them to be tortured by themselves or anything else for ever? No.

There is a parable that Jesus taught, that proves that the people in His day had the pagan idea of an eternal burning hell fully set in their thinking, and Jesus drew a lesson from such a popular belief. This parable is what is used to push the false doctrines of eternal hell and fire. If this parable of the man in flames is true, then why do some say that hell is not literal flames and something else like an everlasting cold torture of some kind?

You see, we can pick and choose whatever we want to be literal and whatever we want to be symbolic, but if we want the truth, we have to judge the word of God first by the language it is written in, and don't make up any other theories until we can be certain that the words do not say anything else.

Do we agree with what Jesus said or do we make up stuff that is not there?
Only at the expense of our salvation can we wrest the scriptures to say what it does not say.