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How do/did i/you find God?

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 8:12 pm
by Tomas99
Hi guys, i'm new to these forums, but i have read a lot of the articles and like what i see. I came here originally about a month or two ago when i had no idea how to answer a lot of thing i had read in Dawkins' The God Delusion. The Debunking Dawkins section helped a lot, and got me started on thinking, Apologetics etc.

So just a little back story. I am just starting high school, and have been raised in a Christian home all my life, although not really a Christian. We have moved around a lot so, i have been in Baptist, Lutheran and Presbyterian churches. I never really thought about the existence of God, and Religion was more of a thing i would do because it felt right morally, but not because it made sense. I have since read Antony Flew's There is a God, (among other books) and i now am certain that there is a God. And if this God is tied to a religion, i think it must be Christianity, because it makes the most sense to me. It seems like the Bible lines up with historical facts often. But apart from various Apologetic works on the Laws of Nature, the Watchmaker etc, i don't know for sure through personal experience if that God is here. I am almost vertain he is, and he is probably looking down at me now, but i have never really had a prayer answered, or a voice inside my head or whatever like it seems like a lot of Christians i know have, asserting what i think. I want to become a Christian, but i don't know where to find God. I know he is out there though.

How did you guys find God? How do you know for CERTAIN that he is here now? Please reply!

Re: How do/did i/you find God?

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 11:02 pm
by 1over137
Hi Tomas,

It seems like you are knocking on the door and God is opening them.

Every story of a Christian is unique and special.

In my case, God found me as I wanted to end my life. I always longed for truth and ideals and I saw the world and was kind of desperate. At the beginning, I met some missionaries, made friends and that was the beginning of a decade long journey which I wanted to end but finally I got to know God.

You know, Christians say and I felt it too, something like a flood of happiness and love the first time. I also never had slept so sweetly. Also, several "coincidences" happened and I knew that God wanted me to go to special place - was a youth Christian conference.

Be patient Tomas. Read Bible, love Christ and his words more and more and one day you will really know Him. I will pray for this.


Re: How do/did i/you find God?

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 10:44 am
by PaulSacramento
Christ "found" me.
I tried to push Him away for a very long time but because of my wife, my children and a book called "The Shack", I opened my heart and realized that He had been there all along.
Amazing Grace indeed.

Re: How do/did i/you find God?

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 2:38 pm
by Tomas99
Thanks guys!

Re: How do/did i/you find God?

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 2:58 pm
by 1over137
Here are the Dawkins Letters - series of letters to Dawkins by David Robertson available on the website.

Might be helpful as well.