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Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 7:51 am
by Nicki
Hello all - I'm feeling pretty anxious at the moment as we don't have much income. My husband was made redundant a couple of months ago and got another job, but it's on a casual basis for now and he's only getting about three days' work this week and next week. I'm self-employed and have been making about $25,000 a year (very much like a part-time income) but I've only got about half my usual amount of work at the moment. I'm trying to get some more and we've both been applying for other jobs. As we're not citizens or permanent residents here I'm not sure if we can get unemployment payments from the government, and we don't have family around to help us either. Phrases like 'long-term unemployed' and 'rise in homelessness' keep going through my mind. I keep praying as well, though, and telling myself it's all in God's hands - really hoping I'm trusting in a real God and not a figment of the imagination!

How far do you think God's provision goes - will he keep us out of homelessness or poverty? Or are Christians not immune to being destitute? I just want it all to be over - to have decent jobs that pay enough. :(

Re: Provision/poverty

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 8:25 am
by PaulSacramento
The bible is quote clear that we are to fend for ourselves to the best possible way we can.
Christian are to help one another in time of need, this is a give on course BUT that does NOT mean that people are to depend on others for their survival.
They must "stand on their own two feet" whenever possible.
2 Thessalonians 3:10

Our Lord provides Us with what we need, ie: the strength and ( at times even) the opportunities to fend for ourselves, we just have to make do.
If we must live on less, then we shall.

Christ never promised any alleviation of suffering in THIS life, in fact He told us we will have to endure MUCH tribulation, just as He did.

You and your family are in my prayers, you can also try getting some help finding work at your local church/parrish if you belong to one.

Re: Provision/poverty

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 8:34 am
by 1over137
I have a friend who is missionary. Once he got less money for his mission than expected. He and his wife learned to cook cheap foods. Nowadays, they used their 'skills' and teach poor people here to cook cheap but still healthy food.

I will pray for you.

Re: Provision/poverty

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 11:30 pm
by Nicki
Thank you, guys. I do try to cook cheaply but my husband wants to have a good amount of meat most nights! We have two children to look after as well.

Re: Provision/poverty

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 11:35 pm
by Nicki
PaulSacramento wrote:The bible is quote clear that we are to fend for ourselves to the best possible way we can.
Christian are to help one another in time of need, this is a give on course BUT that does NOT mean that people are to depend on others for their survival.
They must "stand on their own two feet" whenever possible.
2 Thessalonians 3:10

Our Lord provides Us with what we need, ie: the strength and ( at times even) the opportunities to fend for ourselves, we just have to make do.
If we must live on less, then we shall.

Christ never promised any alleviation of suffering in THIS life, in fact He told us we will have to endure MUCH tribulation, just as He did.

You and your family are in my prayers, you can also try getting some help finding work at your local church/parrish if you belong to one.
This surprised me a bit because it's often mentioned at our church that God is in control of everything - that we have to give him something to work with by doing the best we can but that he will ultimately look after us if we've put our lives in his hands. After all, Jesus said not to worry about anything because God knows everything we need and will provide for us.

Re: Provision/poverty

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 12:15 am
by LittleHamster
Nicki wrote:
PaulSacramento wrote:The bible is quote clear that we are to fend for ourselves to the best possible way we can.
Christian are to help one another in time of need, this is a give on course BUT that does NOT mean that people are to depend on others for their survival.
They must "stand on their own two feet" whenever possible.
2 Thessalonians 3:10

Our Lord provides Us with what we need, ie: the strength and ( at times even) the opportunities to fend for ourselves, we just have to make do.
If we must live on less, then we shall.

Christ never promised any alleviation of suffering in THIS life, in fact He told us we will have to endure MUCH tribulation, just as He did.

You and your family are in my prayers, you can also try getting some help finding work at your local church/parrish if you belong to one.
This surprised me a bit because it's often mentioned at our church that God is in control of everything - that we have to give him something to work with by doing the best we can but that he will ultimately look after us if we've put our lives in his hands. After all, Jesus said not to worry about anything because God knows everything we need and will provide for us.

"And whatever you ask in my name, I will do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything of me in my name, I will do it." (John 14:13)

Ask, Ask and Ask WITH FAITH !!!!. SCREAM IT OUT AT THE TOP OF YOUR VOICE IF YOU HAVE TO ! I have asked for some really crazy stuff .....and he has done it - all of it.

"Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." (Matt 17:20)

You don't need Luck. You don't need miracles. You don't even need to struggle. You just need FAITH !

Re: Provision/poverty

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 7:32 am
by Nicki
Thanks, Hamster. I have been praying, a lot! A bit like that woman in the parable who kept banging on the judge's door. I realise it hasn't been the best time of year, though - it's summer here and Christmas/New Year is the biggest holiday season. Not that my husband takes much notice when I point that out - he didn't get called in to work today (Monday) and he's been getting very negative. :esad: Please pray for us and maybe that will help!

Re: Provision/poverty

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 7:38 am
by PaulSacramento
Nicki wrote:
PaulSacramento wrote:The bible is quote clear that we are to fend for ourselves to the best possible way we can.
Christian are to help one another in time of need, this is a give on course BUT that does NOT mean that people are to depend on others for their survival.
They must "stand on their own two feet" whenever possible.
2 Thessalonians 3:10

Our Lord provides Us with what we need, ie: the strength and ( at times even) the opportunities to fend for ourselves, we just have to make do.
If we must live on less, then we shall.

Christ never promised any alleviation of suffering in THIS life, in fact He told us we will have to endure MUCH tribulation, just as He did.

You and your family are in my prayers, you can also try getting some help finding work at your local church/parrish if you belong to one.
This surprised me a bit because it's often mentioned at our church that God is in control of everything - that we have to give him something to work with by doing the best we can but that he will ultimately look after us if we've put our lives in his hands. After all, Jesus said not to worry about anything because God knows everything we need and will provide for us.
Spiritually, yes.
Does God want those that CAN take care of themselves and even others, to sit back and say , "Take care of Me Lord?" no, of course not.
We are actually commanded to take care of those less fortunate, especially widows and children.
God knows what we need and there are times He may allows us hardship so that we truly understand the differences between needs and wants, so that we may understand that God giving us what we need does NOT equal getting what we want.

Re: Provision/poverty

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 1:48 am
by LittleHamster
Nicki wrote:Thanks, Hamster. I have been praying, a lot! A bit like that woman in the parable who kept banging on the judge's door. I realise it hasn't been the best time of year, though - it's summer here and Christmas/New Year is the biggest holiday season. Not that my husband takes much notice when I point that out - he didn't get called in to work today (Monday) and he's been getting very negative. :esad: Please pray for us and maybe that will help!
I will definitely pray for you guys!

"Dear Heavenly Father, I ask in the name of your one-and-only begotten son, Jesus Christ that you give Nicki and her husband their happy dream jobs for ever and for all time. I ask that you provide them will all the money they need to live a long and happy and fulfilling life. Give them hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars and even millions ! Give them happiness ! Give them Salvation, Give them Your Love ! Give them their dream house - fully paid for ! Give them everlasting friendships ! Give them all and everything they could ever possibly wish for !

Dear Heavenly Father, You are the ABSOLUTE - INFINITE - BEINGNESS - TOTAL LOVE - TOTAL WISDOM AND TOTAL POWER. I know that nothing is impossible for you - NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING ! ABOSLUTELY NOTHING ! And I know without any doubt that you can and will do what I have asked you for - all for your Glory dear God.


Re: Provision/poverty

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 2:47 am
by 1over137
Nicki wrote:Thank you, guys. I do try to cook cheaply but my husband wants to have a good amount of meat most nights! We have two children to look after as well.
I just have been searching for what my father should eat and then I recalled this post by you.

Eating too much meat may be not healthy. ... -arthritis

Arthritis is also called an ilnness of kings as many suffered from it since they ate lof of meat.

Anyway, I hope you had loving time with your family during Christmas.

Re: Provision/poverty

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 7:57 am
by Nicki
LittleHamster wrote:
Nicki wrote:Thanks, Hamster. I have been praying, a lot! A bit like that woman in the parable who kept banging on the judge's door. I realise it hasn't been the best time of year, though - it's summer here and Christmas/New Year is the biggest holiday season. Not that my husband takes much notice when I point that out - he didn't get called in to work today (Monday) and he's been getting very negative. :esad: Please pray for us and maybe that will help!
I will definitely pray for you guys!

"Dear Heavenly Father, I ask in the name of your one-and-only begotten son, Jesus Christ that you give Nicki and her husband their happy dream jobs for ever and for all time. I ask that you provide them will all the money they need to live a long and happy and fulfilling life. Give them hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars and even millions ! Give them happiness ! Give them Salvation, Give them Your Love ! Give them their dream house - fully paid for ! Give them everlasting friendships ! Give them all and everything they could ever possibly wish for !

Dear Heavenly Father, You are the ABSOLUTE - INFINITE - BEINGNESS - TOTAL LOVE - TOTAL WISDOM AND TOTAL POWER. I know that nothing is impossible for you - NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING ! ABOSLUTELY NOTHING ! And I know without any doubt that you can and will do what I have asked you for - all for your Glory dear God.

Thanks :) Hubby has got a job now that he's pretty happy with so far - praise God.

Re: Provision/poverty

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 8:20 am
by RickD
Nicki wrote:
LittleHamster wrote:
Nicki wrote:Thanks, Hamster. I have been praying, a lot! A bit like that woman in the parable who kept banging on the judge's door. I realise it hasn't been the best time of year, though - it's summer here and Christmas/New Year is the biggest holiday season. Not that my husband takes much notice when I point that out - he didn't get called in to work today (Monday) and he's been getting very negative. :esad: Please pray for us and maybe that will help!
I will definitely pray for you guys!

"Dear Heavenly Father, I ask in the name of your one-and-only begotten son, Jesus Christ that you give Nicki and her husband their happy dream jobs for ever and for all time. I ask that you provide them will all the money they need to live a long and happy and fulfilling life. Give them hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars and even millions ! Give them happiness ! Give them Salvation, Give them Your Love ! Give them their dream house - fully paid for ! Give them everlasting friendships ! Give them all and everything they could ever possibly wish for !

Dear Heavenly Father, You are the ABSOLUTE - INFINITE - BEINGNESS - TOTAL LOVE - TOTAL WISDOM AND TOTAL POWER. I know that nothing is impossible for you - NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING ! ABOSLUTELY NOTHING ! And I know without any doubt that you can and will do what I have asked you for - all for your Glory dear God.

Thanks :) Hubby has got a job now that he's pretty happy with so far - praise God.
That's great news Nicki! A wise man once said:
Having a job is virtually part of a guy's DNA.

Re: Provision/poverty

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 9:29 pm
by Nicki
RickD wrote:That's great news Nicki! A wise man once said:
Having a job is virtually part of a guy's DNA.
Yes, probably! It wasn't going so well in the end last week, though - it seems he's got a very critical boss who keeps giving him a hard time. He was really down all weekend and struggled to go to work on Monday. He seems to be feeling a bit better this week, but I think he's still getting criticised a bit. He got some anti-depressant tablets the other week (before he even got this job - he was out of work and had some health issues) but he doesn't want to take them because they make him feel terrible! It's so frustrating - I just want him to have a decent job.

Re: Provision/poverty

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 11:38 am
by 1over137
May God give you both lot of strength.

Re: Provision/poverty

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 8:53 am
by Nicki
1over137 wrote:May God give you both lot of strength.
Thank you :esmile: He's got some different anti-depressants which don't seem to have much ill effect and things have mostly been all right for him at work.