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Forgiveness for demons?

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 2:24 am
by Mallz
1 Corinthians 6:3 3 Do you not know that we shall judge angels? How much more, things that pertain to this life?

Listen to this song from the perspective of a demon singing

When I first heard the song it made me feel pity. Then I watched the original music video and made me feel grief over how much a reality it is. Then I saw a different perspective. At the beginning of 1 Corinthians 6 it talks about how the saints will help judge the world and angels as the image of Christ. It makes me think of regretful demons.

Re: Forgiveness for demons?

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 3:45 am
by RickD
Mallz wrote:1 Corinthians 6:3 3 Do you not know that we shall judge angels? How much more, things that pertain to this life?

Listen to this song from the perspective of a demon singing

When I first heard the song it made me feel pity. Then I watched the original music video and made me feel grief over how much a reality it is. Then I saw a different perspective. At the beginning of 1 Corinthians 6 it talks about how the saints will help judge the world and angels as the image of Christ. It makes me think of regretful demons.

The song you posted is about demons? I heard a song about someone missing someone else, and trying everything, to no avail, to get that person off her mind.

Where'd the demon part come in? ... Lo_song%29

Re: Forgiveness for demons?

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 4:02 am
by Starhunter
I have read somewhere that the fallen angels, when they were cast out of heaven, came to their senses and begged to be reinstated, including their leader. But their repentance was not very sincere. because instead of vowing that they will not transfer their guilt and troubles onto the innocent, they saw the world and its first humans as possible subjects and loyalists, and set about to plan their rebellion and down fall.

Some people believe that God does not give angels any chances, and only to human beings.
But the angels have seen this rebellion develop over possibly centuries, before they were cast out.
There were numerous occasions where they had opportunity and conviction of their position and nearly returned to serve God, but the infection of pride held them. It wasn't until they were cast out that they were confronted with God's warnings.

But Satan used the patience of God against Him, by saying that God is not punishing, because He knows that he has a case which cannot be refused. The grace of God was given as evidence that God was weakening and stepping down, and that He did not want to reveal His own defeat.

Their fellow companions which remained loyal, went through a terrible struggle, which took hundreds of years to understand, simply because Lucifer was such an adorable and intelligent leader, who used an outward appearance of righteousness as a cover for his deep rebellion. The loyal angels sought to hold back the growing discontent and opposition, saying that there was never a reason to accuse God of ulterior motives.

4 or 5,000 years later, until the messiah, the fallen angels went from bad to worse, until they wanted to kill Christ, as they had killed the prophets.
So they have had ample opportunity to repent.
The open warfare by Satan in heaven was evidence that he was prepared to kill in order to get what he wanted. That's when God cast them all out of heaven.

Being banned from heaven as physical place, was not the issue, because Satan appeared in heaven a few times in the past, even though he was banned. The banning had to do with their connection through their life style and vocation, from God.
So the angels were terribly sore about not having a home or God to serve and to be rewarded by.

Without guidance and inspiration, now they were left, not to interesting and rewarding tasks, but to orders from their leader, who once served them in their God given endeavors.
(Notice in Daniel that Jesus the Commander of angels, comes to help Gabriel the head angel, but not to order him around. A different hierarchy in heaven altogether)

Should we feel sorry for the fallen angels?
Even God mourns over them and Lucifer.

Will they ever come to their senses? Yes, they have to, otherwise the judgment will not take place. They are left in an empty world after Christ returns to retrieve His saints and take them to heaven. Here they will have a thousand years to work it out. But after the judgement, although they confess their error, they will not have changed in heart, and are unfit for heaven.

It is dangerous to think that our characters are of no importance, because it is the only thing that remains in tact after the resurrection, all the rest is renewed. Renewing the mind is what the gospel is supposed to do now not later.

So forgiveness, is one thing God loves to grant, but fitness for heaven is just as important. Why?
Because any defect of character, an unloving trait, will become the source of torture to oneself over time, and will become evident in deception, manipulation and misery to others.

Re: Forgiveness for demons?

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 5:30 am
by Mallz
The song you posted is about demons?
Imagine the girl singing is instead a demon and is singing to God (Imagination hat time). It's just a thought that occurred to me when I was listening to it and seeing the lyrics. This might be more than your wanting but:

The beginning of the song is about the day by day living in a demons life through interactions with people where he can get it. Then the chorus comes in "You're gone and I gotta stay high all the time to keep you off my mind". Being kicked out of the only home they had and disconnected from God, a demon goes to and fro looking to exist among other things.

When I see and hear it what came to mind was a demonic expression of regret to God.

Re: Forgiveness for demons?

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 5:37 am
by Mallz
I have read somewhere that the fallen angels, when they were cast out of heaven, came to their senses and begged to be reinstated, including their leader. But their repentance was not very sincere. because instead of vowing that they will not transfer their guilt and troubles onto the innocent, they saw the world and its first humans as possible subjects and loyalists, and set about to plan their rebellion and down fall.
Do you remember where you read this? I'm starting to find and realize spiritual laws revealed through the Bible to have a better grasp on our physical and spiritual entanglement.

For the remainder, I can feel that, but what is the source and is it reliable?
Without guidance and inspiration, now they were left, not to interesting and rewarding tasks, but to orders from their leader, who once served them in their God given endeavors.
Which helped with the angelic deception, and is part of what makes me think of this song.

Re: Forgiveness for demons?

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 6:07 am
by RickD
Mallz wrote:
The song you posted is about demons?
Imagine the girl singing is instead a demon and is singing to God (Imagination hat time). It's just a thought that occurred to me when I was listening to it and seeing the lyrics. This might be more than your wanting but:

The beginning of the song is about the day by day living in a demons life through interactions with people where he can get it. Then the chorus comes in "You're gone and I gotta stay high all the time to keep you off my mind". Being kicked out of the only home they had and disconnected from God, a demon goes to and fro looking to exist among other things.

When I see and hear it what came to mind was a demonic expression of regret to God.
Ok, I see what you're saying. :D

Re: Forgiveness for demons?

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 6:21 am
by PaulSacramento
It is important to understand that while humans (Not Adam and Eve mind you) MAY have an "excuse" in regards to rebellion against God, the fallen angels and demos do NOT have any.
The KNEW God in a away that you can only imagine, they were in His presence.

Re: Forgiveness for demons?

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 6:35 am
by Mallz
It is important to understand that while humans (Not Adam and Eve mind you) MAY have an "excuse" in regards to rebellion against God, the fallen angels and demos do NOT have any.
The KNEW God in a away that you can only imagine, they were in His presence.
Can't there still be mercy?

Re: Forgiveness for demons?

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 7:37 am
by PaulSacramento
Mallz wrote:
It is important to understand that while humans (Not Adam and Eve mind you) MAY have an "excuse" in regards to rebellion against God, the fallen angels and demos do NOT have any.
The KNEW God in a away that you can only imagine, they were in His presence.
Can't there still be mercy?
Of course, there is always mercy BUT God is also a God of justice.
Demon wise, there are a few views about them, one is that they were the immaterial spirits of the nephilim killed by the flood.
I do believe that God always offers ALL a chance of redemption, the issue is though, do they want it?

Re: Forgiveness for demons?

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 9:40 am
by B. W.

There is a state of utter corruptibility and the fallen angels met that criteria. They are all utterly corrupt and view God's character and nature as weakness to be exploited. They taught that to humanities first parents. As an act of love, there can be no future mercy for demons due to their being utterly corrupt and by love are cast into a place of utter corruption and full depravity to protect those God's loves and who loves God from rebellion because God does love. Fallen angels are spiritual beings and live eternally in that state. In that state, knowing God will not extinguish even their own life into non-existent state, all due to God being a God of the Living and not taking away life, as the bible specifically teaches, so that because of this knowing the demons continue to exploit and game God's nature and goodness in order to entrap God to act contrary to who and what God is - GOD. This is done with the intent to prove God is not God absolute so that they end up ruling over God. So a debate as this is but one example of how demons seek to play God's mercy against itself in order to entrap God through human agents.

As for humanity, we are mortals and came into being as mortals, though we came into being and were designed with eternity in our hearts, we are still mortals first. This state of mortalness is God's proving grounds, if you will, and provides the means for God proving himself God true to himself through redemption. One who comes to Christ Jesus finds redemption, period, and if not, they will find a sealing into utter corruption as that is what one loved most - corruption. On the grounds of mere speculation, we do not know if angelic beings were once in some state of being where they too were tested by God and 1/3rd failed and 2/3rd's passed which sealed them forever in their respective state.

I find comfort in the last chapters of the Book of Revelation because the old order will be done away with. Reminds me of wisdom at work, refining the universe, removing the dross until God's perfect perfection is complete. Then and only then will there be no more rebellion, sin, death and all those who sealed themselves to rebellion, sin, death will be removed and contained forever where they can never do harm again. Amen! and how unsearchable is God wisdom past finding out!

In the meantime, never comfort a demon and remember the word of God on this, never give place to the devil but resist him (Eph 4:27 NKJV). We are called to resist the devil not coddle him so why Mallz, are you coddling the idea about demons and sharing it? How does that line up with the bible - James 4:7; 1 Peter 5:8,9 ?????

Jesus resisted Luke 4:3-12, Paul wrote: Eph 6:11-18 and you still say what about demons?

These creatures are not to be toyed with, invoked, felt sorry for, evil is evil. Evil manipulates, exploits, games, toys, seduces as a con artist would whose end goal is to cause ruin, destruction, death, and robbery by means of selling and practicing rebellion. Evil is malicious and cruel and often hides this with a smoke screen of platitudes that appease the human intellect before unleashing its cruelty. Jesus spoke of the devil in a manner that I do not think anyone of us in this life can ever fully understand in John 8:44 and for that, are you saying that all people should have sympathy for the devil in light of what Christ revealed ??? I humbly plead with you to stop this nonsense and stop playing with fire!!

Origen of Alexandria, 185 to 255 A.D, of Alexandria / Egypt was wrong about the devil becoming saved and this doctrine defies the scriptures and what Jesus and the Apostles taught concerning the devil. Don't buy into it... Though Origen of Alexandria was a brilliant early Church father, he did stray near his mortal end around the time he began sharing the idea about devil's salvation in his work 231 AD work, De Principiis, and when this work became popular and that should serve as a warning. In my opinion, he began okay and slipped into some very strange teaching by relying more on the Greek Philosophic system (the platonic) than the he should have. That too is another objective lesson to learn from. I do believe he is in heaven and saved and that God in his mercy stopped him before he could do more damage to peoples faith. You could say, Origen was one of the first christian liberals of his day.

Re: Forgiveness for demons?

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 1:41 pm
by PaulSacramento
Didn't Origen castrate himself?

Re: Forgiveness for demons?

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 4:36 pm
by Starhunter
Mallz wrote:
I have read somewhere that the fallen angels, when they were cast out of heaven, came to their senses and begged to be reinstated, including their leader. But their repentance was not very sincere. because instead of vowing that they will not transfer their guilt and troubles onto the innocent, they saw the world and its first humans as possible subjects and loyalists, and set about to plan their rebellion and down fall.
Do you remember where you read this? I'm starting to find and realize spiritual laws revealed through the Bible to have a better grasp on our physical and spiritual entanglement.

For the remainder, I can feel that, but what is the source and is it reliable?
Without guidance and inspiration, now they were left, not to interesting and rewarding tasks, but to orders from their leader, who once served them in their God given endeavors.
Which helped with the angelic deception, and is part of what makes me think of this song.
Your point of view about demons speaking through popular music is instinctively correct, and unfortunate because the music a waste of good talent.

Here is a copy of what I read, keeping in mind that this material and Author is banned and forbidden by the Catholic church and the nominal churches, but from what I have read about Satan it agrees with the principles outlined in scripture. ... itted-.htm

Re: Forgiveness for demons?

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 7:16 pm
by Mallz
are you saying that all people should have sympathy for the devil in light of what Christ revealed ???
No no no no no definitely not. Thanks for the reply B.W., it was insightful. I don't have a firm understanding of the spiritual world yet and how it works, which is why I started this thread.
Usually I post asking questions that would answer further questions which in turn would give insight so some things I'm pondering :econfused:

Yes, I was feeling sympathy for a scenario where a demon could feel regret, and I wanted to know if that feeling was true or false. I see how absolutely false it is now. It's crazy how much sympathy and love demons get from people all the time who don't even know what they are doing. That explains a vast majority of people my age and younger, especially those 15-21 around where I am at. Demons pitting Gods mercy against Him and fooling us in such a way, now that feels true.

I don't know Origen of Alaxandria. I'll look into him to make sure I don't fall into a false reality.

Starhunter, thanks I'll give that a careful look over.

Anyone have a good direction to point me in to learn spiritual laws and the workings between spiritual and physical?

Re: Forgiveness for demons?

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 5:42 am
by RickD
Starhunter wrote:
Mallz wrote:
I have read somewhere that the fallen angels, when they were cast out of heaven, came to their senses and begged to be reinstated, including their leader. But their repentance was not very sincere. because instead of vowing that they will not transfer their guilt and troubles onto the innocent, they saw the world and its first humans as possible subjects and loyalists, and set about to plan their rebellion and down fall.
Do you remember where you read this? I'm starting to find and realize spiritual laws revealed through the Bible to have a better grasp on our physical and spiritual entanglement.

For the remainder, I can feel that, but what is the source and is it reliable?
Without guidance and inspiration, now they were left, not to interesting and rewarding tasks, but to orders from their leader, who once served them in their God given endeavors.
Which helped with the angelic deception, and is part of what makes me think of this song.
Your point of view about demons speaking through popular music is instinctively correct, and unfortunate because the music a waste of good talent.

Here is a copy of what I read, keeping in mind that this material and Author is banned and forbidden by the Catholic church and the nominal churches, but from what I have read about Satan it agrees with the principles outlined in scripture. ... itted-.htm
FYI, Ellen G White was a false prophet.

Re: Forgiveness for demons?

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 6:09 am
by Mallz
Yeah, she got hit in the head with a rock then started having visions and then the SDA was formed. I went to one of their colleges