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Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 6:16 pm
by tunde1992
i don't believe i ever made a proper introduction, despite being a member for a couple years. Hello my name is Tunde and i am 16 years old now, please disregard what it says in my name, contrary to what it says, i was not born in 1992. i won't really go into my childhood or any of that stuff .

i was raised in a christian home, one sibling (kind of ) , and i moved to the united states about 8 years ago .around middle to early High school i began questioning my beliefs as most people, i think , do . it was really during the teachings of evolution and such, i'm still revisiting my creation positions. I went a little while in a sort of agnostic position , eventually i came upon this and several other sites and i sort of learned along the way . i'm sure i failed to mention some very inspiring and truly worthy events , but i am terribly awful at remembering things.

then a couple years ago, as mentioned in what i believe was last thread, my family found out that my father cheated on my mother, not only once about twenty something years ago , which is about how long they've been married, But also in 2009 , the reason i said (kind of) , earlier is because i technically have more than a single sibling, depending on your definition.

He said he had always meant to tell her , because the first time it happened , it was some months before they got married, when he traveled to Canada, then i wondered if he had told her, she would obviously have not married him , and neither my brother and i would have existed , but if he didn't tell her , eventually my mother would have found out , like she did, and it would be a horrible pain, if he hadn't cheated , my half-sister, who i'm sure is a wonderful person, I've never spoken to her after that incident, would have never existed ,if he did, which he did, it would have created this horrible pain, which it did.

i was all for a divorce, actually. But a few days after my last post, she moved back in. God knows why. i'm trying to forgive him, but every time he speaks or tries to give me advice, it just stinks of hypocrisy and arrogance. i'm not saying people don't make mistakes ,but how he apologized and when i called him on it , said what happened between a man and his wife was none of the children's concern, and when he quoted a passage about children respecting their parents, it just infuriated me, i suppose he forgot the one about adultery. I'm sure i'm being somewhat biased and ridiculously subjective. he does indeed love my mother and us too. He's not some deadbeat either, He' s a professor of Childhood education at a CSU college. He makes quite a lot of money, but quite a certain amount goes to alimony , which really well explains our situation . i could continue on like this for quite a while, but i'm looking up now and i think i completely missed my thesis of introduction.

So besides all that nonsense, some months ago ,i decided to be somewhat of an apologist after reading C.S Lewis 's Mere Christianity, Great book , by the way. what this was supposed to be was a quick introduction and some recommendations for beginner apologetic books , since i am somewhat inexperienced. i have dabbled in more advanced apologetic and they have confused me quite a many times. i want to have some sound reasoning and show i'm not a patron of blind faith . i'm still perplexed in many things as evolution, Micro vs Macro , Creation stance, Adam and eve, Aquinas's first way, all the ontological and etc. arguments. i'm in no denomination.

Thank you if you read through that rather long summary of my trivial life.

Re: Introduction

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 7:11 am
by Silvertusk
Thank you for sharing. I hope you find the peace that only He can bring in the storms of your life.


Re: Introduction

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 9:59 am
by 1over137
You're welcome. And noone's life is trivial. :wave:

Re: Introduction

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 3:25 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
Thank you for sharing Tunde, if you ever feeling like having a private chat about any of these issues I would be more than happy to assist. I have been through some similar situations myself and I know how hard it is.

May the Lord grant you wisdom and peace in your hardship. y@};-