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Why can`t I hear God?

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 3:52 am
by Storyteller
Okay, I definitely believe in God and accept Jesus as my Saviour but I do have doubts, tears and a lot of questions.

The thing I`m wrestling with at the moment is although I am totally convinced in my faith I don`t seem to be hearing God. I talk to Him all the time but I can`t hear Him!
Maybe I just haven`t learnt to listen properly or I`m missing something. I know He must be able to hear me and I ache for some clue that He is really listening.

Although I`m sincere in my beliefs I seem to lack the total conviction of committed Christians, is it possible that this is why I don`t seem to be having a personal relationship with God? Surely God wants us to question things?

When I chat to God I don`t say the things out loud, I`m figuring God knows what I`m thinking and He must know I`m talking to Him but maybe I need to say things out loud?

Any thoughts and guidance would be appreciated!

Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 7:57 am
by Silvertusk
Storyteller wrote:Okay, I definitely believe in God and accept Jesus as my Saviour but I do have doubts, tears and a lot of questions.

The thing I`m wrestling with at the moment is although I am totally convinced in my faith I don`t seem to be hearing God. I talk to Him all the time but I can`t hear Him!
Maybe I just haven`t learnt to listen properly or I`m missing something. I know He must be able to hear me and I ache for some clue that He is really listening.

Although I`m sincere in my beliefs I seem to lack the total conviction of committed Christians, is it possible that this is why I don`t seem to be having a personal relationship with God? Surely God wants us to question things?

When I chat to God I don`t say the things out loud, I`m figuring God knows what I`m thinking and He must know I`m talking to Him but maybe I need to say things out loud?

Any thoughts and guidance would be appreciated!
Welcome to the forum Storyteller.

I have never heard an audible voice from God - but that does not mean he does not speak to us. Foremost he speaks to us through his Word. The Bible. Secondly he speaks to us through nature - just look around you.

Thirdly he speaks to us through his peace and assurance that he is with you,

Fourthly he speaks to us through answered prayer.

That is all I can offer for now.

God Bless

Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 10:21 am
by Storyteller
Thanks Silvertusk :)

I feel close to God, when I'm walking in the woods or on the beach or at night watching the stars. I feel Him in the wind and when I look at my daughter. I just don't feel that I know him or that He is talking specifically to me if that makes sense.

I've read large parts of the Bible but I find it hard to take something personal from it.

I shall keep praying, reading, asking questions and listening.

God bless you too :)

Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 1:35 pm
by 1over137
May I ask: do you feel close to God when you read Bible, for example four gospels and there Jesus' words?

Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 1:37 pm
by Silvertusk
Storyteller wrote:Thanks Silvertusk :)

I feel close to God, when I'm walking in the woods or on the beach or at night watching the stars. I feel Him in the wind and when I look at my daughter. I just don't feel that I know him or that He is talking specifically to me if that makes sense.

I've read large parts of the Bible but I find it hard to take something personal from it.

I shall keep praying, reading, asking questions and listening.

God bless you too :)
Make sure you are reading the bible with a good commentary - or may i recommend the "...for everyone" series (replace the dots with a book of the new testament. By Tom Wright - they really bring the bible alive.

Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 3:37 pm
by Storyteller
1over137 wrote:May I ask: do you feel close to God when you read Bible, for example four gospels and there Jesus' words?
I probably feel closer to God on a windy night looking at the stars. When I read the Bible I guess I learn more about God but it doesn't feel as personal and no, I guess I don't really feel close to Him.

Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 3:39 pm
by Storyteller
Silvertusk wrote:
Storyteller wrote:Thanks Silvertusk :)

I feel close to God, when I'm walking in the woods or on the beach or at night watching the stars. I feel Him in the wind and when I look at my daughter. I just don't feel that I know him or that He is talking specifically to me if that makes sense.

I've read large parts of the Bible but I find it hard to take something personal from it.

I shall keep praying, reading, asking questions and listening.

God bless you too :)
Make sure you are reading the bible with a good commentary - or may i recommend the "...for everyone" series (replace the dots with a book of the new testament. By Tom Wright - they really bring the bible alive.
Thanks for that Silvertusk! I'll try those.

I just have a NIV copy of the Bible, no comentary, maybe that's what's missing y:-?

Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 3:59 pm
by jlay
For today, The Bible is God's method of communicating with us.
I do believe God also uses providence as well as other believers to speak into our lives, but it is difficult to establish any methods as to how this works. In this case we again need to go back to the word. It is without question that God wants us to know and discern His will. (Rom. 12:2, John 14:21)
If your expectations are to "hear" from God then you need to make sure that your expectations are in line with God's will. If they aren't then you will only end up frustrated and disappointed. Sound familiar. I can speak from experience. I have been blessed to see God's provision and direction as I have served in local ministry. Keep this in mind, when Jesus was on the Earth, He could rarely be found in the temple, but instead was out ministering in the highways and bi-ways. Find out where God is at work and get involved.

I would argue that you are hearing from God right now. God has allowed this futility which in turn has left you searching for answers. As far as vocalizing your prayers, God knows before you ask, so this is really for us and not for God. O

Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 4:27 pm
by Starhunter
It is just my opinion that the NIV is a false version. Time to change to the unchanged original the old King James, not the new KJ. You can only give it a try and see what happens.

Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 4:51 pm
by Storyteller
Hi jlay :)
I definitely think God steered me here. I don't go to church right now, although I have, I have yet to find one that I really feel at home in. I love churches and I love exploring my feelings about God but I tend to be a bit of a loner and I communicate wsy better online. Maybe this forum will be my church?
The futility point you makes puts a whole new slant on things for me, has given me food for thought, thank you!

Hi starhunter :)
I have a King James version in my shop, will root it out and see if it makes a difference.

Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 11:34 pm
by 1over137
This forum is a forum. Not church. But may be great start toward church.

(O, who am I to say this :( )

Jlay has said great thing. To involve oneself in a ministry.

Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 7:26 am
by thesign
Storyteller wrote:Although I`m sincere in my beliefs I seem to lack the total conviction of committed Christians, is it possible that this is why I don`t seem to be having a personal relationship with God? Surely God wants us to question things?

When I chat to God I don`t say the things out loud, I`m figuring God knows what I`m thinking and He must know I`m talking to Him but maybe I need to say things out loud?

Any thoughts and guidance would be appreciated!
Total conviction? Currently, the United States of America, as a nation through its courts, hands out convictions against God, Heaven, and everything holy, righteous, and just - like they were toilet paper - and without any reverence for the Holy Spirit, Who does convict.

I question your use of conviction. If the Holy Spirit convicts me, I am guilty. If my fellow citizens hate and perjure against me, that is not a conviction. And when those same hateful perjurers use the word "conviction" to attempt to impress others that they are anything more than thieving, lying, murderers, they are merely weaving a tangled web of deceit.

The problem with democracy is that it can affect your thought concerning these things. It is a system of rule by people, not necessarily including our Creator and our God.

At 44 years of age, that is 44 years of such influence. People lying about what conviction really means, pretending to be God. The chastisement of 9-11-2001-ADP should have destroyed the entire nation for such outrage, yet God has been very merciful to the United States, and Israel.

Strength and conviction are two different things. Christians can have strength, but in the purity from Christ's Salvific work at Calvary, they can never be convicted.

Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 8:05 am
by RickD

The meaning of conviction that Storyteller was using, is:
: the feeling of being sure that what you believe or say is true.
And storyteller,

You don't need to read the KJV of the bible. If it works for you, and you can understand the language, then fine. What's best is finding a translation that's easy for you to read. Maybe check out the NASB(New American Standard Bible). Maybe try reading the translation online before you decide if you want to buy a bible.

Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 11:55 am
by Storyteller
That is indeed what I meant Rick.

I'm still right at the beginning of my journey with God, and Christ. I have read, and will carry on reading, many books about what the Christian faith means, what it really means to follow Christ. No matter which way I look at it,how incredible and just so mind boggling, how unlikely it is, it HAS to be true! There is no other explanation.
I'm still trying to fully comprehend that.

I read 'Beyond Belief' by Peter Meadows. It blew me away, at last, someone talking my language.

I am embarking on something so joyful, so deep, so fascinating, so beautiful, it takes my breath away.

I feel, and this is where I'll struggle to explain, I feel slightly silly proclaiming my faith in Jesus and God, but how awesome to know that all I have to do is allow God into my heart and let Christ guide me?

I've been reading the thread about the Turin shroud and I'm hooked!
Sorry, I tend to goff on tangents all the time!

There is so, so much for me to learn. I am going to study the Bible :D

(I shall find the one that reads best for me)

Re: Why can`t I hear God?

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 12:38 pm
by abelcainsbrother
Storyteller wrote:That is indeed what I meant Rick.

I'm still right at the beginning of my journey with God, and Christ. I have read, and will carry on reading, many books about what the Christian faith means, what it really means to follow Christ. No matter which way I look at it,how incredible and just so mind boggling, how unlikely it is, it HAS to be true! There is no other explanation.
I'm still trying to fully comprehend that.

I read 'Beyond Belief' by Peter Meadows. It blew me away, at last, someone talking my language.

I am embarking on something so joyful, so deep, so fascinating, so beautiful, it takes my breath away.

I feel, and this is where I'll struggle to explain, I feel slightly silly proclaiming my faith in Jesus and God, but how awesome to know that all I have to do is allow God into my heart and let Christ guide me?

I've been reading the thread about the Turin shroud and I'm hooked!
Sorry, I tend to goff on tangents all the time!

There is so, so much for me to learn. I am going to study the Bible :D

(I shall find the one that reads best for me)
I have always loved studying the bible and I think it is good you have decided to study it.But the bible is a very vast book covering many issues and I have learned over time it is important first to know and study the parts of the bible that deal with salvation,being born again and how to know what a true Christian is and to know and understand that we are saved by grace regardless of our performance because of what Jesus fulfilled and did for us,I see many Christians who think there performance is important,they think by doing good it makes them more saved,or they want to go back to the law and blend it with grace,you see the gospel -good news is too easy for religious people.Some of my favorite books of the bible to help us understand true salvation is the book of Hebrews,Galatians,Ephesians chapter 2 and Romans.

A lot of people think that we have to clean ourself up before we come to God but this is something nobody can do,and if we could God would not have had to send Jesus to live a perfect life for us,the bible tells us in Romans that the more your under the law,the more you actually sin than if you rely on God's grace,people have it backwards though because of what Jesus did we can confess our sins and come boldly to the throne of God through Jesus,not anything we've done.

I want you to find a good version of the song Amazing grace and look at the lyrics to it as you listen to it.And the song "Just as I am" too which was written by a former prostitute who finally came to Jesus.