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Why stop at only THREE???!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 5:10 pm
by Philip ... emony.html

And why must everyone in the union even be HUMAN? Tbink that's a stretch?

Image ... s-dog.html

Divorce, property and family law is gonna get a LOT more complicated! :shakehead:

Re: Why stop at only THREE???!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 5:39 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
Philip wrote:
And why must everyone in the union even be HUMAN? Tbink that's a stretch?

Image ... s-dog.html

Divorce, property and family law is gonna get a LOT more complicated! :shakehead:
That looks a lot like D220's Lab a nice, friendly Labrador! They are very loving dogs, so I would understand why D220 someone would marry a Lab.

(Does it take a long time to train a Lab to cook, clean and do the laudry?)

:bag: Anonymous

Re: Why stop at only THREE???!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 5:59 pm
by Philip
(Does it take a long time to train a Lab cook, clean and do the laudry?)

:bag: Anonymous
Well, I know that it takes them about until the age of five to calm down from hyper, dumb puppy behavior. And Goldens are equally bad.

Re: Why stop at only THREE???!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 7:52 pm
by abelcainsbrother
We knew it was going to happen and have been saying it first legalize gay marriage,then the flood gate for everything else.I used to argue with liberals and told them this kind of stuff was going to happen.No need to be a prophet to see it coming.I wish I could remind all of them that were denying it.

Re: Why stop at only THREE???!!!

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 12:14 pm
by Philip
Who deleted my dog wedding photo?!!!

Re: Why stop at only THREE???!!!

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 5:03 pm
by RickD
Philip wrote:Who deleted my dog wedding photo?!!!
It wasn't there to begin with.

I had that problem posting pics from my phone one time. I used an image sharing site. As long as I was logged in to the image sharing site, my photo stayed on this site. As soon as I logged off the image sharing site, my photo was gone from here. Weird.

And I don't know why, but when I saw the picture of the three "married" men, I thought of Philip, PaulSacramento, and Furstentum Liechtenstein. y:-?

Re: Why stop at only THREE???!!!

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 5:49 pm
by Philip
And I don't know why, but when I saw the picture of the three "married" men, I thought of Philip, PaulSacramento, and Furstentum Liechtenstein. y:-?
I'm afraid to ask why? :shock:

Re: Why stop at only THREE???!!!

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 6:47 am
by RickD
Philip wrote:
And I don't know why, but when I saw the picture of the three "married" men, I thought of Philip, PaulSacramento, and Furstentum Liechtenstein. y:-?
I'm afraid to ask why? :shock:
Like I said, I'm not sure. Maybe seeing a picture of three little effeminate men, reminds me of you three. y:-? :pound:

Re: Why stop at only THREE???!!!

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 12:25 pm
by Philip
Like I said, I'm not sure. Maybe seeing a picture of three little effeminate men, reminds me of you three. y:-? :pound:
My fears were well founded. FL would probably be the cranky, bossy one. :esurprised:

Re: Why stop at only THREE???!!!

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 2:20 pm
by RickD
Philip wrote:
Like I said, I'm not sure. Maybe seeing a picture of three little effeminate men, reminds me of you three. y:-? :pound:
My fears were well founded. FL would probably be the cranky, bossy one. :esurprised:
I'll let you decide. That's probably something best decided between a married

Re: Why stop at only THREE???!!!

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 3:26 pm
by RickD
Thailand allows this?

That's the last straw. I'm protesting against all things Thai. No more Thai food. I'm not buying anymore Hondas or toyotas. And I'm canceling my trip to the Great Wall too. And while I'm at it, from now on, I'm only wearing sandals because I will not Thai my shoes. y[-(

Re: Why stop at only THREE???!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 7:11 am
by FlawedIntellect
Uh, Toyota and Honda are Japanese, not Thai.
Other Japanese car companies at the top of my head are Subaru, Nissan, and I think Mitsubishi, though Mitsubishi also did general electronics, like televisions. Yamaha does electronics [such as music keyboards], and sports vehicles (such as jet skis).

As for Great Wall, that's China.

You need to go back to school. Don't you know your geography?

Wow, I veered off-topic.

And well, it's no shock that the dog marriage thing happened in Australia. If Australia is anywhere as "liberal" as some of ya guys have been saying, well... it should be expected.

Run away, dog, Run away! The man's a creep! This is about as bad as people marrying body pillows and video game cartridges (which, yes, has happened. >_>)

As for Thailand and the 3-way arrangement, one guy's name in that union says it all: the entire arrangement is a Joke. (Badum-tish!) Cue an increase of "liberal" magazines calling Thailand "progressive" for allowing this sort of relationship to get the government's approval.

Re: Why stop at only THREE???!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 7:40 pm
by melanie
Yes totally expected. It is quite common here for animal/human marriages. We don't even limit it to canines. We are so 'liberal' that we do not and would not species discriminate. I witnessed a very touching ceremony just the other day between a lovely young man and his goldfish. There were several complications, finding the right dress proved to be quite problematic, getting a very light weight ring custom fitted and the bridal waltz was interesting to say the least.
Rather disappointingly by the time they got to the honeymoon suite the goldfish had forgotten :esurprised:

It's not legal here to marry a dog. I can't believe I just put that in a sentence. :lol:

Re: Why stop at only THREE???!!!

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2015 5:28 am
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
FlawedIntellect wrote:Uh, Toyota and Honda are Japanese, not Thai.
All 'em folk look alike. Mah rich friend went to Japland too yeers ago and he said that places full o' Chinamen.

:bag: Anonymous

Re: Why stop at only THREE???!!!

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 2:56 pm
by Kurieuo
Philip wrote: ... emony.html

And why must everyone in the union even be HUMAN? Tbink that's a stretch?

Image ... s-dog.html

Divorce, property and family law is gonna get a LOT more complicated! :shakehead:
Yes, it just shows that if marriage is "man-made" it can really be anything and everything we want it to be.
And when something is everything, it is actually meaningless and nothing.

So either "marriage" really does exist and is something, or it isn't really fulfilling any particular purpose at all.
And if it has a meaning and purpose to it, why I wonder what that might be? y:-?