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A death cult seems to have risen...

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 11:38 am
by PaulSacramento
Truly breaks my heart... ... s-say.html

Killing babies no different from abortion, experts say. Parents should be allowed to have their newborn babies killed because they are “morally irrelevant” and ending their lives is no different to abortion, a group of medical ethicists linked to Oxford University has argued.

The article, published in the Journal of Medical Ethics, says newborn babies are not “actual persons” and do not have a “moral right to life”. The academics also argue that parents should be able to have their baby killed if it turns out to be disabled when it is born.

The journal’s editor, Prof Julian Savulescu, director of the Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics, said the article's authors had received death threats since publishing the article. He said those who made abusive and threatening posts about the study were “fanatics opposed to the very values of a liberal society”.

The article, entitled “After-birth abortion: Why should the baby live?”, was written by two of Prof Savulescu’s former associates, Alberto Giubilini and Francesca Minerva.

Between my Eldest and youngest daughter, my wife and I had a miscarriage.
It was one of the most painful experiences of our lives, I don't recall ever feeling so sad and such a tremendous sense of loss ever before.
Our little one taken from us, just like that.
We are thankful to Our Lord for His strength and the strength He gave us.
I can't begin to fathom consciously terminating a child.

Re: A death cult seems to have risen...

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 12:01 pm
by Storyteller
I couldn't, can't, won't read the full article.

It tears too much at my heart, makes me too angry.

I had four miscarriages before my daughter (who is now 10) and I still grieve for them.

Re: A death cult seems to have risen...

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 12:07 pm
by PaulSacramento
Storyteller wrote:I couldn't, can't, won't read the full article.

It tears too much at my heart, makes me too angry.

I had four miscarriages before my daughter (who is now 10) and I still grieve for them.
"Forgive them, for they know not what they do"...

Re: A death cult seems to have risen...

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 12:12 pm
by Storyteller
Oh Paul :crying:

How do you forgive something like that?

I pray that some of them at least, if not all of them, find God.

I know He can, and will, forgive them. Me? I don't think I can and that pains me. Because I know God would.

Re: A death cult seems to have risen...

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 12:19 pm
by PaulSacramento
Storyteller wrote:Oh Paul :crying:

How do you forgive something like that?

I pray that some of them at least, if not all of them, find God.

I know He can, and will, forgive them. Me? I don't think I can and that pains me. Because I know God would.
How can I forgive?
I forgive because He forgave me.
I feel for them, that they are so blinded by their lack of love that they either can't or choose not to see that life is given and not to be taken.
The selfish generation, the generation of entitlement believe that they are suppose to have everything they want, including babies WHEN they want them and HOW they want them and if not THEIR way then they just want have them, even if it means killing them after birth because they could do it before birth.

I wish I could say I was surprised but it was inevitable.

Without God, truly ANYTHING becomes permissible.

Re: A death cult seems to have risen...

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 12:24 pm
by Storyteller
Then I shall pray that God gives me the wisdom to forgive them but it is so very hard.
Maybe there is something I need to learn from this. Maybe I need to learn that forgiveness isnt always easy.

I pray that I can let go of this anger and I am loathe to admit it, but hatred too.

Re: A death cult seems to have risen...

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 1:19 pm
by 1over137
article wrote: “To bring up such children might be an unbearable burden on the family
Reminds me of one my family member. Actually, not just one.


I read the whole article.
This society is just ill.

Re: A death cult seems to have risen...

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 1:57 pm
by Starhunter
It's almost word for word what the Nazi's taught. They killed the disabled and disadvantaged because they were a burden to 'society.'

The reason they felt justified in claiming that was because the state had first undertaken the task of becoming a welfare agent.
All good, but then it goes on to prescribe what welfare is.