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Protestor at School

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 3:54 pm
by tunde1992
I'm not sure if You guys live in Ontario , California, (Had to ask), But recently there's been a guy outside my school with a camera yelling some rather anti-gay things. his usual speech consists of "LGB Community are fornicators" "God Hates ******" and "They're all going to hell!". I Realize this guy really isn't helping his cause and is causing harm for the kingdom of Christ . The Police have tried to get involved , but until it's all settled he's protected under the first amendment, The School has also decided to hold a public forum to discuss the issues brought up by the guy. I Feel as if i should attend and probably voice my opinions that i vehemently disagree with the guy, although i do think homosexuality is a sin, But i rather feel as though i'd come off as Rationalizing Prejudice, no matter how reasonable my various arguments may be. But if i do not attend, i feel as though they'll be a lot of Throwing the baby out with the Bathwater and a lot of misplaced emotions, now i don't mean to say i'm the voice of reason or all knowing, but i'm worried such might happen. Have you met such a person? and how do you suggest dealing with them?

Re: Protestor at School

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 7:04 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
If you and other Christians decide to speak out during the Forum, you will be misunderstood and criticized. Opprobrium will be heaped on you. Jesus was very loving and forgiving yet he was still crucified.

Don't expect anything gentle.

FL :shakehead:

Re: Protestor at School

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 2:41 am
by Storyteller
I agree with FL.

I think, if you feel strongly about this, you should speak up. As FL says, you will be criticized and misunderstood but if no one speaks out what will ever change?

Re: Protestor at School

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 6:49 am
by abelcainsbrother
tunde1992 wrote:I'm not sure if You guys live in Ontario , California, (Had to ask), But recently there's been a guy outside my school with a camera yelling some rather anti-gay things. his usual speech consists of "LGB Community are fornicators" "God Hates ******" and "They're all going to hell!". I Realize this guy really isn't helping his cause and is causing harm for the kingdom of Christ . The Police have tried to get involved , but until it's all settled he's protected under the first amendment, The School has also decided to hold a public forum to discuss the issues brought up by the guy. I Feel as if i should attend and probably voice my opinions that i vehemently disagree with the guy, although i do think homosexuality is a sin, But i rather feel as though i'd come off as Rationalizing Prejudice, no matter how reasonable my various arguments may be. But if i do not attend, i feel as though they'll be a lot of Throwing the baby out with the Bathwater and a lot of misplaced emotions, now i don't mean to say i'm the voice of reason or all knowing, but i'm worried such might happen. Have you met such a person? and how do you suggest dealing with them?
Seems like a westboro baptist church type.I'd probably try to convince him to just read bible scriptures or preach but not to condemn.

Re: Protestor at School

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 7:57 am
by melanie
Any one of us can get on our soap box and condemn others.
People do it often.
Especially Christians.
Whilst there is nothing wrong with finding fault with the actions of others and lending a helpful and sometimes critical but loving hand it far too often doesn't come from the only place any real change can be expected in others and least of all ourselves. Humility.
That old saying remove the log first.
Regardless of how we percieve the sinfulness of homosexuality is it worse than hate, unkindness and a judgmental spirit?

This guy has missed the message of Christ.
Speak your mind. Be prepared to be challenged.
Give the message of grace. But do not be afraid to declare how far we all fall short.
Some of us with pride.
Others with greed.

There are many that like to categorize sin.
What we are able to overcome at the top of the list usually and our weakest failures tend be further down the list of importance.
Sin is sin
We are all guilty
Grace, Grace and a little more Grace and a whole lotta Jesus is our only chance.
The homo and the hateful judgmental protestor are both equally in need of God's love, compassion and grace.
Luckily He loves us equally and forgives any that only looks to Him.

Re: Protestor at School

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 8:49 am
by 1over137
What about going to the guy and speaking to him directly? Even before the forum takes place.

Re: Protestor at School

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 8:55 am
by tunde1992
He's been there about 6 times, usually with a camera and after school, I don't feel too comfortable approaching him like that.

Re: Protestor at School

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 10:05 am
by PaulSacramento
Freedom of speech is freedom of speech and he is entitled to express his views, just as you are.

If you feel he is putting out the wrong message maybe you should put out the right one.

Instead of trying to correct him or whatever it is you are thinking of doing, you can show others what Christianity is really about.

Just be sure to do it with the bible.

Re: Protestor at School

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 1:49 pm
by SoCalExile
Have you and your friends tried talking to the guy?

Re: Protestor at School

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 4:26 pm
by tunde1992
SoCalExile wrote:Have you and your friends tried talking to the guy?
Few of my Friends are christian, and i doubt the guy's looking for a talk

Re: Protestor at School

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 4:37 pm
by melanie
tunde1992 wrote:
SoCalExile wrote:Have you and your friends tried talking to the guy?
Few of my Friends are christian, and i doubt the guy's looking for a talk
I don't want to pigeon hole all over-zealous, hell damning Christians but in my experience they usually aren't the reasonable have a friendly chat types.
I have in the past confronted such people and perhaps as it was some years ago the exchanges that followed were partly due to my own handling of the situation but I did not find them to be interested in another Christians point of view. But the couple times this occurred they were in packs, maybe a Lone Ranger may be more approachable.

Re: Protestor at School

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 5:00 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
1over137 wrote:What about going to the guy and speaking to him directly? Even before the forum takes place.
Forget about talking to the guy. He's not "over zealous" as melanie said. He's just devoid of any credibility and filled with hatred...or just mentally ill. Hopefully, he'll be arrested soon.

FL :shakehead:

Re: Protestor at School

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 8:36 pm
by 1over137
Or what about handing him a letter instead of communication then?

Re: Protestor at School

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 3:34 am
by RickD
tunde1992 wrote:I'm not sure if You guys live in Ontario , California, (Had to ask), But recently there's been a guy outside my school with a camera yelling some rather anti-gay things. his usual speech consists of "LGB Community are fornicators" "God Hates ******" and "They're all going to hell!". I Realize this guy really isn't helping his cause and is causing harm for the kingdom of Christ . The Police have tried to get involved , but until it's all settled he's protected under the first amendment, The School has also decided to hold a public forum to discuss the issues brought up by the guy. I Feel as if i should attend and probably voice my opinions that i vehemently disagree with the guy, although i do think homosexuality is a sin, But i rather feel as though i'd come off as Rationalizing Prejudice, no matter how reasonable my various arguments may be. But if i do not attend, i feel as though they'll be a lot of Throwing the baby out with the Bathwater and a lot of misplaced emotions, now i don't mean to say i'm the voice of reason or all knowing, but i'm worried such might happen. Have you met such a person? and how do you suggest dealing with them?
I suggest staying as far away from him as possible. He's most likely mentally unstable. Find better things to do with your time. Just be prepared to answer anyone who asks you about your God. His god is probably as deranged as he is.

Re: Protestor at School

Posted: Fri May 01, 2015 11:43 am
by jlay
Make a sign that says ,"Jesus even loves this a-hole."
With an area pointing at him.