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Why Christians' strong beliefs are as pathetic as everyone else's beliefs.

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 9:08 am
by MBPrata
I've know this website for 3 years. The forum, some 2 years I guess. And one of the things I enjoyed the most about the forum was that people writing here - maybe because of their christianity, maybe not... - were able to debate decently, with no insults, manipulation techniques or despise for the other person debating. And with some sense of humour. :D Yeah, this forum is still one of the few places on the Internet where I feel safe to have a sane debate instead of one of those apocaliptic discussions that happen is social networks.

However...I have, once or twice, been offended by one or two people who are around this forum. To those people, I think you should read this: ... nk_p2.html

This remarkable article should be read by everyone in the world, namely to remind us that being "certain" of something is a ludicrous attitude, maybe even pathetic. We, humans, are SO controlled by our own brain that we should admit that our certainties may perfectly be created not by our unbiased analysis, but by our flawed brain that screws our world perception everyday,

So, next time anyone here thinks they're more right than some atheists because they claim atheist are in denial or are "dumber" or are living in the La La Land (this one may or may not be an indirect...), go back to read the article and ask yourselves: wouldn't it be my brain that blindly led me to this abusive conclusion?

Other than that, have a nice day. :wave:

Re: Why Christians' strong beliefs are as pathetic as everyone else's beliefs.

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 10:28 am
by RickD
I think your flawed brain is telling you that the article is correct. The article was just a confirmation of what your brain was already telling you.

Re: Why Christians' strong beliefs are as pathetic as everyone else's beliefs.

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 1:09 pm
by 1over137
Once I said to my husband (non-Christian) : I have my data, you have your data.

Re: Why Christians' strong beliefs are as pathetic as everyone else's beliefs.

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 2:40 pm
by abelcainsbrother
MBPrata wrote:I've know this website for 3 years. The forum, some 2 years I guess. And one of the things I enjoyed the most about the forum was that people writing here - maybe because of their christianity, maybe not... - were able to debate decently, with no insults, manipulation techniques or despise for the other person debating. And with some sense of humour. :D Yeah, this forum is still one of the few places on the Internet where I feel safe to have a sane debate instead of one of those apocaliptic discussions that happen is social networks.

However...I have, once or twice, been offended by one or two people who are around this forum. To those people, I think you should read this: ... nk_p2.html

This remarkable article should be read by everyone in the world, namely to remind us that being "certain" of something is a ludicrous attitude, maybe even pathetic. We, humans, are SO controlled by our own brain that we should admit that our certainties may perfectly be created not by our unbiased analysis, but by our flawed brain that screws our world perception everyday,

So, next time anyone here thinks they're more right than some atheists because they claim atheist are in denial or are "dumber" or are living in the La La Land (this one may or may not be an indirect...), go back to read the article and ask yourselves: wouldn't it be my brain that blindly led me to this abusive conclusion?

Other than that, have a nice day. :wave:

I'm just speakking the truth about LA LA land.I know you might not want to hear it but it is true that those who reject God live outside logic,reason and reality in LA LA land in order to deny God.You might not like to hear it but it will help you when you realize I'm right.If you reject God you are living by your own imagination that denies the facts of logic,reason and reality,finally realizing this will open your eyes.I want to challenge you to listen to the top atheist hero's out there and if you listen to them you will see I'm right especially when they talk from a scientific view-point.They are going by pure imagination living in LA LA land in order to reject God. Don't be offended and instead face the thruth and get back in reality,if you reject God.Remember according to logic,reason and reality ALL things have a cause and ALL things that have a cause are caused by something else and ALL things are willed into existence and infinite regression cannot be broken,unless you're in LA LA land living by your own imagination.

Re: Why Christians' strong beliefs are as pathetic as everyone else's beliefs.

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 3:16 pm
by Storyteller
I thought it was a good article, interesting.

I still believe in God though :)

Whether you do is your choice and just because you dont doesnt make you dumb, or deluded. Any more than my belief makes me.

Re: Why Christians' strong beliefs are as pathetic as everyone else's beliefs.

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 5:56 pm
by MBPrata
I'm just speakking the truth about LA LA land.I know you might not want to hear it but it is true
Oh, for God's sake, did you even read the article? How can you think any thought you might have is "the truth" after reading this article?! Didn't you read that your brain crazily tricks you? If you don't believe what's written in the article, I understand, but if you!

Whether you do is your choice and just because you dont doesnt make you dumb, or deluded. Any more than my belief makes me.
THANK YOU! I just wish every single people that debates kept this in mind through the whole debate...(including me...:P)

Re: Why Christians' strong beliefs are as pathetic as everyone else's beliefs.

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 9:09 pm
by Kurieuo
I often say either Christians are deluded or Atheists are blind.

If there are cars speeding along a road I want to cross, should I: 1) believe and wait, or 2) just ignore and cross?

Ignorance doesn't take away from the truth of the matter and consequences of reality that can follow, but believing just might save you.

Re: Why Christians' strong beliefs are as pathetic as everyone else's beliefs.

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 10:37 pm
by abelcainsbrother
MBPrata wrote:
I'm just speakking the truth about LA LA land.I know you might not want to hear it but it is true
Oh, for God's sake, did you even read the article? How can you think any thought you might have is "the truth" after reading this article?! Didn't you read that your brain crazily tricks you? If you don't believe what's written in the article, I understand, but if you!

Do you believe everything you read? It seems to me it is making excuses to believe in things that don't make sense.But atleast it admits all people believe what they do by faith,which most atheists deny.

Re: Why Christians' strong beliefs are as pathetic as everyone else's beliefs.

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 5:24 am
by MBPrata
Do you believe everything you read?
Implicitly, you said that you don't believe the article. If that's the case, then I understand. You don't think your brain tricks you and that you fall for it like a newborn, ok then. And it's understandable, maybe even logic, that you stick to your guns.

I, on the other hand, believe the article. No, I don't believe everything I read (which is one of the reasons I'm constantly reflecting about what I read on this website). I just believe that our brain is a sort of a lousy "machine" that makes us more ridiculous than our human intelligence should allow.
Also, considering the human brain is so flawed, I find it hard to believe that God designed it. I actually created a topic here around that whole issue.

Re: Why Christians' strong beliefs are as pathetic as everyone else's beliefs.

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 6:09 am
by RickD
MBPrata wrote:
Do you believe everything you read?
Implicitly, you said that you don't believe the article. If that's the case, then I understand. You don't think your brain tricks you and that you fall for it like a newborn, ok then. And it's understandable, maybe even logic, that you stick to your guns.

I, on the other hand, believe the article. No, I don't believe everything I read (which is one of the reasons I'm constantly reflecting about what I read on this website). I just believe that our brain is a sort of a lousy "machine" that makes us more ridiculous than our human intelligence should allow.
Also, considering the human brain is so flawed, I find it hard to believe that God designed it. I actually created a topic here around that whole issue.
Then why would you believe what you wrote here isn't flawed?

Ever heard of the saying, "Hoist by one's own petard"?

Re: Why Christians' strong beliefs are as pathetic as everyone else's beliefs.

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 6:48 am
by Storyteller
Our brains not understanding probability could perhaps explain why some people don't believe in God. What's what more probable? Life by some random chance or by design?

MBPrata, I am really curious as to why you don't believe in God and I do. What is it that makes the difference?

As for debating the issue, I am so sorry that some have offended you, we should be able to discuss differing views without disrespect.

Re: Why Christians' strong beliefs are as pathetic as everyone else's beliefs.

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 8:53 am
by windywherever
storyteller wrote:As for debating the issue, I am so sorry that some have offended you, we should be able to discuss differing views without disrespect.
Very much agreed. :clap:

I think sometimes we have different ideas of what it means to show disrespect. Sometimes people imagine offense and sometimes people give genuine offense in ignorance. I think this is a good reason for "turning the other cheek" even in discussions and debates.
storyteller wrote:What's what more probable? Life by some random chance or by design?
I definitely think life by design is much more probably. There's just too much evidence.

Re: Why Christians' strong beliefs are as pathetic as everyone else's beliefs.

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 9:31 am
by theophilus
1over137 wrote:Once I said to my husband (non-Christian) : I have my data, you have your data.
Christians and non-Christians have the same data. We just interpret it differently.

Re: Why Christians' strong beliefs are as pathetic as everyone else's beliefs.

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 10:13 am
by Storyteller
windywherever wrote:
storyteller wrote:As for debating the issue, I am so sorry that some have offended you, we should be able to discuss differing views without disrespect.
Very much agreed. :clap:

I think sometimes we have different ideas of what it means to show disrespect. Sometimes people imagine offense and sometimes people give genuine offense in ignorance. I think this is a good reason for "turning the other cheek" even in discussions and debates.
Absolutely agree. Personally, I dont get offended easily but in heated debates it can be easy to unintentionally hurt or offend. I just try and treat others how I would like to be.
storyteller wrote:What's what more probable? Life by some random chance or by design?
I definitely think life by design is much more probably. There's just too much evidence.
Again, agreed.

Re: Why Christians' strong beliefs are as pathetic as everyone else's beliefs.

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 10:36 am
by B. W.
My take on the article:

Another justification to strengthen unbelief to make one wise in his or her own remain enlightened with darkness (as in another form justification of Nihilism)