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Mars Has Women - er, I mean, Water!

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 11:01 am
by Philip ... -confirms/

OK, all of the "evolution is inevitable where there's water and there have also been a few basic conditions" believers will go crazy at this announcement. The pressure to fund ever more Mars expeditions will skyrocket. So there's water elsewhere - big whoopdie doo! You'd have thought they'd found the "missing link."

But beware:


And what if there are Islamic Martians who see us as invaders? :lol:

Re: Mars Has Women - er, I mean, Water!

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 12:13 pm
by abelcainsbrother
Philip wrote: ... -confirms/

OK, all of the "evolution is inevitable where there's water and there have also been a few basic conditions" believers will go crazy at this announcement. The pressure to fund ever more Mars expeditions will skyrocket. So there's water elsewhere - big whoopdie doo! You'd have thought they'd found the "missing link."

But beware:


And what if there are Islamic Martians who see us as invaders? :lol:
You think the expiditions to Mars will speed up because they've found water? What about if they find evidence of exctinct life on Mars? There is a Gap theorist that has written a book about it. His theory is that there was actually life on other planets and not just earth when Lucifer's flood happened and the whole Universe was flooded with water and it killed off the life on all planets not just the earth and he believes that NASA will discover evidence of dead life on Mars if they have'nt already and when they do it will fuel a great deception about how there is evidence of life on Mars and suddenly the shift will change as science searches for life on other planets but also theories will increase about how life originated here on earth and it will fuel a great deception in these last days and he wonders how YEC's and Christians in general will answer this kind of discovery. This is a very interesting theory and if true? Would just be more evidence the GapTheory is true and that in Lucifer's flood the Universe was flooded so much so the earth was out of and in the water 2nd Peter 3:5 "For this they willingly are ignorant of,that by the word of God the HEAVENS(Kosmos)were of old,and the earth STANDING OUT OF THE WATER and IN THE WATER:"

Re: Mars Has Women - er, I mean, Water!

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 12:46 pm
by RickD
ACB wrote:
You think the expiditions to Mars will speed up because they've found water? What about if they find evidence of exctinct life on Mars? There is a Gap theorist that has written a book about it. His theory is that there was actually life on other planets and not just earth when Lucifer's flood happened and the whole Universe was flooded with water and it killed off the life on all planets not just the earth and he believes that NASA will discover evidence of dead life on Mars if they have'nt already and when they do it will fuel a great deception about how there is evidence of life on Mars and suddenly the shift will change as science searches for life on other planets...
Oh, so that's what's meant by a universal flood. :shock:

When I heard this on the news this morning, the newscaster was actually giddy. He was so excited about how this is an enormous scientific discovery. And how if there's water there, that means Mars can sustain life!

Maybe we all should sell all we own, and start a "Christian Community" there. :pound:

Re: Mars Has Women - er, I mean, Water!

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 1:34 pm
by abelcainsbrother

Re: Mars Has Women - er, I mean, Water!

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 3:52 pm
by MBPrata
Finding water doesn't necessarily imply life, we all know. Still, the Earth suddenly seems less special. I mean, I realize there is water (tons of it, apparently) in other Earth-like planets, but when it's your own "neighbor" rubbing water in our face...sigh! Sometimes I wonder if God is just giving us fake clues towards abiogenesis just to test us to the limit...

Re: Mars Has Women - er, I mean, Water!

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 5:17 pm
by Philip
Well, it might be safer on Mars, I NOW have it on good authority that there are NO women there! :D


Re: Mars Has Women - er, I mean, Water!

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 1:17 am
by Silvertusk
All this stuff about finding water on Mars and Christians getting worried about it - I don't really understand. I would be surprised if you didn't find water on another planet in our solar system because our solar system is unique. I would be surprised if you didn't find simple life forms on other planets in this solar system for the same reasons. The issue here is finding advanced life forms and that is where the multitude of other factors come in. You need more than water for that. Much much more. And there has only been one other planet in the universe that has been discovered that meets those hundred of factors. Earth. ... ws-on-mars

Re: Mars Has Women - er, I mean, Water!

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 1:36 am
by abelcainsbrother
The bible actually tells us water is in outerspace.This water on Mars thing is not really nothing new.You can look at pictures of Mars and tell it atleast use to have water on it,and this was known even before this discovery that Mars use to have oceans of water,even before this discovery.However if they ever find life or even evidence of dead life don't under-estimate how it would change science and the scientific theories that would follow,because it would effect science and I think lead science the wrong way.I personally do not believe there is life on other planets and the bible does not seem to give an answer,however it is possible other planets use to have life on them before God made the earth a habitable place to create man.

Re: Mars Has Women - er, I mean, Water!

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 2:08 am
by RickD
abelcainsbrother wrote:The bible actually tells us water is in outerspace.This water on Mars thing is not really nothing new.You can look at pictures of Mars and tell it atleast use to have water on it,and this was known even before this discovery that Mars use to have oceans of water,even before this discovery.However if they ever find life or even evidence of dead life don't under-estimate how it would change science and the scientific theories that would follow,because it would effect science and I think lead science the wrong way.I personally do not believe there is life on other planets and the bible does not seem to give an answer,however it is possible other planets use to have life on them before God made the earth a habitable place to create man.
The bible tells us water is in outer space?

Where does the bible say that?

Re: Mars Has Women - er, I mean, Water!

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 2:41 am
by abelcainsbrother
RickD wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:The bible actually tells us water is in outerspace.This water on Mars thing is not really nothing new.You can look at pictures of Mars and tell it atleast use to have water on it,and this was known even before this discovery that Mars use to have oceans of water,even before this discovery.However if they ever find life or even evidence of dead life don't under-estimate how it would change science and the scientific theories that would follow,because it would effect science and I think lead science the wrong way.I personally do not believe there is life on other planets and the bible does not seem to give an answer,however it is possible other planets use to have life on them before God made the earth a habitable place to create man.
The bible tells us water is in outer space?

Where does the bible say that?
Genesis 1:7. If you accept the GT and a universal flood of the universe -Lucifer's flood - that we believe 2nd Peter 3:5-6 refers to? That wiped out the former world then this is where God cleaned up the mess of the universal flood of the Universe and he probably removed water off of Mars too seeing that Mars used to have Oceans of water on it.God was making the earth a habitable place to create man.

Re: Mars Has Women - er, I mean, Water!

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 4:13 am
by RickD
abelcainsbrother wrote:
RickD wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:The bible actually tells us water is in outerspace.This water on Mars thing is not really nothing new.You can look at pictures of Mars and tell it atleast use to have water on it,and this was known even before this discovery that Mars use to have oceans of water,even before this discovery.However if they ever find life or even evidence of dead life don't under-estimate how it would change science and the scientific theories that would follow,because it would effect science and I think lead science the wrong way.I personally do not believe there is life on other planets and the bible does not seem to give an answer,however it is possible other planets use to have life on them before God made the earth a habitable place to create man.
The bible tells us water is in outer space?

Where does the bible say that?
Genesis 1:7. If you accept the GT and a universal flood of the universe -Lucifer's flood - that we believe 2nd Peter 3:5-6 refers to? That wiped out the former world then this is where God cleaned up the mess of the universal flood of the Universe and he probably removed water off of Mars too seeing that Mars used to have Oceans of water on it.God was making the earth a habitable place to create man.
Anyone that reads Genesis 1, can see it's quite a jump to think verse 7 is talking about water in outer space. Verse 7 is talking about separating the water in the earth's atmosphere. Separating what's in the sky, and on the surface of the land.

The bible makes no mention of God flooding the universe with water.

This is what we refer to when we say there's no biblical basis for believing in the Gap Theory.

If there's water on other planets, it's not because of some literally universal flood.

And to say there's water in outer space, and the bible says so, is not scripturally sound. Nor scientifically sound. Water in outer space? You do realize that in "outer space", there's no atmosphere conducive to the existence of water, don't you. Water on a planet is one thing. But water in outer space?

Re: Mars Has Women - er, I mean, Water!

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 4:45 am
by Philip
Yep, there's a gap in that boy's theory! :pound:

Re: Mars Has Women - er, I mean, Water!

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 7:02 am
by Silvertusk
RickD wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:
RickD wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:The bible actually tells us water is in outerspace.This water on Mars thing is not really nothing new.You can look at pictures of Mars and tell it atleast use to have water on it,and this was known even before this discovery that Mars use to have oceans of water,even before this discovery.However if they ever find life or even evidence of dead life don't under-estimate how it would change science and the scientific theories that would follow,because it would effect science and I think lead science the wrong way.I personally do not believe there is life on other planets and the bible does not seem to give an answer,however it is possible other planets use to have life on them before God made the earth a habitable place to create man.
The bible tells us water is in outer space?

Where does the bible say that?
Genesis 1:7. If you accept the GT and a universal flood of the universe -Lucifer's flood - that we believe 2nd Peter 3:5-6 refers to? That wiped out the former world then this is where God cleaned up the mess of the universal flood of the Universe and he probably removed water off of Mars too seeing that Mars used to have Oceans of water on it.God was making the earth a habitable place to create man.
Anyone that reads Genesis 1, can see it's quite a jump to think verse 7 is talking about water in outer space. Verse 7 is talking about separating the water in the earth's atmosphere. Separating what's in the sky, and on the surface of the land.

The bible makes no mention of God flooding the universe with water.

This is what we refer to when we say there's no biblical basis for believing in the Gap Theory.

If there's water on other planets, it's not because of some literally universal flood.

And to say there's water in outer space, and the bible says so, is not scripturally sound. Nor scientifically sound. Water in outer space? You do realize that in "outer space", there's no atmosphere conducive to the existence of water, don't you. Water on a planet is one thing. But water in outer space?
Not to be pedantic or anything - but technically water in outer space would be a comet.

Re: Mars Has Women - er, I mean, Water!

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 9:35 am
by RickD
Silvertusk wrote:
RickD wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:
RickD wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:The bible actually tells us water is in outerspace.This water on Mars thing is not really nothing new.You can look at pictures of Mars and tell it atleast use to have water on it,and this was known even before this discovery that Mars use to have oceans of water,even before this discovery.However if they ever find life or even evidence of dead life don't under-estimate how it would change science and the scientific theories that would follow,because it would effect science and I think lead science the wrong way.I personally do not believe there is life on other planets and the bible does not seem to give an answer,however it is possible other planets use to have life on them before God made the earth a habitable place to create man.
The bible tells us water is in outer space?

Where does the bible say that?
Genesis 1:7. If you accept the GT and a universal flood of the universe -Lucifer's flood - that we believe 2nd Peter 3:5-6 refers to? That wiped out the former world then this is where God cleaned up the mess of the universal flood of the Universe and he probably removed water off of Mars too seeing that Mars used to have Oceans of water on it.God was making the earth a habitable place to create man.
Anyone that reads Genesis 1, can see it's quite a jump to think verse 7 is talking about water in outer space. Verse 7 is talking about separating the water in the earth's atmosphere. Separating what's in the sky, and on the surface of the land.

The bible makes no mention of God flooding the universe with water.

This is what we refer to when we say there's no biblical basis for believing in the Gap Theory.

If there's water on other planets, it's not because of some literally universal flood.

And to say there's water in outer space, and the bible says so, is not scripturally sound. Nor scientifically sound. Water in outer space? You do realize that in "outer space", there's no atmosphere conducive to the existence of water, don't you. Water on a planet is one thing. But water in outer space?
Not to be pedantic or anything - but technically water in outer space would be a comet.
That's not water. That's frozen water. The whole topic is about liquid, flowing water.

Re: Mars Has Women - er, I mean, Water!

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 10:35 am
by JurassicTerrorist
abelcainsbrother wrote:
RickD wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:The bible actually tells us water is in outerspace.This water on Mars thing is not really nothing new.You can look at pictures of Mars and tell it atleast use to have water on it,and this was known even before this discovery that Mars use to have oceans of water,even before this discovery.However if they ever find life or even evidence of dead life don't under-estimate how it would change science and the scientific theories that would follow,because it would effect science and I think lead science the wrong way.I personally do not believe there is life on other planets and the bible does not seem to give an answer,however it is possible other planets use to have life on them before God made the earth a habitable place to create man.
The bible tells us water is in outer space?

Where does the bible say that?
Genesis 1:7. If you accept the GT and a universal flood of the universe -Lucifer's flood - that we believe 2nd Peter 3:5-6 refers to? That wiped out the former world then this is where God cleaned up the mess of the universal flood of the Universe and he probably removed water off of Mars too seeing that Mars used to have Oceans of water on it.God was making the earth a habitable place to create man.
An universal flood? How does that make sense? Was the universe filled up with water, or was it only the planets? Wouldn't the majority of the water freeze then? I mean i know God can do anything, but wouldn't all that floating water in the universe freeze by the cold temperatures? :swhat: