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Take your t-shirt off

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 1:50 am
by Nessa
or at least that is what Clayton would tell you
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Clayton wrote: This is what it looks like when a rebellious society has no understanding or reverence for a Holy Righteous God. They mock Jesus and try to claim they are just having fun. Why don't they put Muhammad on a shirt and crack jokes? I'll tell you why. If they did, their stores would be burned to the ground by Islamic Extremists. They are too cowardly to do that, so they target Jesus and Christianity instead. It angers me, but I won't burn their store down. I'll pray for them instead. One day they will meet the Jesus they mock and He will not be "All about that grace" when they will find out they are not on "Team Jesus" and are cast into Hell for all of eternity. Jesus isn't to be taken lightly. He is wrath. He is jealous. He holds the keys to Heaven and Hell. If people do not repent and make Him their Lord, they will face Him as their Judge. He won't be wearing sunglasses and a headband when He casts them into the Lake of Fire. Welcome to America. Where people have no fear of God... Yet. #TellTheWorld "But I'll tell you whom to fear. Fear God, who has the power to kill you and then throw you into hell. Yes, he's the one to fear." Luke 12:5
Then another 'famous' young preacher said something about caring for the person on the front of the tshirt - jesus.

Um, how about caring about the person INSIDE the shirt? that way the person might change his shirt all by himself. All these guys are doing with their silliness is giving people another reason to actually wear one.

Then the preachers point the christians to their own store cos we all know how much wearing a tshirt saying jesus helps you be a better christian :roll:
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I can understand why some atheists think we are ridiculous. Cos in this case, we are.

Edit: Jesus was so humble...Christians get 'famous'.and it seems all about them..frances chan stepped down from ministry when he started hearing his name
spoken about more than God's in church...Christians get so star struck with following Christians...we may be jesus's hands and.feet but we act more like we are just his 'face' sometimes.

Re: Take your t-shirt off

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 2:04 am
by RickD
Yes, you are. I'm glad you're starting to see it. :mrgreen: