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Feeling Blessed

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 6:45 am
by melanie
Life kinda is what you make it.
Taking the massive lows with the highs.
I have come to a place where I am so grateful for being alive.
Waking every morning and smelling the sea breeze.
The crazy morning ritual of getting 4 kids ready for school.
The chaos and the silence. I treasure it all.
Being grateful for every sunset and sunrise and knowing how blessed I am to be able to enjoy it, without fear, with the knowledge that my family is safe.
Every breath of freedom comes with a cost.
On the back of those who came before me and with the knowledge that so many, too many do not have the security that I have.
It makes me grateful and incredibly humble.
It inspires me to not wrap myself inside the blessings that is my life.
Good health, education, freedom, safety, and financial security.
But to reflect on those that just don't have what I take for granted everyday.
What I take from that.....
Is I feel blessed
Everyday when I wake to cereal and chit chat others wake to hunger.
To despair
To loneliness, uncertainty, and hopelessness.
It never escapes me just how blessed I am.
For that I am grateful beyond words....
but I won't forget those that suffer
Those whose lives in every aspect comes at a cost that I can not comprehend.
I won't try and make justification because as far as I see it it just ain't fair.
All I can do is be grateful for what I have and earnestly pray an hope that by the Glory of God justice and balance is delivered to all.
Faith is what gives me insurmountable optimism even though I may not understand His plan. He knows the struggles of every child and He loves them more so than I could ever comprehend.
So with that I place in God my trust that by His all will be accomplished according to His plan.

Re: Feeling Blessed

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 9:29 am
by B. W.
Amen, Melanie!

Just returned from holding meetings at Cheyenne River Rez in South Dakota and feel thankful myself...

Blessings to you!

Re: Feeling Blessed

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 4:43 pm
by Philip
So True, Melanie. Really, given the comparison with people in this world who REALLY suffer, we should be embarrassed the next time we catch ourselves sweating the small stuff, AS IF such things were truly the big deal we so often act like they are. Not knowing where the next meal will come from, constant fear and uncertainty, life and death health issues, being homeless, etc. - few of us have actually been in such situations. y>:D< y[-o< :amen:

Re: Feeling Blessed

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 5:15 pm
by abelcainsbrother
Awesome post and so true Melanie! I know I am blessed despite the normal storms of life that come our way,they shape us and mold us,make us strong.I'm going to be even stronger in faith when I get through this storm and this is nothing compared to storms other people are going through.I have made up in my mind that the more Satan attacks me the more I'm going to do my best to expose his lies and whether its my fault or the Devil's fault I'm going to prevail.