Video seemed too short. Not that I wanted to see the guy die... but there is obviously more to discuss on this topic
Kenny wrote:Yes. The problem is; nobody gets hurt when we differ on beauty but people can get hurt if we differ on right or wrong. Nobody cares if I think Halley Barry is ugly,
I think Halle might care... it's not really nice to call people ugly.
But note that you are merely expressing an opinion here, not acting out on the belief that she is ugly (calling for her death, for example, or saying she should no longer be hired for movies, should get a pay cut, should be banned from public appearances, etc.)
Kenny wrote:if I believe there is nothing wrong with torturing children, everybody cares; and rightly so.
What makes you think "everyone cares" about your own personal opinion?
Your belief is simply an expression of your opinion, right?
People might care more if you actually acted out on those beliefs though... coz they don't want their kids, or others kids being targeted by you.
Kenny wrote:The basics are usually agreed upon by the majority of society
Killer: "Society is another word for statistical average."
So it really depends on society being made up of more of the genetically predisposed to empathy than agression say???
Do you find it interesting that the "basics" tend to be the same for most human cultures?
But when it comes to specific cases, such as abortion say... Is it moral to have an abortion in the US but immoral to have one in Ireland? Or even between states of the US, where the gestational limit changes.
I guess that's how subjective morality works, huh?
Kenny wrote:Unfortunately there are people like that sick man.
Lecturer: "You're a Sick Man. Your Mind is diseased."
Killer: "Correction, I'm a genetically determined man with a predisposition toward aggression: Killing is in my genes."
So, is he "sick"? Or is he just genetically predisposed toward aggression? Is that a sickness? A disease?
Are other people with genetic predisposions that we find distasteful actually "sick" too?
And what is "sick" here? His physical body? His brain? His mind?
Kenny wrote:Nothing will stop this person if he is determined to kill you
Perhaps, but as an onlooker... is what the killer doing right or wrong?
With "subjective morality" then it really could be either, or even neither... as in "I don't care either way"
Kenny wrote:What this sick man was doing was harmful to his neighbor.
Why do you choose "harm to a neighbour" as a morality criteria?
(interesting language BTW, sounds kind of like "Love thy neighbour...")
With our planet so overpopulated with humans, what's it matter is a few killers take some and have a bit of fun with them? Think of the greater good -- less people to use up our planet's limited resources, less carbon emissions, etc.
It not like everyone is going to go out an kill someone... so why ruin it for everyone?
"If you don't like killing people, don't kill!"