Little Girl: Heaven or the Hospital

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Little Girl: Heaven or the Hospital

Post by Philip »

What do you think about this? Heartbreaking! Are her parents wrong? ... cmp=hplnws
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Re: Little Girl: Heaven or the Hospital

Post by RickD »

I wouldn't even want to comment without walking in their shoes.
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: Little Girl: Heaven or the Hospital

Post by 1over137 »

"neuromuscular disease that has no cure"

I hope and believe they have searched for all the possibilities. Not just standard approved medicine.
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Re: Little Girl: Heaven or the Hospital

Post by Philip »

I'm sure the publicity this is receiving will bring many suggestions concerning treatment options. I don't think I could put that burden of choice on a child, I dunno. Kind of like Rick said.
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Re: Little Girl: Heaven or the Hospital

Post by PaulSacramento »

So, the choice would be death or living via machines hooked up to keep you alive?
Wow, I don't know what I would choose BUT as a Christian that knows that death is NOt the end, I would consider it more than just an "option".
Having seen my Father go through similar with ALS I think that I would lean towards a peaceful passing for my little girl, as much as it would kill me inside.
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Re: Little Girl: Heaven or the Hospital

Post by crochet1949 »

I've raised 4 kids -- have 6 grandkids -- one is an adult -- so from a mother's perspective -- over the years we've known of people who are cured and those who die --God's timing is always the perfect timing for His reasons. If ever faced with a dying child -- their personal knowledge of the heavenly Father would be essential to their emotional / spiritual well-being.
The parents and other family members comfort would come from knowing that eventually they will be reunited with that child. And the child should be given the assurance that though Mom and Dad will still be here on earth --they will be in the loving arms of Jesus immediately That they will Never be alone.
And That is true for All of us. No one is assured of 'tomorrow'.
And kids are Smart. They know / sense things about themselves. The witness of a dying child or Anyone who is dying can be a wonderful testimony to others. Because it's important to know that death is Not the end. It is simply the transition between This life and that of eternity.
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Re: Little Girl: Heaven or the Hospital

Post by Mallz »

I've had this little girl as a patient quit a few times. Great loving family and the little girl is wise beyond her years. With this type of degenerative disorder parents are given the option to abort right away, life is not long for these young ones. I think it's admirable they chose life and have traveled together this far through the fire and flames. I don't know anyone who doesn't support this decision; the things we have to do to keep her alive are traumatic acutely. But chronically? Oh man, she wants peace and deserves it.
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Re: Little Girl: Heaven or the Hospital

Post by melanie »

Ohh Mallz you know this girl.
Props to you and all the fantastic nurses that support these families everyday !
Like Rick, I make no judgment.
I'm in no position to do so.
Sometimes people have to make decisions under the most difficult circumstances.
Free will and choice is our basic freedom.
This little girl has a voice and maybe it should be heard and her wishes respected.
She's going home, where pain and suffering no longer exist.
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Re: Little Girl: Heaven or the Hospital

Post by Philip »

She's going home, where pain and suffering no longer exist.
What a powerful and wonderful thought! How precious that little girl is to her parents; how much more so to the Lord!
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Re: Little Girl: Heaven or the Hospital

Post by crochet1949 »

Amen :)
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