Fact is, many, MANY people who criticize the science views of regular Christian posters on this site, themselves, have very problematic scientific views. This is true ESPECIALLY when it comes to their origins of the universe and life. So many believe their "certainty" of UNGUIDED and RANDOM evolution proves there is no God/no God was ever necessary. But what such people actually believe in is metaphysics and miracles, but just don't realize it. First, they want to argue over processes (evolution) that could only have occurred well over 10+ billion years AFTER what they most need to explain. They believe that all of the incredibly specific, comprehensively interactive, and necessary building blocks of all physical things somehow sprang into physical reality, unguided, with enormous power, AND THEN, instantly, and immediately began comprehensively SELF-organizing themselves with previously non-existing matter, dimensions, time, and with awesome specificity, mind-blowing design and purpose.
There is NO scientific - or LOGICAL - way of suggesting that so many crucial and perfectly configured elements - all previously non-existing, bursting into a physical reality and then so beginning such a self organization. And on such a scale and with details we can scarcely comprehend or ever understand to this very day. But that is what many believe. AND, typically, it's quite enough for such people to simply shrug their shoulders and say something like, "Well, there are many possibilities as to how that might have come about, and just because we don't know how or can't prove it, there are theories that explain it." Or: "The scientific knowledge of today will seem laughable in 100 years - even in 50 - remember, people once believed the earth was flat and that the planets revolved around the earth." And so, such people, claiming to put such value in science, often, in reality, believe in metaphysical events that are unproven, immensely improbable, scientifically (per ALL observed scientific data and analysis) inexplicable, and yet they often assert that Christians, who believe ALL things have a cause, and that their belief in a Creator is directly connected, as He is the ultimate Cause - well, they believe the Christians are naive and unscientific. Which is crap! When such people say their faith is in a Godless science, what they are really telling you is, ultimately, that they believe in unproven ("for now") metaphysics, but that they are (conveniently) just fine with that.