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The Band that played during the recent attack in France

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 11:08 am
by B. W.
The Band that played during the recent attack in France call themselves - The Eagles of Death band.

Let me post some Lyrics of their songs from this link:

Here are two from that link others are too obscene to post...
"Midnight Creeper"

Well I come in through your window
I see your family there
Yes I'm the midnight creeper
When I go creepin y'all better beware
Well Your child is gently sleeping
Pleasant dreams are in his head
That wife of yours is a sweet young thing
When I leave your wife'll be dead
Well my steel is sharp and silent
The devil guides my hand
Well I just love to slit them throats
And creep all around this land


"Kiss The Devil"

Who'll love the devil?...
Who'll song his song?...
Who will love the devil and his song?...
I'll love the devil!...
I'll sing his song!...
I will love the devil and his song!...
Who'll love the devil?...
Who'll kiss his tongue?...
Who will kiss the devil on his tongue?...
I'll love the devil!...
I'll kiss his tongue!...
I will kiss the devil on his tongue!...
Who'll love the devil?...
Who'll sing his song?...
I will love the devil and his song!...
Who'll love the devil?...
Who'll kiss his tongue?...
I will kiss the devil on his tongue!...
Who'll love the devil?...
Who'll sing his song?...
That stuck me as odd... that's all...

very odd...

It is tragic that so many folks lives were stolen in France by the true face of what Islam is really about: death.

As for why bands and people want to glorify, extol, sing about twisted depravity is of his or her own free moral agency to do so, but again and bigger question is why - what makes people sings and enjoy these lyrics so much?

Re: The Band that played during the recent attack in France

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 11:32 am
by Storyteller
Because they can?

I dont know.

One thing B.W.... the true face of Islam is death? I disagree, its the face of terrorists not Islam. Many Muslims abhor what is going on and grieve with us.

Re: The Band that played during the recent attack in France

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 11:45 am
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
Like the English, the French do not do a good job of teaching their citizens a second language. Or a third, or a fourth and so on.* In all likelyhood, the people at the concert didn't understand those putrid lyrics, so we can't say they glorified a death message. All we can say is that they liked very bad music and paid for it with their lives.


*most continental Europeans are fluent in at least two languages. Think of 1/137...

Re: The Band that played during the recent attack in France

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 11:47 am
by abelcainsbrother
B. W. wrote:The Band that played during the recent attack in France call themselves - The Eagles of Death band.

Let me post some Lyrics of their songs from this link:

Here are two from that link others are too obscene to post...
"Midnight Creeper"

Well I come in through your window
I see your family there
Yes I'm the midnight creeper
When I go creepin y'all better beware
Well Your child is gently sleeping
Pleasant dreams are in his head
That wife of yours is a sweet young thing
When I leave your wife'll be dead
Well my steel is sharp and silent
The devil guides my hand
Well I just love to slit them throats
And creep all around this land


"Kiss The Devil"

Who'll love the devil?...
Who'll song his song?...
Who will love the devil and his song?...
I'll love the devil!...
I'll sing his song!...
I will love the devil and his song!...
Who'll love the devil?...
Who'll kiss his tongue?...
Who will kiss the devil on his tongue?...
I'll love the devil!...
I'll kiss his tongue!...
I will kiss the devil on his tongue!...
Who'll love the devil?...
Who'll sing his song?...
I will love the devil and his song!...
Who'll love the devil?...
Who'll kiss his tongue?...
I will kiss the devil on his tongue!...
Who'll love the devil?...
Who'll sing his song?...
That stuck me as odd... that's all...

very odd...

It is tragic that so many folks lives were stolen in France by the true face of what Islam is really about: death.

As for why bands and people want to glorify, extol, sing about twisted depravity is of his or her own free moral agency to do so, but again and bigger question is why - what makes people sings and enjoy these lyrics so much?
I have'nt ever heard the band but it is probably more the music than the lyrics,alot of bands right lyrics like this for controversy,some can be the way they really are,but most of the time its just an act,just trying to stir up controversy and get people talking about them. I don't know anything about this band but I know about the band Slayer and they were a Satanic band,yet they were not real Satanists,they just did it for show and I actually liked their music. Also Blue Oyster Cult was a Satanic band too and they actually had good music their song "Burning for you" was Satanic yet most probably just thought it was about lusting for a woman.
Burnin' for You
Blue Öyster Cult
Home in the valley
Home in the city
Home isn't pretty
Ain't no home for me
Home in the darkness
Home on the highway
Home isn't my way
Home will never be
Burn out the day
Burn out the night
I can't see no reason to put up a fight
I'm living for giving the devil his due
And I'm burning, I'm burning, I'm burning for you
I'm burning, I'm burning, I'm burning for you
Time is the essence
Time is the season
Time ain't no reason
Got no time to slow
Time everlasting
Time to play B-sides
Time ain't on my side
Time I'll never know
Burn out the day
Burn out the night
I'm not the one to tell you what's wrong or what's right
I've seen suns that were freezin' and lives that were through
Well I'm burning, I'm burning, I'm burning for you

Re: The Band that played during the recent attack in France

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 12:08 pm
by B. W.
Storyteller wrote:Defiance?
Because they can?

I dont know.

One thing B.W.... the true face of Islam is death? I disagree, its the face of terrorists not Islam. Many Muslims abhor what is going on and grieve with us.
Islam does not preach peace, they use the peaceful parts to hide from there true agenda, world dominion. Who cheered after 911 and who cheered after the recent Paris attacks? ... ccer-game/

You see, Its religion teaches that it is okay to kill non-believers if they do not accept its peaceful parts...

Christianity teaches that Jesus died for us so we can live...

Islam does not seek to assimilate to another country's values but rather seeks to have it assimilate totally Islamic values.

In Christianity, the Kingdom of God is not of this world and we are taught to respect a host countries laws, and be life giving salt and light within a country. Islam seeks to kill Christians -

Why are Christian churches under duress and spreading the gospel outlawed in Muslim countries? If they were really peaceful and tolerant then why the suppression and outlawing Christianity in Muslim countries?

As for Muslim faith teaching - charity works - then why do not they take the refugees into their own Islamic states and take care of them?

Now the reality Islam is a religion of death... and word domination by Allah based theocracy...

I am not hiding behind its tactics to pit christian values of love against itself - Islam is an evil religion, period

Moderate Muslim cheer when the west is attacked - get with it folks. War is not pretty and upon us.

A tree in known by its fruit.

The religion of Islam is at war with the world

Re: The Band that played during the recent attack in France

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 12:14 pm
by RickD
People need to judge Christianity by Christ. Who he is, and what he's done.

In the same way, people need to judge Islam by its prophet. Who was he, and what did he do?

If you really look into who he is, you'll see what the religion is all about.

The religion is based on visions that a man had. Who were the visions from? God? An angel? A fallen angel?

Why does the message written in the Koran, conflict with scripture?

Re: The Band that played during the recent attack in France

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 12:16 pm
by Storyteller
What about those Muslims that speak out against ISIS? Cant put a link,on kindle, but google muslim scholar tells ISIS to f*** off

Re: The Band that played during the recent attack in France

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 6:50 pm
by edwardmurphy
Storyteller wrote:What about those Muslims that speak out against ISIS? Cant put a link,on kindle, but google muslim scholar tells ISIS to f*** off
They don't count? They didn't say it loudly/soon/often enough? They're faking disgust with ISIS so we'll let our guard down, at which point they'll infiltrate America and impose Sharia law (except in the states that had the forethought to ban Sharia by constitutional amendment)? They don't understand Islam as well as conservative Christians do, so they're confusing the message? All of the above?

Re: The Band that played during the recent attack in France

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 2:10 am
by Mallz
Ed and Nessa. You both really need to read and inform yourselves before you speak out of such ignorance. It's obvious both of you have not read nearly enough (or at all) the quran and hadith, and for you Ed, the bible.

Re: The Band that played during the recent attack in France

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 2:36 am
by Nessa
Mallz wrote:Ed and Nessa. You both really need to read and inform yourselves before you speak out of such ignorance. It's obvious both of you have not read nearly enough (or at all) the quran and hadith, and for you Ed, the bible.
Nessa? Me? Huh?
I didnt.even know I was part of this thread let alone ignorant :shock:

Is that what you call a freudian slip? :mrgreen: ;)

Re: The Band that played during the recent attack in France

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 3:21 am
by Mallz
Totally! :mrgreen:
I was reading something of yours while responding hahaha.
I meant ST! :beat:

*Edit and for clarification. I'm calling them ignorant of the topic/Islam and for Ed the Bible. Not saying they get the adjective ignorant pegged to their selves lol.

Re: The Band that played during the recent attack in France

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 3:24 am
by Nessa
Lol, so funny! :lol:

Re: The Band that played during the recent attack in France

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 4:36 am
by Storyteller
edwardmurphy wrote:
Storyteller wrote:What about those Muslims that speak out against ISIS? Cant put a link,on kindle, but google muslim scholar tells ISIS to f*** off
They don't count? They didn't say it loudly/soon/often enough? They're faking disgust with ISIS so we'll let our guard down, at which point they'll infiltrate America and impose Sharia law (except in the states that had the forethought to ban Sharia by constitutional amendment)? They don't understand Islam as well as conservative Christians do, so they're confusing the message? All of the above?

Or, maybe none of the above?

I have met and talked with a few Muslims and they all believe that love and forgiveness is the key. The scholar I mentioned ranted, spoke out against Muslims who come over to the UK and demand to live under their law, his response was well, why come here? If you go to another country you abide by their laws, if you don`t like it, then don`t come.

I just don`t see all Muslims as mad killers bent on destruction. I just feel we are judging them all based on extremists. Any religion can be interpreted wrongly and abused, doesn`t mean the religion is at fault, just the individuals.

Don`t we need to reach out to people of other faiths? Show love and forgiveness? Try and understand why?

I found a link to the scholar... ... if-6853607

As Christians (and even non Christians) are we not guilty of prejudice and ignorance if we just assume that anyone who follows Islam is a terrorist?

Re: The Band that played during the recent attack in France

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 5:07 am
by Mallz
I just don`t see all Muslims as mad killers bent on destruction. I just feel we are judging them all based on extremists. Any religion can be interpreted wrongly and abused, doesn`t mean the religion is at fault, just the individuals.
I don't see all Muslims as mad killers/terrorists either. But I do see that with Islam. It is in their creeds to conquer and submit everyone/everything to allah (like how we would say the Father's prayer). And taken seriously produces terrorists. And the thing that I see people keep missing (because they don't do any research upon the matter), is that Islam is the problem. Not necessarily Muslims. Many Muslims are cultural Muslims that enjoy their cultural heritage and expressions. W/e. They aren't following Islam. Guess what? Most people aren't following what they prescribe to and identify with either.
As Christians (and even non Christians) are we not guilty of prejudice and ignorance if we just assume that anyone who follows Islam is a terrorist?
Yes. But that's not what is being put forward. I don't see B.W. saying this, either.

Re: The Band that played during the recent attack in France

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 5:18 am
by Storyteller
Mallz wrote:
I just don`t see all Muslims as mad killers bent on destruction. I just feel we are judging them all based on extremists. Any religion can be interpreted wrongly and abused, doesn`t mean the religion is at fault, just the individuals.
I don't see all Muslims as mad killers/terrorists either. But I do see that with Islam. It is in their creeds to conquer and submit everyone/everything to allah (like how we would say the Father's prayer). And taken seriously produces terrorists. And the thing that I see people keep missing (because they don't do any research upon the matter), is that Islam is the problem. Not necessarily Muslims. Many Muslims are cultural Muslims that enjoy their cultural heritage and expressions. W/e. They aren't following Islam. Guess what? Most people aren't following what they prescribe to and identify with either.
As Christians (and even non Christians) are we not guilty of prejudice and ignorance if we just assume that anyone who follows Islam is a terrorist?
Yes. But that's not what is being put forward. I don't see B.W. saying this, either.
Then I apologize for misinterpreting things.

I know very little about Islam so I probably don`t really have a right to comment, it just seemed to be anti Islam and anti Muslim.
Are they really told to conquer with force? What sort of god would demand that?

Generally, here in the UK, we don`t get a lot of friction between Muslims and other religions. In fact, there have been many cases where Muslims are appalled at what is being done in the name of Islam.

So are you saying that if someone really wants to follow Islam then they should be following what the extremists preach? (And I mean that in the sense of being true to what the faith preaches rather than morally etc)