Do the horsemen of the apocalypse have a tangible existence? Or are they completely metaphorical?

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Do the horsemen of the apocalypse have a tangible existence? Or are they completely metaphorical?

Post by Bluejay4 »

Really, do any of the "monsters" (I'm looking at you leviathan) or horsemen actually exist in the sense we could look at them and touch them? If not, what are we supposed to take literally or metaphorically?
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Re: Do the horsemen of the apocalypse have a tangible existence? Or are they completely metaphorical?

Post by PaulSacramento »

Depends on the context.
Apocalyptic writings have always used lots of symbolic imagery but outside of that genre, not so much.
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Re: Do the horsemen of the apocalypse have a tangible existence? Or are they completely metaphorical?

Post by B. W. »

PaulSacramento wrote:Depends on the context.
Apocalyptic writings have always used lots of symbolic imagery but outside of that genre, not so much.
Yes, the colors match the colors of Islam as well as how Islam conquers to a tee as well as a host of other things so here is a writing on my hypotheses on this subject. It is a hypotheses so it needs testing...

Commentary on Revelation 6:1-5
By Bryan W. Melvin
Copyright 2015 - all rights reserved
Bible quotes from NASB

Hypotheses: Four Horseman of the Apocalypse refer to ???

Ethnocentrism involves judging another culture solely by the values and standards of one's own culture. Has anyone considered that maybe Ethnocentrism crept into modern interpretations of End Time Bible Prophecy by ignoring one of the largest world empires in history?

Revelation 6:2-5 mentions horse and riders of four different colors of white, red, black and pale. So do these four colors of the horse and riders have any connection to the colors used by a world empire that was larger than Rome’s and seeks resurgence today?

The answer is a responding yes. A simple internet search on Islamic nation’s flags reveal the colors of white, black, red and green. These four colors are Islamic colors as well as the colors used in the moon and serpent/dragon deities’ temples too mentioned in my prior article concerning ancient Middle Eastern religious deities. For example, did you know that Muhammad used two flags to conquer with in the beginnings of Islam?

Muhammad used a solid white flag and also a solid black flag named the flag of the eagle. Neither flag had markings or symbols. In time, the red and green flags appeared as well and during the major caliphates. These flags were used to denote military unit structure to identify unit table of organization such as the Red Division, Black Division, White Division, and Green Divisions led by ruling tribal leaders. (See Note 1)

Also these four colors have special meaning in Islam as well as describe the progressive steps Muslim’s used in conquered lands to convert all too Islamic submission. With this, let us look at Revelation 6:2-5 and see if we see there are any correlations to this hypotheses.


Rev 6:2-5 mentions the first Horse and rider as being White. This horse and Rider carried a Bow and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer the scriptures reveals. Let us look at the symbolism.

The white flag (al liwa) according the Muhammad’s War Manuel of Islam, the Hadith, the white flag was the flag of the Caliphate and conquest. The Caliphate is Islamic government established over territory and overseen by a ruling Caliph (leader). This flag was used to indicate conquered territory fully under Islamic law. White was also the color worn by Islamic horse archers on Islam’s march of conquest during the 600-1200 AD time frame. (See Note 2)

White clad Horse Archers were used to smash enemies. They were mobile Bowman sent forth to conquer. During movement, arrows would not be seen due these being placed securely to prevent jostling lose, however, arrows would be present but not seen and readily drawn. This often duped enemies into a false sense of security seeing a bowman riding about without arrows. (See Note 3)

They would ride close to the enemy in a line, then stop, to shoot mass amounts of arrows into the flanks or strongpoints of an enemy. They were like mechanized infantry of today. The Islamic army conquered by going about to conquer under the four colors of Islam and these colors also indicated an ordered progression used to convert a conquered people. The correlation is there! White does fit the historical image of the swift moving white horse bowman of the early Islamic period.

Note: Traditional interpretations tells us that the Pope represents the white rider. Yes, nations are under the influence of principalities and powers of darkness and can mirror things to a degree. Before warned of being blindsided.


Rev 6:2-5 mentions the Red horse and rider granted to take peace from the earth, and that men would slay one another, and that a great sword was given to him.

Red was also used as a battle flag in Islamic battles. Their army was divided under respective flag colors to form military units noted as Division. Also there is a current Mahdi red battle flag too, I think used by the Shiite’s militants today. In the military sense Red was a units Division’s flag. The Red flag also was and is still used to mark the tomb of a fallen leader or hero. In this sense. Its meaning was, we pause for a moment and then we’ll revenge our fallen!

In other words, the Red flag indicated to avenge the fallen. It was pure no quarters, no prisoners kind of warfare enacted under the red flag. In a conquered city, it as revenge against adversaries and thus beheadings, eliminating the opposition, and imposing fear came under the Red flag. After the army conquered an area revenge or work was done to force conversions to Islam by the sword, this phase drew red blood in bucketful’s.

Also Red was used to mark the homes of Christians and Jews. Today in Iraq, IsIs paints red circles with a sideways c in it on Christian homes and other letters to designate Jews and enemies. This tags the occupants for special treatment such as beheading, torture, etc and etc. (See Note 4) A red sash or red dot on forehead is required to be worn by Christians. (See note 4)

So you have the Red horse and rider in Rev 6:2-5 taking peace from the earth that men would slay one another; and a great sword was given to him for this task. The correlations fits the historical records and what is occurring today with ISIS and fits a pattern recorded in history concerning the phases of Islamic conquest. Tradition teaches that this red rider represents communism. Again, nations are under the influence of principalities and powers of darkness and can mirror things to a degree. Before forewarned of being blindsided, looking in the wrong direction.


Black horse, --- and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard something like a voice in the center of the four living creatures saying, "A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not damage the oil and the wine."

The black flag is named the “flag of Jihad”. Jihad means to strive, to apply oneself, the struggle, to persevere, to maintain Islam worldwide through steady struggle by any and all means possible.

Black is a main color in Islam for warfare and also denotes submission upon a conquered people. Therefore, in a conquered village or city, people would see mostly Black flags. Both white and black is known as the symbol of holiness from an Islamic point of view. Holiness is taught as submission. So a population under a black flag indicates the time to impose holiness/submission/Jihad upon the people who will not convert under the red banner phase but were spared due a merciful pause.

After forced conversion phase to Islam by the sword which drew red blood in bucketful’s, came the economic phase which was the imposition of a Jizya tax on non-converted populace that was based on extortion. Thus another phase of Jihad begins, and a quart of wheat for a day’s wages is not far off the mark of this tax system. If paid, the folks would still be allowed to practice their faith heavily restricted. IsIs is doing so today in Iraq under the black flag of the Struggle to maintain Shira law. The correlations fits the historical records as well as the actions of the black horse and rider of Rev 6:2-5.

Not hurting the oil and the wine may refer to the sealing of Holy Spirit within a Christian that cannot be take away no matter the abuse or death imposed upon the persecuted church. Which makes sense in that the fifth seal refers to Christian Martyrs under the altar mentioned in Rev 6:9-11. However, this is my opinion and oil and the wine maybe referring to something else.

Also under the black flag of Jihad, migration of Muslim into other non-Muslim countries occurs as well as a designed course of action to gain sympathy from a host country. Muslim Population increases, many Mosques are built, and a nations falls under Islam’s black flag of Jihad. So sooner or later the red phase begins.

Tradition teaches that this black rider represents capitalism. Again, nations are under the influence of principalities and powers of darkness and can mirror things to a degree. Before forewarned of being blindsided by looking in the wrong direction. Also note the order of the seals and releasing of the riders. Capitalism came before both Pope and Communism. The sequence of traditional interpretations does not fit the narrative.


Green horse whose rider was named Death; and Hades was following with him. Authority was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by the wild beasts of the earth.

Green is the color for Islam. Green in Islam is the symbol of spring and rebirth, of compassion, moderation, goodness, blessing, peace and hope, and a symbol of strength, energy, and the fulfilled growth of Islam in all the world. It was used as a Division battle flag and used to conquer showing that a new era has begun for submission. Thus, after the economic imposition of a Jizya tax and black Jihad phase on non-converted populace came the green phase of Islamic growth making all things Islamic changing season, times, laws, culture, etc and etc.

Green also represents a unique person appropriately named the Al-Khidr - Green One. The Green One is venerated because he is the one who will redirect Islam into a new birth. The Al-Khidr is described as a giver of wisdom, knowledge, and a teacher of crafts such as metal working and magic arts of incantations. He was crafty and wise.

This Green one is directly linked to a Mecca area and the Midianite deity who brought wisdom to mankind and taught iron metal smithing to humanity – known also as the dragon deity. He was known as the ancient Ugaritic deity Kothar-wa-Khasis or Nabu or Nabul of Babylon. (See Note 5)

Under the Babylonian pantheon Nabul (Nebo) was Murdak’s (Serpant/Dragon) son who was a prophet who chants forth whatever Murdak says. Correlate this to the Green one, what do you see?

Shiite Muslims consider the green one to be the twelfth Iman…

The correlations fits the historical records as well as the direction for this Green horse and rider of Rev 6:2-5 by being amazingly traced directly back to the epicenter where according the ancient myths of Midianite, Moab, Edom, Canaan pantheon where a deity came to earth to grant humankind wisdom so they work for this serpent/dragon deity and his allies where the metal work for producing Iron was taught.

I never expected to find this to be this close. Islamic national flags all share these four colors and the real symbolism in the colors mirrors the progression of conquering and teaching submission so a new dawn breaks is clearly portrayed in Revelation 6:2-5. You will not look at these flags the same way again.

Tradition now teaches that the pale rider is Islam. Therefore the wisdom of God sorts through human misrepresentation anyways.

Hypothetically speaking, the horses in Zechariah 6:1-8 may refer to another prophetic time cycle when Islam began, then suffered a major blow and disappeared off the radar screen until recently. Are the seals being unlocked today or are they still set for the future when Islam is unleashed wholesale upon the world again?


Note 1:

Note 2: ... ror-flags/

Note 3: ... st&f=false

Note 4: ... ve-123659/

Note 5:
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Re: Do the horsemen of the apocalypse have a tangible existence? Or are they completely metaphorical?

Post by abelcainsbrother »

Bluejay4 wrote:Really, do any of the "monsters" (I'm looking at you leviathan) or horsemen actually exist in the sense we could look at them and touch them? If not, what are we supposed to take literally or metaphorically?
First off the bible is a vast book and it was written in a way to where we must read and study it to fully understand it.Although alot of the bible is pretty straightforward when you read it not all of it is.Christians who want to understand it must take the time to read it and study it.The parts of the bible you're talking about are symbolic and represent things.Leviathan represents Satan who is referred to as the great dragon in the book of Revelation,in the bible satan is referred to a serpent but also a dragon.The four horsemen are symbolic also and I agree with BW that they represent Islamic terrorism.We must understand that in bible prophecy Israel and the jews are central to understanding bible prophecy and it so the four horsemen represent Israel's enemies and as you know Israel and the jews are surrounded by muslims,so it makes sense why these symbols represent Israel's enemies first,but because Islam dreams of a day when the whole world is Islamic they alse apply to the rest of the world too. To the jew first then to the gentile. Here take a look at the Palestinian flag and you'll see they are the same colors the four horses are

The book of Revelation was written about 2000 years ago,so there is no way John could have knew the colors of the horses he seen would one day matchup to the palestinian flag yet they do today 2000 years later.So the visions he had God gave him were real and he just described what he saw the way he seen them and now today we can see what he saw in his visions God gave him to write the Book of Revelation.Did you know that there have been more Christians killed by Islamic terrorists today that at any other time including when the Romn empire persecuted and killed people who believed in Jesus when Christianity just got started? There are more Christian martyrs today at the hands of Islamic terrorism than at any other time in history.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: Do the horsemen of the apocalypse have a tangible existence? Or are they completely metaphorical?

Post by B. W. »

abelcainsbrother wrote:
Bluejay4 wrote:Really, do any of the "monsters" (I'm looking at you leviathan) or horsemen actually exist in the sense we could look at them and touch them? If not, what are we supposed to take literally or metaphorically?
First off the bible is a vast book and it was written in a way to where we must read and study it to fully understand it.Although alot of the bible is pretty straightforward when you read it not all of it is.Christians who want to understand it must take the time to read it and study it.The parts of the bible you're talking about are symbolic and represent things.Leviathan represents Satan who is referred to as the great dragon in the book of Revelation,in the bible satan is referred to a serpent but also a dragon.The four horsemen are symbolic also and I agree with BW that they represent Islamic terrorism.We must understand that in bible prophecy Israel and the jews are central to understanding bible prophecy and it so the four horsemen represent Israel's enemies and as you know Israel and the jews are surrounded by muslims,so it makes sense why these symbols represent Israel's enemies first,but because Islam dreams of a day when the whole world is Islamic they alse apply to the rest of the world too. To the jew first then to the gentile. Here take a look at the Palestinian flag and you'll see they are the same colors the four horses are

The book of Revelation was written about 2000 years ago,so there is no way John could have knew the colors of the horses he seen would one day matchup to the palestinian flag yet they do today 2000 years later.So the visions he had God gave him were real and he just described what he saw the way he seen them and now today we can see what he saw in his visions God gave him to write the Book of Revelation.Did you know that there have been more Christians killed by Islamic terrorists today that at any other time including when the Romn empire persecuted and killed people who believed in Jesus when Christianity just got started?

There are more Christian martyrs today at the hands of Islamic terrorism than at any other time in history.
Yes there are more Christian martyrs today at the hands of Islamic terrorism than at any other time in history and the President of the USA does not want them in the USA to escape being killed! Amazing...
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Re: Do the horsemen of the apocalypse have a tangible existence? Or are they completely metaphorical?

Post by melanie »

I think your're barking up the wrong tree guys.
Islam is a manipulation and part of the the times but I think the horsemen relate to something much closer to home, so to speak.
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Re: Do the horsemen of the apocalypse have a tangible existence? Or are they completely metaphorical?

Post by B. W. »

melanie wrote:I think your're barking up the wrong tree guys.
Islam is a manipulation and part of the the times but I think the horsemen relate to something much closer to home, so to speak.
I mentioned and recorded what I wrote as a hypotheses that needs testing and verification:

I did my research and wasn't looking for anything particular but rather trying to figure out why and how modern prophetic teachers came up with Rome and all that stuff. So I dug further and actually from the book of Daniel stopped and asked myself, how would Nebuchadnezzar and the people of that era have understood the symbols used in Daniel chapter 2 and 7 and 8. What I found again simply shocked me at the simplicity as well as the pin pointing certain geographic location where 4 major ancient religions of the Lion, Bear, Leopard, and Dragon began and spread. The focal point is the area around modern day Mecca to UR and from Mecca regions through Edom-Moab/Canaan to Cyprus Crete areas. Then moved north to form a distinct military line along the Euphrates river in a pivot, looking more like an invasion...

So I will post below the findings and Hypotheses for you all below in three post:

Post One

Commentary on Daniel Chapters two and seven
By Bryan W. Melvin
Copyright 2015 - all rights reserved


Numbers 24:17 "I see him, but not now; I behold him, but not near; A star shall come forth from Jacob, A scepter shall rise from Israel, And shall crush through the forehead of Moab (of his father), And tear down all the sons of Sheth (sons of tumult/turmoil/searching for putrefiedness/death). 18 "Edom (Red/blood/earthy) shall be a possession, Seir (hairy; goat; demon; tempest), its enemies, also will be a possession, While Israel (those who prevails with God) performs valiantly. 19 "One from Jacob (Heal grabber) shall have dominion, And will destroy the remnant from the city."

Num 24:20 And he looked at Amalek (who dwells or hides in valley to consume people) and took up his discourse and said, "Amalek (dwells/hides in valley who consumes people) was the first of the nations, But his end shall be destruction." (Note: Amalek – Edomite tribe)

Num 24:21 And he looked at the Kenite (smiths of iron/hammering lamentations), and took up his discourse and said, "Your dwelling place is enduring, And your nest is set in the cliff.

Note: Kenitie was located in the area of Midian territory - Saudi Arabia coastal area in hinter land)

Num 24:22 "Nevertheless Kain (Cain who slew his brother) will be consumed; How long will Asshur (Assyria/liers in want; beholders) keep you captive?"

Num 24:23 Then he took up his discourse and said, "Alas, who can live except God has ordained it? 24 "But ships shall come from the coast of Kittim (breaking; bruising small), And they shall afflict Asshur (Assyria/liers in want; beholders) and will afflict Eber (one that passes beyond other side of the tracks or river/ angry folks); So they also will come to destruction."

Num 24:25 Then Balaam (devourer) arose and departed and returned to his place, and Balak (who lays waste or destroys) also went his way. NASB


Have you ever tossed a heavy stone into a pool of still water and seen the ripple effect? How the shock waves move away from the impact point and in the final stages surge back to the impact point?

We should think of any study concerning end times from Daniel and the prophets in that same light. There is an impact point. From that impact point, waves spread all over the world. While folks focus on Europe/Rome and the antichrist and one world order from western geographic locations, maybe they are missing the epicenter and failing to discern what the Lord is revealing in Daniel chapters seven and two that reveal the impact zone.

The waves started somewhere spreading repeating patterns of national behavior and distributing the same ancient national symbols internationally. Likewise, the four ruling nation beasts mentioned in Daniel chapter seven began somewhere and like the ripples of water spread worldwide. It is my hypotheses that many bible prophecy teachers focus on the ripples and not the impact point, failing to note that the waters rush back to the impact zone in the end. They may be missing something very important: failure to note patterns.

One missing point is found Number 24:17-25 which links to Christ Jesus’ return, however, the names mentioned match the old kingdoms of Edom, Moab, and Midian. Yet, elsewhere in the bible, end time prophecy is associated with Babylon, Persia, and Greece. Why is that? Impact point hidden by the rush of the waves!

Prophecy of the four beasts and the Statue

While studying Daniel chapter seven concerning the four beast and chapter two, the statue, instead of taking on the standard western interpretation of these chapters, I looked into archology, history, and linguistic reviews on the ancient god myths of the Midianites, Moabites, and Edomites, the Assyrian, Babylonian, and Persian deities. From there, searched more sources. What I found stunned me.

In the Torah, Moses, mentions that the ancient pagan peoples sacrificed to demons so basically, in a nutshell, the four beast mentioned in Daniel chapter seven are four ruling powers in heavenly places (Ephesians 6:12, Ephesians 3:10, 1 Peter 3:22). The Bear, for example, refers to the Spirit Prince of the Persian Empire who delayed the angel in answering Daniels request in Dan 10:13.

The more I read shocked me. I researched ancient Babylonian/Edomite/Moabite/Midianite text concerning any deities that look like the four beasts of Daniel chapter seven. As I researched this I discovered that these deities are all connected to the moon god as well as a giver of rays of light (wisdom/knowledge) and all are connected the star and crescent moon symbol and to the Mars god of war in some way or another.

Synopsis of findings

Daniel Chapter Seven describes four beast arising out of raging sea. The first three are the Lion, Bear, and Leopard. The forth is unlike the three and is described as a dreadful beast. It is the sea and first three beast that we must examine in the light of their historic mythic histories. Understanding these will help unlock for us today a profound understanding of things currently going on in the world governed by these three ruling spiritual powers ruling over nations. So let me list briefly some facts:

The Lion, the Bear and Leopard are connected to mars, moon and sun – denoting gods of conquest, war, etc. These ride the dragon, or connected to him in some relational way, which is the forth beast. Ride, as in meaning have full support from in order to assist in the resurrection of the Murdak (Dragon - Beast). In ancient text, Murduk, went through a resurrection of the dead. In other words, the goal of the first three beast is to bring forth the fourth beast in full dragon form. Please note that Murdak rebelled from the head sky god and came to earth to dispense wisdom. Sound familiar?

Edom, Moab, and Midian had deities in these same images. The Midianites also had the dragon god. These seemed to then spread to mouth of the Euphrates River and along the Fertile Crescent rather rapidly. The deities then took on differing names. The patron deity of the Midianites was the serpent/dragon who taught them how to forge iron and other crafts and their deities connect to the moon god in some manner and share a crescent moon symbol. Now, Edom, Moab, and Midian geographic location covers most of the Saudi Arabian peninsula and the land of Canaan.

These demonic beings influence spread out into the Middle East settling in Babylon by that ripple effect mechanism mentioned earlier. Also interesting is how these deities also match the national characteristics of any people who lived in the areas they controlled. Like portals of darkness with demonic rulers presiding over territories/countries these influenced national behavior as they circulated. So let me next describe these deities as Daniel saw them and how Nebuchadnezzar understood them.

Symbolism of the Four Beasts:

In Daniel chapter Two, the first vision came from a dream and deals with earthly nations. Chapter Seven switches gears and mentions four beast. I hypothesize these beast are spiritual rulers over nations throughout history beginning in the area of Sea people/Canaan, Midian, Edom, and Moab. Chapter seven switches to identify the ruling host of darkness while chapter eight goes back to speaking of nations under the influence of two of these host. What is interesting in the Book of Daniel is how the truth of Ecclesiastes 3:15 applies concerning repeating patterns.

Although the historical record, there are repeating cycles of the old empires mentioned in the book of Daniel splitting into four parts. This identifies a pattern that repeats itself regarding the Medes/Persian Empires and Grecian as these historically split into four parts as well as one latter kingdom did. This identifies a pattern these four beasts have over people/nations that create division, disunity, chaos, ruin while enticing peoples with the opposite.

All these entities change their name and forms per culture. All these ancient nations’ religions mentioned have four types of ruling spirits: lion, leopard, bear, and dragon/serpent. These often changed their form and identity many times into other animal symbols. When a nation is in decline, all four of these spirits are unleashed inside the nation to bring it down. We see this in the Babylonian, the Persian, and the Grecian Empire mentioned in the book of Daniel. We even it now at work in the western countries and even in local communities. Intercessors, take note.

It is of my opinion that when we see these four combining over all nations that is a big thunderclap warning that we are in the last days. A nation begins according to the traits of one of these beast, goes on for a while, then, the others mingle in and the nation falls. In Revelation 13:1-2 presents that this beast has joined with the others in new form.

The first three beasts mentioned in Daniel Seven purpose is to bring forth the dragon/serpent’s rule. These spiritual host of wickedness have lieutenants, helper spirits: the Lion has 7, the Bear has 6, and the Leopard has 7. The purpose of these are disclosed easily enough from the unbiased historical records following the section on the Leopard below. So as you read the following sections, please note I am next highlighting a brief history, attributes, and tactics employed by theses dark rulers so you can identify them yourselves.

Continued in thread Below...
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Re: Do the horsemen of the apocalypse have a tangible existence? Or are they completely metaphorical?

Post by B. W. »

Post Two Continued from Post One above:

Commentary on Daniel Chapters two and seven
By Bryan W. Melvin
Copyright 2015 - all rights reserved

Winged Lion deity

History: Lion Deity with wings and head like a man’s according to stone engravings went by the name Nergal.
Negral’s father was Enil who appeared like a man with eagle wings and wore a helmet with horns. Both Nergal and Enil are symbolized as lions as son-father related. Like the ripple effect, this Babylonian deity had other names in other countries such as Maahes Egyptian, etc.

Nergal was a god of war, protection, of weather, who was young and naturally dominate, royal, strong, others serve him with compete submission to his authority. He was bold and known as a god of underworld too.

Attributes: The Lion is attributed to be lord of the chase, regal, proud, fierce, kingly, others serve him. The Lion is deemed intelligent and demands submission. The eagle wings were plucked from Enil who had man like appearance with eagle wings and wore a horned helmet. The eagle wings denote justice, judgment, loftiness and Enil’s authority now worn by Nergal.

Nergal once had feathers of a fighting rooster and gained his father’s eagle wings, replacing these. He may have given the dung hill **** feathers powers to Leopard deity also known as Qas / Set. Taking on body parts of other deities denotes ranks of order, submission, and power transfers. A man’s head denotes heart or mind of human beings – a bit of softness as well as ruling the affairs of men toward some lofty sounding utopian idea.

Warrior style/Tactics: Male lions use economy of force of the pride to control large areas of ground. Highly intelligent and utterly fierce in combat. They form coalitions. Eagle wings show loftiness, sense of taking the high ground, scouting and gathering intelligence, swooping down of enemies with precision. Maintaining and exploiting advantages. The man’s head symbolizes intelligence and control of attributes of lion and eagle.

Nergal - plucked the eagle wings from his father Enil to assimilate Enil’s power to add to his lion power. In Daniel chapter seven note that the lion’ wings were plucked but by whom? It does not say.

Bear Deity

History: The Bear deity is connected to – Medes/Persian deity Verethragna and the Greek Artimus goddess as they are one in the same due to the ripple effect. Also associated with the Assyrian national god Ashur. The Bear spread to Persia from there. See article quotes below.

Attributes: both wild and tame, ravenous in fall, violent when provoked, warrior, strong presence, demands respect, motherland, also associated with the crescent Moon and symbolically in fall bears ravenously eat. Seasons of the bear, spring gain strength, summer-home life, and fall – ravenously eats, winter – hibernates. Bears invoke fear and dread.

Warrior style/Tactics: Aggressive when season is right, brawn, use of mass to bludgeon through enemies lines and utterly ruthless in warfare.

*Verethragna / The Persian god of victory and the personification of aggressive triumph. God of Vrahran Fire, the most sacred of all fires. It is a combination of 16 fires, most of which belong to those in the metal-working trades. He punishes the evil done by man and demon. Verethragna appears in many shapes: bear, bird of prey, bull, camel, youth, warrior with a golden sword, wind, etc. His appearance as a bird and bear were especially popular. The twentieth day of the month is dedicated to him.
*From ... desses.htm

Planet is Mars and is associated with Nergal and Mithra (lord of light/sun – giver of wide/deep knowledge / helper to men) Nergal is related to moon god… (Interesting to note how Nergal and Verethragna are kin to some type of sun/sky god who gives wisdom and deep knowledge to men and associated also to the moon god as well demanding absolute submission).

**Also symbol for the Assyrian national god Ashur – whose planetary model was from the Polar Star constellation Ursa Minor, “the Little Bear” (Note: also appears to be part of Lucifer’s morning star analogy in Isaiah 14 but also note how Syria the Little Bear is allied with Persia/Russia (Big Bear) today.

**Ashur was not a “goat of heaven”, but a “bull of heaven”, like the Sumerian Nannar (Sin), the moon god of Ur, Ninip of Saturn, and Bel Enlil. As the bull, however, he was, like Anshar, the ruling animal of the heavens; and like Anshar he had associated with him “six divinities of council”. (Nannar was head of this council over saw by a serpent/dragon who on reliefs is shown on Nannar’s right side whispering in his ear)

**see –

Leopard with fighting Rooster wings

History: Same Deity with other names such as Dionysus/Greece and Set/Egyptian and the Assyrian/Babylonia symbol for Nimrod who had a chariot/car pulled by Leopards, and Ishtar who also rode a leopard, lion, etc, into battle Also the Assyrian form of Dionysus is also associated with the Leopard.

Ishtar also known as Astrate rode a Leopard and other beasts into battle (lion, bear leopard, dove, etc). She was the goddess of battle, sex, seduction, occultic arts, and fertility. Her origins appeared in Canaan, Edom, as Anat and Syria as Astarte and then about everywhere else as Ishtar. She maybe the symbol riding the dragon mentioned in Revelation which suggest – riding into battle. Anat pictures her killing the enemies of Ba’al Hadad, lopping off heads, torturing enemies, and wading knee deep in blood. (See Wikipedia Anat online)

Astarte uses the crescent Moon symbol, denoting wisdom, cunning, writing, trickster, violence, disorder, fieriness, watching, swift stealthy attacks and also known for two horns facing downwards or upwards – a reverse crescent moon shape or two horns of the moon god of conquest. She demands submission.

Interesting is Nimrod, who subdues leopards to pull his chariot car to hunt men, commanded compete submission is also associated with Assyria and Babylon. The Assyrian Dionysus is also related with the Leopard and its priests used its skin to dress in. Astarte/Anat also had 7 demons to call upon to do its bidding too.

Also same as Edom’s Deity – Qos/Quos/Kaush – expander of culture – related to Moon god and symbol is of the star and crescent and demands total submission… or else!

Next, the rooster feathers denote **** fighting roosters who peck and cut with a thousand pricks/cuts of death

Attributes: Leopard looks for the weakest animals as prey, young/old/injured. They are stealthy, fast, ambush, wise, and cunning, exceeding violent. The **** feathers represent how these fighting birds weaken their foe with many-many pecks/cuts weakening them for leopard’s assault.

Warrior style/Tactics: So you have a twofold tactic – looking for the weakest area, or prey, to strike. The leopard attacks with swiftness and use of economy of force, goes behind enemy lines in certain key arenas to demoralize/weaken by thousand small cuts of death. Terrorism, influx of its citizens into an area to demoralize them to show off brutality by attacking the weakest areas of a kingdom. This style of war was the style of the Assyrians who shared with the Bear national Deity Asher’s battle skills as well. Side note, modern Syria is sided with Iran also Bear.

Important point to ponder concerning the Leopard’s identity:

Tradition equates this Leopard only with Alexander the Great’s Grecian empire. However, the symbol Alexander used was the sun ray disk that can be traced back to the chief of the sky gods, Anu’s, symbol, not a leopard. In fact Habakkuk 1:6-8 associates the leopard with the Chaldeans and the Song of Solomon 4:8 mentions the Leopards commonly found in Palestine/Canaan/Edom/Moab/Midian/Assyrian areas (The Cambridge and Jamieson, Fausset, Brown Commentaries, Song 4:8).

While the Statue in Daniel chapter 2 clearly indicates Grecian empire, the leopard in chapter seven may refer to several prophetic cycles controlled by the leopard principality. Recall that the ancient people of Canaan, Edom, Moab, Midian, Assyrian, and Chaldean’s all had associations with the leopard in their religions. Thus, the Leopard beast in my opinion and hypotheses also represents an empire coming from these locations that all share the moon god pantheon (council of the six divinities) arising way after Alexander’s Grecian empire had ended. Think about it and note the ripple effect mentioned earlier has on other nations that serve to hide the impact zone epicenters true location.

In Numbers 24:24 the ships of Kittim refers to the Island peoples of the Minoan/Grecian areas who will afflict, the areas of Syria and the Persians as the key names mentioned in the text indicate (as well a future cyclic prophetic event that mirrors the first appearance in some way). The leopard can fit the Grecian Alexandrian empire and its spit into four kingdom as well as refer to other kingdoms that spit into four parts in later years. Prophetic patterns are cyclic. Next, note that Alexander’s character, warrior style, and tactics were more lion like, than leopard. His hubris is well documented. His army moved swiftly like a leopard but in combat, fought like a lion.

Hypotheses: The beast mentioned in Daniel chapter seven concerns the dark principalities, powers ruling of nations. Chapter two, refers directly to Nations as does chapter eight which equates Greece with another animal symbol, a shaggy male goat, therefore, the Leopard is not just a representation of ancient Greece alone but rather identifies a particular ruling host of darkness as per Eph 6:12 identified by prophetic cycles.

Another association and observation of the catlike Lion and Leopard is that cats often act psychotic. Studies in science abound that indicate that cats act psychotic. Just google search it on the internet to see what I mean. Both Nebuchadnezzar and Alexander showed in the historical records becoming psychotic in some form of megalomania. It appears these spiritual host who govern over nations make a nation’s leadership follow the same pattern exhibited by passing strange laws that exhibit some form psychoses.

Now let us look correlations of these things for a moment how ancient nation states along the Fertile Crescent worshiped these animal spirits as their primary national deities:

Ur/Chaldean-Babylonian – Lion and Dragon. Next, Assyria, Bear and Leopard. Then the Hittites who had the Leopard and Lion. These nations bordered each other each became part of their respective empires.

This follows along with ancient Midian (Lion/Dragon, Moab – bear-Leopard, and Edom/Canaan-sea people, Leopard/Lion. All these nations untied with the Bull which is identified with Moon God and Dragon in some form or another. Greece is related to the sea people of the Canaan area and thus there you have the link to the leaper beast in Daniel chapter seven.

For a good reference on Hittite Religion and how it mirrors the others so far mentioned please note this link:

Daniel Chapter Seven and the Stormy Sea

These are the first three beast that arise out of a very stormy sea. The sea symbolizes humanity gathered into nations. The strong winds that blew are similar to the Seven Babylonian warrior gods called the Sebbitti who were controlled by Nergal the winged lion man. They (are) in a coalition with Nergal and his Lion symbol emerges out of this tempest wind driven sea first. Their traits concern string up a tempest in the nations.

The Sebbitti were also known as the ruling/leading Watchers mentioned in the book of Enoch and are also identified with the Nephilim in the bible. They aid in Negril’s killing off raucous, over-populous people, and wildlife. They create turmoil, death, disease, by means of pleasure and violence. The Sebbitti rulers also aided Nergal’s sending people into the netherworld. Please note that that a male lion has a pride. A normal pride of lions consist of five adult females and two adult male lions for a total of seven. The symbolism is profound concerning the stormy sea of Dan 7:2 and the Lion beast being the first to emerge! ... aki12a.htm

The winged Lion man beast is a ruling power of the air over countries. The impact point was long ago somewhere in Saudi Arabia/Canaan and spread to Babylon. It emerged whole appearing as Nebuchadnezzar’s golden Empire seeking world domination. This is a demonic empire has been spreading worldwide and influences national characteristic and symbols in area it controls. The same goes for the Bear and Leopard beasts, both empires, governed by these principalities of the air. The hallmark trait of these three demand total submission to their wills and ways.

These three are working together according to their traits and warrior tactics. According to their mythology, they came to help and liberate mankind by having humanity work for them. However, their animal symbolism reveals their true colors. In fact, these three beasts are preparing for the dragon’s return, the fourth beast. The ripple effect has now reached its full peak and the epi center is revealed in Number 24:17-25.

So how would you weaken a people to take over them and have them serve you?

Answer, lion, bear, and leopard tactics…

…By political control by a royal class is the Lion’s way of the pride. It will use lofty ideas and seduce by appeals to sore high. Teach how to exploit advantages, be self-absorbed, royal, better than others, the best, and pride. It has Utopia as a goal to bait mankind into slavery. Think of central planning.

…By the bear empire that promotes both a wild and tame lovable lifestyle, be protectors a mother bear, and invoke fear and dread. Use the idea of mass to bludgeon through enemies lines even when you don’t, you bully the masses instead so they submit through size of propaganda. The Bear Empire took over Babylon and known as the ancient Medes/Persians. This empire spread into other nations as per the ripple effect.

…By the Leopard Empire that seeks ways to make weak an enemy. The Leopard is the same as Dionysus and justifies debased lifestyles of pleasure, sex, wealth, power, drugs, alcohol, debauchery, religion to weaken its prey. Like a **** fighting rooster it pecks with a thousand cuts to weaken the interior life of people in a nation. Then the Leopard strikes with swiftness demanding utter submission cutting off limbs/heads knee deep in blood. It is interesting how a certain religion today promises an afterlife of debauchery as reward for complete submission.

The Leopard lies in ambushes and is utterly cruel as it terrorizes its prey into submission. Its four heads most recently came to be actualized between 632 and 661 AD as its Assyrian style of leopard warfare allowed it to grow into the largest ignored empire in bible prophecy and world history. This empire built its abomination on the temple mount in 691 AD from the ruins of Rome’s temple to Jupiter (i.e. Marduk). It is preparing the way for the desolater.

These three rulers of the air work together over nations and always seek to help each other out to bring people into captivity to do their will. They are related to the moon god pantheon of conquest in some way as well as the god of war and Jupiter/dragon. They share the crescent moon symbol. You can find their persona animal symbols in national symbols of Lion, Bear, and Leopard throughout world history as they expanded their kingdoms in stages. They deceive as where to look for the dragon by the ripple effect. They are preparing for their final kingdom to rule the earth to emerge. In Rev 13:2 they are described as had merged.

Dragon Deity the Forth Beast

History: This deity is also known as Mardak, Bel, Illuyankas, Baal peaor, Chemosh – and is associated with Nimrod. The attributes involve conquering, ruthlessness, lust for power, proud and seeks honor, rebellious, disobedient, crafty, wise, proud as in hubris.

Also same as or from the Midianites deity: Baal Peaor and the Assyrian Hadad. This deity has a resurrection story from the dead too. This deity overthrew/rebelled against head sky god. ... od-marduk/

Murdak had a son Nabul (or Nebo) who was a prophet who sings and chants whatever Murdak says. This suggests bewitchment and sorcery as an art of warfare.

Symbol: snake-dragon and, to a lesser extent, the spade.

His Planet association is Jupiter as well as Mars

Baal Peaor – Chemosh are the same and these also are associated with moon and – called Lord of underworld

Attribute: Pride and control, deception, highly intelligent, the brains of the outfit

Warfare and tactics: deception and always changing shapes, seduction and manipulation, controls others to do its deeds, it smashes and burns, it is filled with pride and seeks to overthrow and devour.

Now read Daniel 7:19-26, the sound of a storm is on the horizon, do you hear?
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Re: Do the horsemen of the apocalypse have a tangible existence? Or are they completely metaphorical?

Post by B. W. »

Post Three - Continued from post two above

Commentary on Daniel Chapters two and seven
By Bryan W. Melvin
Copyright 2015 - all rights reserved

Daniel Chapter Two: The Statue

Daniel interprets the King’s dream of a statue that had a head of gold, chest and arms of silver, waist of bronze, and two iron legs with feet mixed with clay. The gold represent the Babylonian empire, the silver arms/chest refers to the Medes and Persian Empire, and the Bronze is Grecian empire of Alexander the Great. Each of the three empires literally made Babylon their main base of operations, they ruled there just as it is written in Dan 2:39 … they will come after Nebuchadnezzar. Vision concerns nations who were used to discipline Israel for forsaking God.

The main point is that each of these four kingdoms would rule from Babylon. Nebuchadnezzar’s old empire and the The Medes and Persians did, even Alexander sought to make it his capital too. Now we come to the two iron legs. People confuse the Roman Empire with the legs of iron. Is it really the Roman Empire? This is due to the ripple effect and the repeating patterns of true biblical prophecy so folks will not see the elephant in the room.

To understand this better please note the entire geographic location of the Babylonian empire. This is crucial in understanding the statute in Daniel. In Dan 2:39 it mentions that 3 kingdom arise out from Nebuchadnezzar’s kingdom. This identifies a geographic location where these 3 other kingdoms will also rule over too.

Now go on line and find the maps of these empires: Babylonian, Medes and Persians, and Alexander the Great’s Empire and then compare this with ancient Roman Empire. Please note that Rome never fully occupied the lands of Nebuchadnezzar’s kingdom and never made the environs of Babylon their capital. Neither did the Holy Roman Empire after its split between east and west.

Due to the ripple effect, certain traits or cycles repeat in a nations’ history. Controlling governing spiritual demonic rulers will follow these cyclic patterns too. They did so with the Roman Empire, dividing it between east and west as the wave rolled out from the impact point. This is what confuses people. You need to see the pattern of rule from Nebuchadnezzar’s kingdom of Babylon as this reveals who the parts of the statue really are.

The Mede and Persian Empire ruled from Babylon. The Greeks under Alexander as well governed there. Both were large world empires, sought world dominion, and each pursued total submission to its ruler. The stark reality of this is that the only other kingdom to share Nebuchadnezzar’s kingdom geographic location is the Islamic empire, which emerged from the area of Midian and Edom – the Saudi Peninsula – home of the moon god religion, spread throughout the known world and was the largest empire, vastly bigger than ancient Rome even including its split.

There are only four accepted Islamic Caliphates during the high water mark of the Islamic empire. Out of eight caliphates in its history, only four are accepted as legitimate. The Leopard in Daniel 7 has four heads and four rooster wings. Islam’s spread mirrors the migration of the moon god/dragon religion from its staring points in Saudi Arabia and then into Nebuchadnezzar’s old kingdom etc and etc. Also note that the Midianites were workers/smiths of iron. They also had the Leopard, Lion, and Bear gods as well too. This explain the prophecy of Numbers 24:17-25 why God will be so brutal with these three last.

Daniel chapter two statues’ legs of Iron represent two kingdoms that will later mixed with clay when it gets ready to walk on its own two feet. In my opinion this represents the Sunni and Shiite split after Mohammed died. They fought for the right to be Mohammed’s successors. The Sunni’s were friends/generals of Mohammed while the Shiite were of his family line.

This ensured a 1380+ year old blood feud. Like iron and clay, these people cannot mix properly until the last days as foretold in bible prophecy. A noted Islamic tactic is to invade a country silently by mixing in any countries population by migration. In fact, look up Dan 2:43 and notice the word translated - mixed - in NASB tell me what this word is and you will see what I mean... Apply that meaning to the text too...

On August 10 2015 the Shiite leader and the Sunni Palestinian leader meet in Iran. They said they plan to form a collation of Sunni and Shiite to destroy Israel and the USA. They desire to have Israel disarm its nuclear weapons systems in their own words - for Peace and Security... reasons can be manifested.

With the Obama Iran deal, Iran is poised to have nuclear weapons in a few months or during the next three years and not the ten Obama lied about. With this leverage, having the bomb, the Shiite minority regains clout to entice the Sunnis to join in a coalition. With the stated goal to war against God’s people. Look for this happening in the news. Is not this theme mention in the book of Revelation too?

We need to wake up - it isn’t Rome/Europe or the pope we need to look at. Now I am not saying that countries cannot share or be under the influence of the traits these four beasts in Dan 7 as these seek to spread their respective influence. So there is some truth in what bible prophecy teachers say about certain countries resembling the four beasts in Daniel chapter seven. However, the stuff hits the fan in the Middle East.

The statue is stirring before our eyes and we look at Rome/Pope and Europe and fail to see the mixed people from to feuding factions, Sunni and Shiite beginning to walk together under one goal of world domination under its brutal system that seeks the total eradication of other nations culture, borders, religion, and national history and changing a countries currency too. Islam is looking for its Mahdi and his rule over a new kingdom.

Islam's history of conquest utterly erases a conquered territories culture, borders, wipes out its religions, and erases its history, changing it seasons and time too. It murders, maims and brutalizes people, especially women. In other words, it utterly crushes and breaks in pieces those nations it conquers. We see this with ISIS in 2015 and in Iran during 1979-1981 time frame. This fits the narrative of bible prophecy to a tee concerning the forth beast crushing and devouring and the system that seeks to change laws, seasons, etc...

I hypothesize that by looking at Islam one will uncover where the antichrist will emerge and it does not appear to be Rome. Ancient Rome’s did not seek to erase a conquered nation’s religion, they assimilated conquered people, and let them worship their gods. Evidence for this evident in Israel during the days of Jesus on earth.

The antichrist system serves the moon god and seeks the resurrection of the dragon. It came to light around 610 AD in ancient Moab, Edom, and Midian where a people who were workers of Iron learned from a god who brought forth wisdom to mankind by rebelling against a sky god... Implications are staggering!

It is Islam - not Rome we should worry about.... Ask yourself, are the two Islamic factions just beginning to walk in unison? As of 8/24/2015, look at the news on the Iran Shiite desiring to plant an Embassy in the Sunni Gaza strip… What this foretells is staggering for us today.

There is storm a brewing and its roar is moving closer!

Daniel Chapter Seven and Two: Why the Fourth Kingdom may not be Rome after all

Bible Scholars have traditionally taught that the fourth kingdom and beast mentioned in the book of Daniel refers to the ancient Roman Empire. Is this true or is there another hypotheses that needs to be considered that the fourth kingdom may not refer to Roman Empire at all.

Daniel Chapter 7:23 reads: “Thus he said: 'The fourth beast will be a fourth kingdom on the earth, which will be different from all the other kingdoms and will devour the whole earth and tread it down and crush it.” NASB

Notice the phrase in verse that clearly states that the fourth breast will be different from all other kingdoms. Things to note are one, fourth beast represents a kingdom and two, and it will be different from all the other kingdoms as seen in the vision. In the vision it was revealed that these kingdoms (principalities) arise in successive order: Lion (Gold), Bear (Silver), Leopard (Bronze) arising from the stormy seas (nations) and stand on the shore waiting for the fourth beast to arise.

So this begs the question, was the Roman Empire like or unlike the proceeding kingdoms mentioned as the Lion (Gold), Bear (Silver), Leopard (Bronze)?

This is where the traditional accepted theory begins to break down in this regard because the ancient Roman Empire assimilated the Greek pantheon of gods whom the Greeks copied from Babylonian pantheon, who in turn mirrors the pagan pantheon of the Sea people, Canaanite, Amorite, and Medianite pantheon.

In fact you can describe the relationship between ancient Greek and Roman culture to be more of a blending of two cultures into one. In many histories it is often described as the Greco-Roman era. Though in competition with each other both share the same bonds of political structure, philosophy, religious pantheon, the arts, architecture, science, etc and etc. The historical record of this blending is indisputable.

Rome at first attempted to preserve Greek independence and Greek culture was emulated and copied by the Romans from around 3rd to 1st century BC. It wasn’t until the Romans tired of the Greek rudeness, disloyalty, and squabbling that in 30 BC they conquered the last of the Ptolemaic Greek rulers in typical brutish Roman fashion.

In typical pragmatic Roman ways, Rome synthesized much of Greek learning and religion into their own. With the conquest of last of Ptolemaic Greek rulers you can rightly declare that the Grecian Empire continued to live on in the Roman Empire and Rome even helped spreads Greek virtues to the known world it conquered.

Therefore the test from Daniel 7:23 regarding the fourth kingdom being different from the others creates ‘a’ disconnect from the traditional interpretation of the fourth kingdom being Rome. Why-because Greece and Rome are intertwined with each other to much for them to be different from each other as text indicates.

Daniel Chapter Eight

Next comes Daniel chapter eight in which both the Mede/Persian Empire and Grecian Empires are specifically identified respectively as a ram and a hairy goat, Greece. Alexander the Great conquered the bear/Persia and sets up headquarters in Babylon and even tried to rebuild the tower of babel. Alexander associated himself as a new Nimrod before he died too.

Alexander’s kingdom, as Daniel chapter eight describes divided into 4 kingdoms and from these four kingdoms comes a precursor event portending the destruction of the temple. Antiochus IV Epiphanes ruled one of the four Greek kingdoms and in 168 BC destroyed Jerusalem and desecrated the temple as Daniel 8:23-27 describes. Prophecy has cyclic patterns as Eccl 3:15 mentions. This same pattern emigres later in Jesus own words in Mathew 24 and Paul’s letter of 2 Thess 2:4 in the latter days, this is what throws peoples understanding off: cyclic patterns of prophecy.

Since Rome is also linked to the Grecian Empire and thus, part of the statue in Daniel chapter two described as bronze. Both the Greek Antiochus IV Epiphanes in 168 BC and Rome in 70 AD implemented judgement against the Jewish people. The metal Bronze is symbolized as executing judgment in the bible.

Biblical Metallic and color meanings

In fact, the biblical color and metallic meanings of the Daniel chapter two statue also reflects what happens to the ancient Jewish nation for forsaking God. For example, gold represents the power, glory, wisdom, of the presence of God. The kingdom of Israel and Judah both forsook this gold and exchanged for human centric gold of man’s splendor, wisdom, and glory. Thus were taken captive by the Babylonians whose king held his own glory and idea of governing most high as gold.

The Medes and Persians are symbolized by silver. Silver means in biblical symbols, redemption, strength, grace, revelation. It was under Cyrus that the Jewish people were redeemed by grace to return to their own land. Next you have the Grecian Roman Empire mentioned as the color of Bronze. Bronze represents in bible meanings, judgment upon sins after the fires of testing. Both Grecian and Roman leaders enacted judgment upon Israel after a period of time that exposed Israel as forsaking God.

Iron symbolizes inflexible rule, power that seeks dominance, what cruses and grinds submission into people. The kingdom of iron with claws of bronze comes at a time when vast numbers of people in the world forsake God, not just the Jewish people. According to Daniel chapter seven, this kingdom will be more fierce and unlike all predecessors. This fits the Islamic religion as it founding is traced back to the workings of Iron were and its blending the lion, bear, and leopard religious system into one deity.

The Islamic empire was also divided into four sections as was the pattern for the Mede/Persian and Grecian Empires. This is an identifiable trademark of prophecy, the repeating patterns. I hypothesizes that this iron will lead to the judgment of the entire human race after a time to trial as the Book of Revelation reveals. We must look for the patterns, cycles, those impact waves to gain better understanding bible prophecy.

Daniel 9:25-27 follows the progression from the statue, the beast, ram/goat, mentioned in prior chapters. This to me indicates at least that the end of day’s scenario will follow in the last chapters of Daniel in some form. Again this is a hypotheses and must be treated as such and tested without bias.

The Fourth Kingdom of Iron and Forth Beast

The Fourth Kingdom is of Iron and Fourth Beast are described as being vastly different from all others and does the following: One, alters times, season, and festivals. Two, alters morality, Three, blasphemous toward God of Heaven and desecrationist too. Fourth, makes war against God’s people. Fifth, utterly and ruthlessly crushes and destroys existing society’s laws, norms, and religions, beheads people, makes sex slaves, enslaves etc…

Also notice form Daniel 7:1-28 that there are 10 kings of ten kingdoms and then an 11th king and kingdom. Notice to that Islam both, Sunni and Shia, are waiting for the 11 Imam / Mahdi to return.

Islam fits the bill for the beast and during the height of the Islamic empire. It controlled more land mass than Rome and also for a time ruled from the area around Babylon. They seek to change times, seasons, laws. They seek world domination and crush all who oppose. They indeed do make war against God’s people and openly declare this as fact. Why we ignore can only be due to the psychotic nature of political leaders held captive by the cat like governing fallen spirits.

Islam is on the march again. Islam is different than Rome and Greece. They complied the ancient pantheon in order to make god into one being, who shares the old Moon god and Mars pantheon of ancient Median, Babylon, and Persia, and Greece. This was done by blending, and changing the characteristics of the gods gelled into one god of the crescent moon and star. Islam was born in the area of Mecca known in ancient times the seat of dragon worship. This dragon taught people of that area from Mecca to the land of UR how work and make Iron, etc.

Daniel 7:21 mentions that there are two legs of iron with feet of mixed clay. Mixed from the original language is the word Arab which means a divided people. Islam has Sunni and Shia thus truly a mixed people. The evidence points to Islam and its anti-christness, as being the forth kingdom, not Rome. It fits the bill because all four kingdoms for the statue mentioned in Daniel chapter two arise from Nebuchadnezzar who ruled from Babylon.

Islam changes things and move the rule from the ruins of Babylon during the Abbasid (Caliphate) Dynasty to Baghdad. In fact the main Islamic Caliphates all had Babylon in mind in some manner to rule from but the city at that time was a backwater ruin. Bagdad was built up to replace it. It was during this time that Sunni and Shia split as well too. So you now have the two legs with the same goal of world domination taking slow calculated steps. All four kingdoms of the Daniel 2 statue have governed in and around Babylon. Ancient Rome did not.

Again, there is much support that Islam is the end time religion of the false prophet and antichrist will use to his advantage. The antichrist may well be from the old Assyrian empire region and linked by DNA to that area. He could be anywhere in the world or in fact arise from the Middle East. We don’t know yet.

The hand writing is again written on the wall, let’s not misread the symbols.

Revelation 22:20 – Come Lord Jesus, Come!

One last point to note about the iron and claws of the beast crushing all peoples: I mentioned that this represents Judgment upon the entire earth for forsaking God and note what Islam is says about the decadent west and it modern mores' it seeks to enact. Also note how Islam again promises a life of sin in the afterlife for murdering those guilty of the same sins in this mortal life and then the practitioners of Jihad gain these same sins as okay in the afterlife for obedience to murderous Jihad. Wow!

The writing is written on a new wall.
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Re: Do the horsemen of the apocalypse have a tangible existence? Or are they completely metaphorical?

Post by B. W. »

So Melanie and anyone following,

That is why I suggest, Islam is the end-time religion of the false prophet and anti-christ.

It fits the historical, religious, and prophetic patterns to a tee. It literately has blended 3 of the old ancient religions of Lion, Bear, Leopard, to bring into one beast - the dragon from the same geographic area where it began - the Mecca region stretching from UR of the Chaldean's to the sea people of Crete/Cyprus areas. In a line, militarily speaking, in a line of battle no less. This line then pivoted to the area along the Euphrates/Tigris Rivers - in a line no less.Also South, to Egypt, in a line along the Nile River.

Militarily speaking, what I see is a literal invasion with definable lines of battle - and Phase Lines - encroaching upon the world in ancient times. However, of a spiritual battle line influencing humanity into stupidity. This denotes intelligence and I never expected to find any of this as well as a connection to the watchers either.

In Revelation 13:1-4 we see that the beast is a blend of who animals?

What was the goal of these beast in Daniel chapter seven?

The Islamic Empire was far larger than Roman Empire and ruled from the area of Babylon. Rome did not.

I did my home work and have not even included all my notes, as my notes and quotes would be way longer than the three post combined.

All I can say - is read study - pray to be accounted worthy to escape all these things and to stand before the Son of Man (Jesus).
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Re: Do the horsemen of the apocalypse have a tangible existence? Or are they completely metaphorical?

Post by PaulSacramento »

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar...
In our desire to see into apocalyptic imagery what is hidden, we sometimes forget that, sometimes, what is stated is what IS.
In the case of Islam being the great Babylon and the great persecutor of the Church of Christ it seems that, at least in this regard, that John was being literal in his vision and Babylon really IS simply, well, Babylon as he and his readers would have seen them to be:
What we now know as Islam.
Lets not forget that Islam has been persecuting and expanding since before the first millennium.

Also, let's not forget that if there is something that blasphemies against Christ, it is Islam far more than anything else.
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Re: Do the horsemen of the apocalypse have a tangible existence? Or are they completely metaphorical?

Post by PaulSacramento »

I know that a lot of groups want to see the RCC as the great babylon, or some want religion to be the great babylon or great harlot.
But in our desire to understand Revelation it is important NOT to read into what we WANT it to say (as some extreme protestants do to "prove" it is the Vatican).
We need to remember that John wrote/passed this on to the seven Churches and wrote it in a way that THEY would understand what was being warned.
Yes, there is a future audience in mind but John still wrote TO a late 1st century audience.
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Re: Do the horsemen of the apocalypse have a tangible existence? Or are they completely metaphorical?

Post by B. W. »

One thing I find interesting is the repeating cycles of bible prophecy. The division into 4 parts as well as all nations coming from the old Babylonian empire are give aways.

Nebuchadnezzar's ruled a kingdom divided into for major religious zones dominated by Marduk Dragon worship, Lion, Bear, and Leopard worship I mentioned earlier as well as divided into two factions as well too. Med/Persian Empire (two) was also divided into 4 parts as was Alexanders which Rome would technically became part of one of the 4 zones blending the two Grecian/Roman Empires to continue the bronze judgment against rebellious ancient Israelites forsaking God.

The next kingdom that arose that ruled from the old Babylonian empire area was the Islamic, which too divided into four zones and now merged into two primary ones Sunni and Shia...

So you see a pattern of 4 divisions merging from or either becoming two factions. You have Rome building a temple on the temple mount which Islam rebuilt as the dome of the rock. Again more patterns pointing to the ancient religious systems I mentioned earlier that share the same traits.

In Rev 13 we see these religious images of Lion, Bear, Leopard, Dragon merged into one breast. The History of Islam merged these four religions into one deity called - allah - in the environs of Mecca region a place known in the 1AD to 600 AD eras as the bastion of the religious systems of the Lion, Bear, Leopard, Dragon systems as well as Islam used their colors schemes found in those old temples into the Islamic colors. Also the region mentioned in Num 24:20 as the first of the nations fits in this as well

Everything fits. What do we do with this?

I do not know...other than Luke 21:36
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Re: Do the horsemen of the apocalypse have a tangible existence? Or are they completely metaphorical?

Post by abelcainsbrother »

I would like to point that it was actually Catholic bible prophecy teachers that started teaching that Mystery Babylon is the RCC and many Catholics believe there will be a corrupt futue pope representing the Lamb with two horns. It was not Protestants that started it but it made sense to Protestants and so some have adopted it.Every time Catholics have a new Pope there are many Catholics that wonder is this the lamb with two horns?
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: Do the horsemen of the apocalypse have a tangible existence? Or are they completely metaphorical?

Post by Byblos »

abelcainsbrother wrote:I would like to point that it was actually Catholic bible prophecy teachers that started teaching that Mystery Babylon is the RCC ...
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