Post Two Continued from Post One above:
Commentary on Daniel Chapters two and seven
By Bryan W. Melvin
Copyright 2015 - all rights reserved
Winged Lion deity
History: Lion Deity with wings and head like a man’s according to stone engravings went by the name Nergal.
Negral’s father was Enil who appeared like a man with eagle wings and wore a helmet with horns. Both Nergal and Enil are symbolized as lions as son-father related. Like the ripple effect, this Babylonian deity had other names in other countries such as Maahes Egyptian, etc.
Nergal was a god of war, protection, of weather, who was young and naturally dominate, royal, strong, others serve him with compete submission to his authority. He was bold and known as a god of underworld too.
Attributes: The Lion is attributed to be lord of the chase, regal, proud, fierce, kingly, others serve him. The Lion is deemed intelligent and demands submission. The eagle wings were plucked from Enil who had man like appearance with eagle wings and wore a horned helmet. The eagle wings denote justice, judgment, loftiness and Enil’s authority now worn by Nergal.
Nergal once had feathers of a fighting rooster and gained his father’s eagle wings, replacing these. He may have given the dung hill **** feathers powers to Leopard deity also known as Qas / Set. Taking on body parts of other deities denotes ranks of order, submission, and power transfers. A man’s head denotes heart or mind of human beings – a bit of softness as well as ruling the affairs of men toward some lofty sounding utopian idea.
Warrior style/Tactics: Male lions use economy of force of the pride to control large areas of ground. Highly intelligent and utterly fierce in combat. They form coalitions. Eagle wings show loftiness, sense of taking the high ground, scouting and gathering intelligence, swooping down of enemies with precision. Maintaining and exploiting advantages. The man’s head symbolizes intelligence and control of attributes of lion and eagle.
Nergal - plucked the eagle wings from his father Enil to assimilate Enil’s power to add to his lion power. In Daniel chapter seven note that the lion’ wings were plucked but by whom? It does not say.
Bear Deity
History: The Bear deity is connected to – Medes/Persian deity Verethragna and the Greek Artimus goddess as they are one in the same due to the ripple effect. Also associated with the Assyrian national god Ashur. The Bear spread to Persia from there. See article quotes below.
Attributes: both wild and tame, ravenous in fall, violent when provoked, warrior, strong presence, demands respect, motherland, also associated with the crescent Moon and symbolically in fall bears ravenously eat. Seasons of the bear, spring gain strength, summer-home life, and fall – ravenously eats, winter – hibernates. Bears invoke fear and dread.
Warrior style/Tactics: Aggressive when season is right, brawn, use of mass to bludgeon through enemies lines and utterly ruthless in warfare.
*Verethragna / The Persian god of victory and the personification of aggressive triumph. God of Vrahran Fire, the most sacred of all fires. It is a combination of 16 fires, most of which belong to those in the metal-working trades. He punishes the evil done by man and demon. Verethragna appears in many shapes: bear, bird of prey, bull, camel, youth, warrior with a golden sword, wind, etc. His appearance as a bird and bear were especially popular. The twentieth day of the month is dedicated to him.
*From ... desses.htm
Planet is Mars and is associated with Nergal and Mithra (lord of light/sun – giver of wide/deep knowledge / helper to men) Nergal is related to moon god… (Interesting to note how Nergal and Verethragna are kin to some type of sun/sky god who gives wisdom and deep knowledge to men and associated also to the moon god as well demanding absolute submission).
**Also symbol for the Assyrian national god Ashur – whose planetary model was from the Polar Star constellation Ursa Minor, “the Little Bear” (Note: also appears to be part of Lucifer’s morning star analogy in Isaiah 14 but also note how Syria the Little Bear is allied with Persia/Russia (Big Bear) today.
**Ashur was not a “goat of heaven”, but a “bull of heaven”, like the Sumerian Nannar (Sin), the moon god of Ur, Ninip of Saturn, and Bel Enlil. As the bull, however, he was, like Anshar, the ruling animal of the heavens; and like Anshar he had associated with him “six divinities of council”. (Nannar was head of this council over saw by a serpent/dragon who on reliefs is shown on Nannar’s right side whispering in his ear)
**see –
Leopard with fighting Rooster wings
History: Same Deity with other names such as Dionysus/Greece and Set/Egyptian and the Assyrian/Babylonia symbol for Nimrod who had a chariot/car pulled by Leopards, and Ishtar who also rode a leopard, lion, etc, into battle Also the Assyrian form of Dionysus is also associated with the Leopard.
Ishtar also known as Astrate rode a Leopard and other beasts into battle (lion, bear leopard, dove, etc). She was the goddess of battle, sex, seduction, occultic arts, and fertility. Her origins appeared in Canaan, Edom, as Anat and Syria as Astarte and then about everywhere else as Ishtar. She maybe the symbol riding the dragon mentioned in Revelation which suggest – riding into battle. Anat pictures her killing the enemies of Ba’al Hadad, lopping off heads, torturing enemies, and wading knee deep in blood. (See Wikipedia Anat online)
Astarte uses the crescent Moon symbol, denoting wisdom, cunning, writing, trickster, violence, disorder, fieriness, watching, swift stealthy attacks and also known for two horns facing downwards or upwards – a reverse crescent moon shape or two horns of the moon god of conquest. She demands submission.
Interesting is Nimrod, who subdues leopards to pull his chariot car to hunt men, commanded compete submission is also associated with Assyria and Babylon. The Assyrian Dionysus is also related with the Leopard and its priests used its skin to dress in. Astarte/Anat also had 7 demons to call upon to do its bidding too.
Also same as Edom’s Deity – Qos/Quos/Kaush – expander of culture – related to Moon god and symbol is of the star and crescent and demands total submission… or else!
Next, the rooster feathers denote **** fighting roosters who peck and cut with a thousand pricks/cuts of death
Attributes: Leopard looks for the weakest animals as prey, young/old/injured. They are stealthy, fast, ambush, wise, and cunning, exceeding violent. The **** feathers represent how these fighting birds weaken their foe with many-many pecks/cuts weakening them for leopard’s assault.
Warrior style/Tactics: So you have a twofold tactic – looking for the weakest area, or prey, to strike. The leopard attacks with swiftness and use of economy of force, goes behind enemy lines in certain key arenas to demoralize/weaken by thousand small cuts of death. Terrorism, influx of its citizens into an area to demoralize them to show off brutality by attacking the weakest areas of a kingdom. This style of war was the style of the Assyrians who shared with the Bear national Deity Asher’s battle skills as well. Side note, modern Syria is sided with Iran also Bear.
Important point to ponder concerning the Leopard’s identity:
Tradition equates this Leopard only with Alexander the Great’s Grecian empire. However, the symbol Alexander used was the sun ray disk that can be traced back to the chief of the sky gods, Anu’s, symbol, not a leopard. In fact Habakkuk 1:6-8 associates the leopard with the Chaldeans and the Song of Solomon 4:8 mentions the Leopards commonly found in Palestine/Canaan/Edom/Moab/Midian/Assyrian areas (The Cambridge and Jamieson, Fausset, Brown Commentaries, Song 4:8).
While the Statue in Daniel chapter 2 clearly indicates Grecian empire, the leopard in chapter seven may refer to several prophetic cycles controlled by the leopard principality. Recall that the ancient people of Canaan, Edom, Moab, Midian, Assyrian, and Chaldean’s all had associations with the leopard in their religions. Thus, the Leopard beast in my opinion and hypotheses also represents an empire coming from these locations that all share the moon god pantheon (council of the six divinities) arising way after Alexander’s Grecian empire had ended. Think about it and note the ripple effect mentioned earlier has on other nations that serve to hide the impact zone epicenters true location.
In Numbers 24:24 the ships of Kittim refers to the Island peoples of the Minoan/Grecian areas who will afflict, the areas of Syria and the Persians as the key names mentioned in the text indicate (as well a future cyclic prophetic event that mirrors the first appearance in some way). The leopard can fit the Grecian Alexandrian empire and its spit into four kingdom as well as refer to other kingdoms that spit into four parts in later years. Prophetic patterns are cyclic. Next, note that Alexander’s character, warrior style, and tactics were more lion like, than leopard. His hubris is well documented. His army moved swiftly like a leopard but in combat, fought like a lion.
Hypotheses: The beast mentioned in Daniel chapter seven concerns the dark principalities, powers ruling of nations. Chapter two, refers directly to Nations as does chapter eight which equates Greece with another animal symbol, a shaggy male goat, therefore, the Leopard is not just a representation of ancient Greece alone but rather identifies a particular ruling host of darkness as per Eph 6:12 identified by prophetic cycles.
Another association and observation of the catlike Lion and Leopard is that cats often act psychotic. Studies in science abound that indicate that cats act psychotic. Just google search it on the internet to see what I mean. Both Nebuchadnezzar and Alexander showed in the historical records becoming psychotic in some form of megalomania. It appears these spiritual host who govern over nations make a nation’s leadership follow the same pattern exhibited by passing strange laws that exhibit some form psychoses.
Now let us look correlations of these things for a moment how ancient nation states along the Fertile Crescent worshiped these animal spirits as their primary national deities:
Ur/Chaldean-Babylonian – Lion and Dragon. Next, Assyria, Bear and Leopard. Then the Hittites who had the Leopard and Lion. These nations bordered each other each became part of their respective empires.
This follows along with ancient Midian (Lion/Dragon, Moab – bear-Leopard, and Edom/Canaan-sea people, Leopard/Lion. All these nations untied with the Bull which is identified with Moon God and Dragon in some form or another. Greece is related to the sea people of the Canaan area and thus there you have the link to the leaper beast in Daniel chapter seven.
For a good reference on Hittite Religion and how it mirrors the others so far mentioned please note this link:
Daniel Chapter Seven and the Stormy Sea
These are the first three beast that arise out of a very stormy sea. The sea symbolizes humanity gathered into nations. The strong winds that blew are similar to the Seven Babylonian warrior gods called the Sebbitti who were controlled by Nergal the winged lion man. They (are) in a coalition with Nergal and his Lion symbol emerges out of this tempest wind driven sea first. Their traits concern string up a tempest in the nations.
The Sebbitti were also known as the ruling/leading Watchers mentioned in the book of Enoch and are also identified with the Nephilim in the bible. They aid in Negril’s killing off raucous, over-populous people, and wildlife. They create turmoil, death, disease, by means of pleasure and violence. The Sebbitti rulers also aided Nergal’s sending people into the netherworld. Please note that that a male lion has a pride. A normal pride of lions consist of five adult females and two adult male lions for a total of seven. The symbolism is profound concerning the stormy sea of Dan 7:2 and the Lion beast being the first to emerge! ... aki12a.htm
The winged Lion man beast is a ruling power of the air over countries. The impact point was long ago somewhere in Saudi Arabia/Canaan and spread to Babylon. It emerged whole appearing as Nebuchadnezzar’s golden Empire seeking world domination. This is a demonic empire has been spreading worldwide and influences national characteristic and symbols in area it controls. The same goes for the Bear and Leopard beasts, both empires, governed by these principalities of the air. The hallmark trait of these three demand total submission to their wills and ways.
These three are working together according to their traits and warrior tactics. According to their mythology, they came to help and liberate mankind by having humanity work for them. However, their animal symbolism reveals their true colors. In fact, these three beasts are preparing for the dragon’s return, the fourth beast. The ripple effect has now reached its full peak and the epi center is revealed in Number 24:17-25.
So how would you weaken a people to take over them and have them serve you?
Answer, lion, bear, and leopard tactics…
…By political control by a royal class is the Lion’s way of the pride. It will use lofty ideas and seduce by appeals to sore high. Teach how to exploit advantages, be self-absorbed, royal, better than others, the best, and pride. It has Utopia as a goal to bait mankind into slavery. Think of central planning.
…By the bear empire that promotes both a wild and tame lovable lifestyle, be protectors a mother bear, and invoke fear and dread. Use the idea of mass to bludgeon through enemies lines even when you don’t, you bully the masses instead so they submit through size of propaganda. The Bear Empire took over Babylon and known as the ancient Medes/Persians. This empire spread into other nations as per the ripple effect.
…By the Leopard Empire that seeks ways to make weak an enemy. The Leopard is the same as Dionysus and justifies debased lifestyles of pleasure, sex, wealth, power, drugs, alcohol, debauchery, religion to weaken its prey. Like a **** fighting rooster it pecks with a thousand cuts to weaken the interior life of people in a nation. Then the Leopard strikes with swiftness demanding utter submission cutting off limbs/heads knee deep in blood. It is interesting how a certain religion today promises an afterlife of debauchery as reward for complete submission.
The Leopard lies in ambushes and is utterly cruel as it terrorizes its prey into submission. Its four heads most recently came to be actualized between 632 and 661 AD as its Assyrian style of leopard warfare allowed it to grow into the largest ignored empire in bible prophecy and world history. This empire built its abomination on the temple mount in 691 AD from the ruins of Rome’s temple to Jupiter (i.e. Marduk). It is preparing the way for the desolater.
These three rulers of the air work together over nations and always seek to help each other out to bring people into captivity to do their will. They are related to the moon god pantheon of conquest in some way as well as the god of war and Jupiter/dragon. They share the crescent moon symbol. You can find their persona animal symbols in national symbols of Lion, Bear, and Leopard throughout world history as they expanded their kingdoms in stages. They deceive as where to look for the dragon by the ripple effect. They are preparing for their final kingdom to rule the earth to emerge. In Rev 13:2 they are described as had merged.
Dragon Deity the Forth Beast
History: This deity is also known as Mardak, Bel, Illuyankas, Baal peaor, Chemosh – and is associated with Nimrod. The attributes involve conquering, ruthlessness, lust for power, proud and seeks honor, rebellious, disobedient, crafty, wise, proud as in hubris.
Also same as or from the Midianites deity: Baal Peaor and the Assyrian Hadad. This deity has a resurrection story from the dead too. This deity overthrew/rebelled against head sky god. ... od-marduk/
Murdak had a son Nabul (or Nebo) who was a prophet who sings and chants whatever Murdak says. This suggests bewitchment and sorcery as an art of warfare.
Symbol: snake-dragon and, to a lesser extent, the spade.
His Planet association is Jupiter as well as Mars
Baal Peaor – Chemosh are the same and these also are associated with moon and – called Lord of underworld
Attribute: Pride and control, deception, highly intelligent, the brains of the outfit
Warfare and tactics: deception and always changing shapes, seduction and manipulation, controls others to do its deeds, it smashes and burns, it is filled with pride and seeks to overthrow and devour.
Now read Daniel 7:19-26, the sound of a storm is on the horizon, do you hear?