Thousands of Muslims In Northern Iraq Converting to Christianity

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Thousands of Muslims In Northern Iraq Converting to Christianity

Post by theophilus »

More and more Kurdish Muslims living in Iraq are turning to Christ after witnessing the brutality of extremist groups like ISIS, who carry out horrific acts in the name of Allah, Christian aid workers have revealed.

A ministry leader in the Kurdish Region of Iraq told the Christian Aid Mission that his organization can barely keep up with the desire of refugees to learn about Christ and the Bible, which has grown increasingly strong since ISIS overtook many parts of the region.

"They're just sick of Islam," he said. "People are very hungry to know about Christ, especially when they hear about miracles, healing, mercy and love."

He added, "As terrifying and horrifying as ISIS is, they did us a great favor because they came and have shown them all the killing, saying that it's all in the Koran verses. So now we don't have to say much, we just say the truth."

Numbers released by the UN in January estimated the Kurdish Region of Iraq is hosting 900,000 refugees, around 233,000 from Syria and the rest from elsewhere in Iraq. As well as Kurds, who have fled northern Syria, the region has also accepted thousands of Arabs feeling the cities of Anbar province, which the terrorist group captured in 2014.

The ministry director revealed that his organization provides aid to displaced people in tents and whatever dilapidated or unfinished buildings they can find for shelter, with needs for blankets, heaters, food and diapers still being high.

After showing refugees the love of Christ by meeting their needs, aid workers later bring Bibles, he said.

"We just help because we love them, and maybe the next time we visit we tell them about Jesus and give them Bibles," he said. "We believe in the power of the Word of God. We don't have many preachers. We don't have many missionaries, but we have the Word of God that we're able to print, purchase and deliver to the people and their children."

The leader said there has a been a great "awakening" among Muslims in northern Iraq, citing many conversion accounts he has personally witnessed or heard secondhand from local churches. ... nistry.htm

Many people are concerned about the thousands of Muslim refugees that are fleeing from ISIS controlled lands. They are afraid they will spread Islamic teaching in the countries where they settle. Isn't is possible that their experiences will open them to receiving the truth just as it has done for those in Iraq? Most people see the refugees as a threat; Christians should look at them as an opportunity to show Christ's love and to win them to Christ.
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Re: Thousands of Muslims In Northern Iraq Converting to Christianity

Post by crochet1949 »

Have not heard about that -- extremely thought provoking.
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Re: Thousands of Muslims In Northern Iraq Converting to Christianity

Post by RickD »

theophilus wrote:
Many people are concerned about the thousands of Muslim refugees that are fleeing from ISIS controlled lands. They are afraid they will spread Islamic teaching in the countries where they settle. Isn't is possible that their experiences will open them to receiving the truth just as it has done for those in Iraq? Most people see the refugees as a threat; Christians should look at them as an opportunity to show Christ's love and to win them to Christ.
You really think the issue is that people are afraid that refugees will spread Islamic teachings?

It's not that people are concerned that refugees will kill Americans like they killed in Paris?

The US governments first duty is to protect the welfare and safety of Americans.

And as we can see from the Boston marathon bombers, there is no way of properly vetting immigrants. The Boston marathon bombing brothers were cleared by the government vetting process. They were given food, and a place to live, all on the taxpayers' dime.

And look what happened.

This issue is not about hating women and children immigrants. The issue is about the safety of the citizens of the United States. Period.
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Re: Thousands of Muslims In Northern Iraq Converting to Christianity

Post by PaulSacramento »

The refugee situation is a very complex one, it ALWAYS is, but more so because of the very clear and present danger of potential terrorists being among the refugees.
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Re: Thousands of Muslims In Northern Iraq Converting to Christianity

Post by Furstentum Liechtenstein »

theophilus wrote:Many people are concerned about the thousands of Muslim refugees that are fleeing from ISIS controlled lands. They are afraid they will spread Islamic teaching in the countries where they settle.
The odds are that Arab Muslim refugees will not spread Islamic teaching to the citizens of the countries where they will settle. Look at what has happened in lands where Arab Muslims have settled already, and you will see the pattern of what would happen were they to settle in the USA on a large scale. France is a good example, so is Belgium, and Canada as well. Essentially, Arab Muslims have a very high birthrate, they set up mosques and madrassas, change the character of the neighborhoods they overwhelm and generally keep to themselves.
theophilus wrote:Isn't is possible that their experiences will open them to receiving the truth just as it has done for those in Iraq?
No. This is not what has happened in France, or Belgium or Canada. Secular Muslims tend to stay secular and religious Muslims become more religious. With Cable TV and internet, people can live just like they used to live back home.
theophilus wrote:Most people see the refugees as a threat; Christians should look at them as an opportunity to show Christ's love and to win them to Christ.
I don't see them as a threat. The threat come more from our wide-eyed and naive attitude towards a culture and religion that is anathema to Western-style freedoms. We are the problem. There is a way to integrate people into our societies but we are not integrating, we are just opening our doors and offering freedoms that have been - and will be - abused.

What you have seen happening in France (ghettoization, social unrest and terrorism) will eventually happen in the USA once Muslims reach a certain percentage of the population. Canada's recent decision to let in 25,000 Syrian refugees will create problems for the USA down the line. Sorry.

As for the title of this thread, Thousands of Muslims in Northern Iraq Converting To Christianity, do not be deceived! These conversions are likely all bogus. At least two countries (Slovakia and Poland) have stated clearly that they favor Christian Syrians and would not accept Muslims. Syrian refugees are not fools and understand that being «Christian» would help their acceptance into various European jurisdictions.

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Re: Thousands of Muslims In Northern Iraq Converting to Christianity

Post by edwardmurphy »

Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:
theophilus wrote:Many people are concerned about the thousands of Muslim refugees that are fleeing from ISIS controlled lands. They are afraid they will spread Islamic teaching in the countries where they settle.
The odds are that Arab Muslim refugees will not spread Islamic teaching to the citizens of the countries where they will settle. Look at what has happened in lands where Arab Muslims have settled already, and you will see the pattern of what would happen were they to settle in the USA on a large scale. France is a good example, so is Belgium, and Canada as well. Essentially, Arab Muslims have a very high birthrate, they set up mosques and madrassas, change the character of the neighborhoods they overwhelm and generally keep to themselves.
And if you replace "Arab Muslims" with Poles, Irish, Swedes, Chinese, Mexicans, Italians, Hmong, or any of the other groups that had a major immigration to the US you'll see precisely the same thing. That's immigration. The first generation huddles up for safety and familiarity, the second generation is bilingual and lives in both worlds, and the third generation and on is thoroughly Americanized. And throughout our history there have always been "real Americans" with no knowledge of history who feel threatened by newcomers and condemn them for doing what immigrants have always done. It's hysterical listening to guys with Northern and Central European names ranting about foreigners who don't speak English, while somehow forgetting that their own grandparents or great grandparents didn't either.
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Re: Thousands of Muslims In Northern Iraq Converting to Christianity

Post by 1over137 »

theophilus wrote: Many people are concerned about the thousands of Muslim refugees that are fleeing from ISIS controlled lands. They are afraid they will spread Islamic teaching in the countries where they settle. Isn't is possible that their experiences will open them to receiving the truth just as it has done for those in Iraq? Most people see the refugees as a threat; Christians should look at them as an opportunity to show Christ's love and to win them to Christ.
I heard from the third hand how refugees (real refugees that are in need) are converting to Christianity in Vienna.
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Re: Thousands of Muslims In Northern Iraq Converting to Christianity

Post by Furstentum Liechtenstein »

edwardmurphy wrote:And if you replace "Arab Muslims" with Poles, Irish, Swedes, Chinese, Mexicans, Italians, Hmong, or any of the other groups that had a major immigration to the US you'll see precisely the same thing. That's immigration.
I wrote «Arab Muslims» in the interest of clarity and precision. Many people think all Arabs are Muslim or all Muslims are Arab. From what I've seen of your posts, you probably already know that an Arab may be a Jew, Christian or Muslim...or something more esoteric. You probably also know that Turks and Persians, Pakistanis/Indians/Bangladeshis and Indonesians may be Muslim but not Arab.
edwardmurphy wrote:The first generation huddles up for safety and familiarity, the second generation is bilingual and lives in both worlds, and the third generation and on is thoroughly Americanized.
It is no longer like that. It used to be that immigrants wanted to blend into the host country's culture but things have changed dramatically. People are now proud of their heritage and want to hold onto it. The internet and cable/satellite TV, Skype & facetime and other platforms allow immigrants to maintain a strong link to the old country. While this technology is nice for them, it is an «armor-plated barrier» to their integration into the host country's culture.

Also, some cultures and socioeconomic groups integrate better into the West than others. Among Muslims, Turks and Indonesians assimilate well, providing they are educated and not beholden to their other words, providing they are people of means.
edwardmurphy wrote: It's hysterical listening to guys with Northern and Central European names ranting about foreigners who don't speak English, while somehow forgetting that their own grandparents or great grandparents didn't either.
I'm presently an immigrant myself, living in a community in the arctic. Even though I haven't changed countries, I am a visible minority living among a group of people who would rather not have my kind here. For my part, I don't want to integrate to their culture, I don't want to learn their language and I live in a white ghetto. I have cordial dealings with the locals but that's where it ends. I've asked other whites here if it is possible to befriend an Inuit and they've told me that it is very difficult.

By and large, Arab Muslims do not want to integrate into our culture. This becomes evident when you travel a little and see the communities where they have settled. Look up a thread I started entitled Letter from Lille and read a few of the entries of a trip I made to Paris in 2010.


+ + +
1over137 wrote:I heard from the third hand how refugees (real refugees that are in need) are converting to Christianity in Vienna.
I don't doubt this happens, I just doubt the sincerity.

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Re: Thousands of Muslims In Northern Iraq Converting to Christianity

Post by RickD »

FL wrote:

Even though I haven't changed countries, I am a visible minority living among a group of people who would rather not have my kind here.
The Inuits don't like rude French Canadians either? y:-?
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Re: Thousands of Muslims In Northern Iraq Converting to Christianity

Post by Furstentum Liechtenstein »

RickD wrote: The Inuits don't like rude French Canadians either? y:-?
The Inuit don't like immigrants, period. There are 3 blacks, 3 Muslims and a bunch of us white folk here. We are all called qaluunaat by the Inuit. Inuktituk is a language of imagery, and qaluunaat is a very stupid, very fat, pot bellied person with a single eyebrow.

Get the picture?


(It's Inuk, singular and Inuit, plural.)
Hold everything lightly. If you don't, it will hurt when God pries your fingers loose as He takes it from you. -Corrie Ten Boom

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If they had a social gospel in the days of the prodigal son, somebody would have given him a bed and a sandwich and he never would have gone home.

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Re: Thousands of Muslims In Northern Iraq Converting to Christianity

Post by RickD »

Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:
RickD wrote: The Inuits don't like rude French Canadians either? y:-?
The Inuit don't like immigrants, period. There are 3 blacks, 3 Muslims and a bunch of us white folk here. We are all called qaluunaat by the Inuit. Inuktituk is a language of imagery, and qaluunaat is a very stupid, very fat, pot bellied person with a single eyebrow.

Get the picture?


(It's Inuk, singular and Inuit, plural.)
So, you're a stupid French Neanderthal?

Maybe if you slaughter a few whales, drink til your liver explodes, and live in an igloo, you'll assimilate!
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: Thousands of Muslims In Northern Iraq Converting to Christianity

Post by Furstentum Liechtenstein »

RickD wrote:
So, you're a stupid French Neanderthal?
I'm NOT French! People from FRANCE are French. There are two French women among the qaluunaat and they must have FRENCH passports. My passport was not issued by France. Enough!
RickD wrote:Maybe if you slaughter a few whales, drink til your liver explodes, and live in an igloo, you'll assimilate!
There is a very pretty black woman here who actually ate fermented whale blubber because an Inuk offered it. She told us it tasted like sh*t. She discreetly spit it out when her host wasn't looking.

The only Inuit food I eat is arctic char. It is very good. Polar bear, walrus, seal, cariboo and whale are not for me.

We qaluunaat have weekly get togethers where we have pot luck suppers and eat civilized food.

Hold everything lightly. If you don't, it will hurt when God pries your fingers loose as He takes it from you. -Corrie Ten Boom

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If they had a social gospel in the days of the prodigal son, somebody would have given him a bed and a sandwich and he never would have gone home.

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Re: Thousands of Muslims In Northern Iraq Converting to Christianity

Post by RickD »

FL wrote:
I'm NOT French! People from FRANCE are French. There are two French women among the qaluunaat and they must have FRENCH passports. My passport was not issued by France. Enough!
You speak French. You look french(the French nose gives you away). And you live in French Canadia. So, you're French. You're not Canadian. Normal Canadians are much too polite.
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

“A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.”
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Re: Thousands of Muslims In Northern Iraq Converting to Christianity

Post by Furstentum Liechtenstein »

RickD wrote:You speak French. You look french(the French nose gives you away). And you live in French Canadia. So, you're French. You're not Canadian. Normal Canadians are much too polite.

I know that you are being funny. I'm no more French than you are Irish but your comments do betray the importance ethnicity now has over nationality. It's unfortunate. It used to be that people were eager to call themselves American y**== Now, they're Lebanese-American, African-American, Italian-American and so on. Half-breed nationalies and divided loyalties, that's what these are. And divided loyalties among the migrants are part of the problem the West will have to deal with down the road.

Multiculturalism doesn't work but America seems to have embraced it in spite of multiculturalim's failures everywhere else.

Hold everything lightly. If you don't, it will hurt when God pries your fingers loose as He takes it from you. -Corrie Ten Boom

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If they had a social gospel in the days of the prodigal son, somebody would have given him a bed and a sandwich and he never would have gone home.

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Re: Thousands of Muslims In Northern Iraq Converting to Christianity

Post by Philip »

Well, multiculturalism works at my church - we are ethnically VERY diverse, though primarily white. The KEY - we're united in Christ. Our differences are minuscule when compared to He that unites us. And the pastoral leadership is not shy about broaching sensitive subjects concerning race. We often talk about the racial divides of Jesus' day, the Jews and the Samaritans, the Romans - different time, same issues.
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