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A week to forget ...

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 7:06 am
by EssentialSacrifice
what a week ...

well, last week was as bad a week as I've had for some time. After a wonderful Thanksgiving, where all 4 kids and all the grand kids were home, perfect dinner, football ... i even wrote a full page pm to ST telling of my great fortune. The next day I got a letter from Brigham and Womens Hosp. in Boston that my test ekg, echo cardiogram were not good. In fact, bad enough that surgery is required as soon as possible. I have hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, a condition of the heart that promotes the complete cessation of movement basically whenever it feels like it. You just drop dead. No warning, no "symptoms" ... just dead before you hit the ground. I've been aware of this condition for 4 years, have a mini defibrillator implanted in my chest and was to be in Boston today for tomorrow's surgery. Understand, I've spent from last Friday until this a.m. thinking, worrying, will I get to see my grand kids at school, what becomes of my wife and have I tied all the loose ends up for her continued comfortable life without me... will I ever get butterfly kisses from my 2 year old grand daughter or play Thomas the Tank engine with my 4 year old grandson ... really ... honestly really bad times...

I just received a phone call, this a.m. from B&W hospital explaining I didn't need to come, how the 60 sec. test rates run on those 2 tests above were in fact judged on a 40 second criteria, the same amount of time required for certain portions of the test but not on the tests in entirety ... they messed up and have apologized ... I'm basically ok ... and i feel, as you might expect, like I have a new lease on life.

Two days ago, i was contacted by a Christian Art Gallery in Philadelphia to display some 24 of my Digital Photography works that had been submitted a year ago ... and forgotten after initial contact ... they want to put my stuff up on their walls ! It hasn't happened yet but my submissions have been approved and that's the hardest part.
Apologies if I was not myself ... but I really wasn't myself... more a feeling sorry for myself kinda guy and angry it was so out of my control.... It's never supposed to be all about me ... never, but I had my "feel sorry for me" jammies on and am ashamed I did.

Christmas seems much clearer, brighter more childishly, wonderfully, obviously all in God's hands... I'm a very lucky man and am glad to have had the opportunity to say so. I never want to relive last week, but I can't complain about the outcome...

Nes, apparently we have some more time to talk of the Poem. Thanks for listening.

Re: A week to forget ...

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 7:20 am
by RickD

I'm glad it all worked out for you ES. How old are you, anyways? Aren't you like 85?


Re: A week to forget ...

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 7:32 am
by EssentialSacrifice
Aren't you like 85?
yes, very much like that ... y/:] :mrgreen: :pound: and really glad to still be here ! in point of fact, in 5 years, I've gone from all me to some of me and some isn't... at 62, I'm y\:D/ but it isn't as easy from a :wheelchair: :D

Re: A week to forget ...

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 12:00 pm
by Storyteller
EssentialSacrifice wrote:what a week ...

well, last week was as bad a week as I've had for some time. After a wonderful Thanksgiving, where all 4 kids and all the grand kids were home, perfect dinner, football ... i even wrote a full page pm to ST telling of my great fortune. The next day I got a letter from Brigham and Womens Hosp. in Boston that my test ekg, echo cardiogram were not good. In fact, bad enough that surgery is required as soon as possible. I have hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, a condition of the heart that promotes the complete cessation of movement basically whenever it feels like it. You just drop dead. No warning, no "symptoms" ... just dead before you hit the ground. I've been aware of this condition for 4 years, have a mini defibrillator implanted in my chest and was to be in Boston today for tomorrow's surgery. Understand, I've spent from last Friday until this a.m. thinking, worrying, will I get to see my grand kids at school, what becomes of my wife and have I tied all the loose ends up for her continued comfortable life without me... will I ever get butterfly kisses from my 2 year old grand daughter or play Thomas the Tank engine with my 4 year old grandson ... really ... honestly really bad times...

I just received a phone call, this a.m. from B&W hospital explaining I didn't need to come, how the 60 sec. test rates run on those 2 tests above were in fact judged on a 40 second criteria, the same amount of time required for certain portions of the test but not on the tests in entirety ... they messed up and have apologized ... I'm basically ok ... and i feel, as you might expect, like I have a new lease on life.

Two days ago, i was contacted by a Christian Art Gallery in Philadelphia to display some 24 of my Digital Photography works that had been submitted a year ago ... and forgotten after initial contact ... they want to put my stuff up on their walls ! It hasn't happened yet but my submissions have been approved and that's the hardest part.
Apologies if I was not myself ... but I really wasn't myself... more a feeling sorry for myself kinda guy and angry it was so out of my control.... It's never supposed to be all about me ... never, but I had my "feel sorry for me" jammies on and am ashamed I did.

Christmas seems much clearer, brighter more childishly, wonderfully, obviously all in God's hands... I'm a very lucky man and am glad to have had the opportunity to say so. I never want to relive last week, but I can't complain about the outcome...

Nes, apparently we have some more time to talk of the Poem. Thanks for listening.
You never told me :shock:


Re: A week to forget ...

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 12:23 pm
by EssentialSacrifice
thanks for the hugs ... :wave: :)

Re: A week to forget ...

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 2:08 pm
by Nessa
EssentialSacrifice wrote:what a week ...

well, last week was as bad a week as I've had for some time. After a wonderful Thanksgiving, where all 4 kids and all the grand kids were home, perfect dinner, football ... i even wrote a full page pm to ST telling of my great fortune. The next day I got a letter from Brigham and Womens Hosp. in Boston that my test ekg, echo cardiogram were not good. In fact, bad enough that surgery is required as soon as possible. I have hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, a condition of the heart that promotes the complete cessation of movement basically whenever it feels like it. You just drop dead. No warning, no "symptoms" ... just dead before you hit the ground. I've been aware of this condition for 4 years, have a mini defibrillator implanted in my chest and was to be in Boston today for tomorrow's surgery. Understand, I've spent from last Friday until this a.m. thinking, worrying, will I get to see my grand kids at school, what becomes of my wife and have I tied all the loose ends up for her continued comfortable life without me... will I ever get butterfly kisses from my 2 year old grand daughter or play Thomas the Tank engine with my 4 year old grandson ... really ... honestly really bad times...

I just received a phone call, this a.m. from B&W hospital explaining I didn't need to come, how the 60 sec. test rates run on those 2 tests above were in fact judged on a 40 second criteria, the same amount of time required for certain portions of the test but not on the tests in entirety ... they messed up and have apologized ... I'm basically ok ... and i feel, as you might expect, like I have a new lease on life.

Two days ago, i was contacted by a Christian Art Gallery in Philadelphia to display some 24 of my Digital Photography works that had been submitted a year ago ... and forgotten after initial contact ... they want to put my stuff up on their walls ! It hasn't happened yet but my submissions have been approved and that's the hardest part.
Apologies if I was not myself ... but I really wasn't myself... more a feeling sorry for myself kinda guy and angry it was so out of my control.... It's never supposed to be all about me ... never, but I had my "feel sorry for me" jammies on and am ashamed I did.

Christmas seems much clearer, brighter more childishly, wonderfully, obviously all in God's hands... I'm a very lucky man and am glad to have had the opportunity to say so. I never want to relive last week, but I can't complain about the outcome...

Nes, apparently we have some more time to talk of the Poem. Thanks for listening.
Don't give up on me, we will talk alot more on it after I read The Man of God poem :mrgreen:

I found your post quite touching - thankyou for sharing it with us!

So glad you are ok!

I consider your grandaughter rather blessed to be able to now get butterfly kisses from you and your four year old grandson to get to play thomas the tank engine with you. Such simple things, gifts even, that are priceless.

Its been great getting to know you better :esmile:

Re: A week to forget ...

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 4:31 pm
by EssentialSacrifice
Don't give up on me, we will talk alot more on it after I read The Man of God poem :mrgreen:

not a chance and I'm glad you've taken an interest. Well be better off pm with Poem stuff as no one else here is interested, but I'm glad you are. It will be something much more for us to talk on. :D

butterfly kisses are the best. The way she giggles is beyond joy ... and poppi is her guy !

Re: A week to forget ...

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 4:32 pm
by Storyteller
EssentialSacrifice wrote:Don't give up on me, we will talk alot more on it after I read The Man of God poem :mrgreen:

not a chance and I'm glad you've taken an interest. Well be better off pm with Poem stuff as no one else here is interested, but I'm glad you are. It will be something much more for us to talk on. :D

butterfly kisses are the best. The way she giggles is beyond joy ... and poppi is her guy !
Im interested in the Man God poem too...

Re: A week to forget ...

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 4:33 pm
by RickD

I can't wait until I'm old like you, so I can have grandchildren!

Re: A week to forget ...

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 4:39 pm
by EssentialSacrifice

I can't wait until I'm old like you, so I can have grandchildren!
It's positively worth the wait. * I know you're tongue in cheek here * but holding them, looking in to their eyes when questions come up, seeing them little wheels-a-grinding ... simply amazing. Jaw dropping responsibility with more benefits than Carters got pills. I hope you get here someday...

Re: A week to forget ...

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 4:40 pm
by RickD
EssentialSacrifice wrote:

I can't wait until I'm old like you, so I can have grandchildren!
It's positively worth the wait. * I know you're tongue in cheek here * but holding them, looking in to their eyes when questions come up, seeing them little wheels-a-grinding ... simply amazing. Jaw dropping responsibility with more benefits than Carters got pills. I hope you get here someday...
I only have one child. So, fingers crossed.

Re: A week to forget ...

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 4:49 pm
by abelcainsbrother
Glad you are OK ES. Butterfly Kisses For you

Re: A week to forget ...

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 4:58 pm
by RickD
ACB, for you. I dare you to watch the whole video without losing your mind:

Re: A week to forget ...

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 5:14 pm
by Nessa
abelcainsbrother wrote:Glad you are OK ES. Butterfly Kisses For you
Nice song :amen:

Re: A week to forget ...

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 5:17 pm
by Nessa
RickD wrote:ACB, for you. I dare you to watch the whole video without losing your mind:
Just as well shes pretty...oops did I say that aloud? :twisted: