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Tips for debating anti-theists? Especially the salty one's?

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 9:44 pm
by Bluejay4
To hit on a few points...

Tips for defending God's actions in the OT that are seen as unfair or cruel?(Hardening Pharoah's heart, the infanticide and genocide, etc.)

Tips for God's existence, especially Yahweh's existence above all other false gods. (So as not to be accused of special pleading.)

Tips for defending the accuracy of the Bible as reliable historical text along with the historicity of Jesus and other biblical figures and events.

It would be much appreciated.

Re: Tips for debating anti-theists? Especially the salty one's?

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 10:11 pm
by abelcainsbrother
Bluejay4 wrote:To hit on a few points...

Tips for defending God's actions in the OT that are seen as unfair or cruel?(Hardening Pharoah's heart, the infanticide and genocide, etc.)

Tips for God's existence, especially Yahweh's existence above all other false gods. (So as not to be accused of special pleading.)

Tips for defending the accuracy of the Bible as reliable historical text along with the historicity of Jesus and other biblical figures and events.

It would be much appreciated.
I'm going to be honest with you.It is pointless to try to correct atheists twisted interpretations of the bible. I do think it is good to know how to refute them,however it is mostly just wasted time in my experience with on-line atheists.Instead I think the better option is to try to make them defend atheism.
Also to try to get them to think about what is so appealing about atheism and their atheist hero's they look up to and think are so cool.

But I will answer some of your questions and try to give you tips. Instead of trying to correct their twisted interpretations of the bible that makes them think God's actions were evil instead point them to Jesus because he is the only person to have ever fulfilled the OT law for us,he lived a sinnless life,was the word in the flesh,etc and yet Jesus confronted the Pharisees on their OT knowledge alot and corrected them,in other words they were not following the OT laws properly like Jesus did. When the Pharisees brought a woman caught in Adultery and trying to get Jesus to stone her,he defended her instead and did not stone her. Jesus showed the true way to follow the OT laws and Jesus did not promote slavery,rape,etc but taught to forgive and to love people instead living out the OT laws in the flesh.

As far as your other questions it is going to require you to seek out and find the info you need to show Yahweh is the true God over all others. There is no just one way to approach this.

And defending the historical accuracy of the bible will require research too. These are brief tips for now and I'll try to point you in the right direction if I can.Hopefully others will also.

But your questions cover alot more biblical evidence territory than you realize right now. There is so much info out there.You just have to know where to look and it is not just one place.I think the best way to learn is to actually engage with atheists in debate and you might even lose some,but you'll realize where you're weaknesses are and can then look for the info you need.
i like this thread and I'll try to give you tips and evidence as I can.

Re: Tips for debating anti-theists? Especially the salty one's?

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 10:37 pm
by abelcainsbrother
Hardneing Pharoah's heart? Did'nt God sent him a warning first and he ignored God and God knows Pharoah's heart and knew what Pharoah would do.

infanticide and genocide? God cares for his people and is not required to bless those who serve other god's. God is a jealous God toward his people and wants the best for them and if/when they go to war,he wants them to be so brutle that no other people mess with his people.The earth is the Lord's and the fulness thereof. Also some of the wars were about human hybrids/giants that had been produced by Satan and God wanted all of the hybrids wiped out. These were produced by Satan and not God,Satan was trying to contaminate the human blood-line in order to prevent the birth of Jesus so God wanted them wiped out.

These are brief tips when confronted with these kinds of arguments.

Re: Tips for debating anti-theists? Especially the salty one's?

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 11:21 am
by Nessa
Bluejay4 wrote:To hit on a few points...

Tips for defending God's actions in the OT that are seen as unfair or cruel?(Hardening Pharoah's heart, the infanticide and genocide, etc.)

Tips for God's existence, especially Yahweh's existence above all other false gods. (So as not to be accused of special pleading.)

Tips for defending the accuracy of the Bible as reliable historical text along with the historicity of Jesus and other biblical figures and events.

It would be much appreciated.
I dont have any tips for debating them...
Dating them* on the other hand, well....;)
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* I have no idea about dating the salty ones though..

Re: Tips for debating anti-theists? Especially the salty one's?

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2015 7:11 pm
by Kurieuo
Re: Pharaoh's heart being hardened, one must first decide what was intended.
What do I mean? Well, his heart was hardened in at least one of two ways:

1) Unintentional indirect (passive) hardening: Pharaoh's heart was hardened in response to God, because Pharaoh didn't like the demands. For example, the Sun hardens clay because of the nature of clay; not because the Sun is purposefully setting out to harden clay. Likewise, God hardened Pharaoh's heart in revealing His desire for Israel to be freed; but God didn't purposefully set out to harden Pharaoh's heart. If Pharaoh's nature was different, then no hardening would have happened.

2) Intentional direct (active) hardening: Pharaoh's heart was hardened by God, not in response to God but by God directly doing something to Pharaoh's nature or mind.

In Hebraic writings, things that happen passively are often left indistinguishable from active participation.
For example, such that God can make peace and create evil. (Isaiah 45:7 KJV)

A Biblical scholar should attempt to differentiate between the two.
Sadly secular skeptics care little for doing so, and why would they?