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Has ever been rebutted by secular/atheist websites?

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 3:04 pm
by Bluejay4
I'm really curious to know if this has ever happened and if the website ever gave a counter rebuttal?

Re: Has ever been rebutted by secular/atheist websites?

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 6:05 pm
by Philip
Bluejay4: I'm really curious to know if this has ever happened and if the website ever gave a counter rebuttal?
Bluejay, you'll have to be more specific, as there are only about a zillion topics on this site, upon which even the Christians here may not see perfectly eye to eye on, depending upon the topic. Once you get beyond the essentials of the faith (especially concerning Jesus), you'll see a lot of variation of viewpoints.

Re: Has ever been rebutted by secular/atheist websites?

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 3:45 pm
by Bluejay4
Philip wrote:
Bluejay4: I'm really curious to know if this has ever happened and if the website ever gave a counter rebuttal?
Bluejay, you'll have to be more specific, as there are only about a zillion topics on this site, upon which even the Christians here may not see perfectly eye to eye on, depending upon the topic. Once you get beyond the essentials of the faith (especially concerning Jesus), you'll see a lot of variation of viewpoints.
Has this website ever been the target of attack from secular/atheist websites and/or youtube videos?

Re: Has ever been rebutted by secular/atheist websites?

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 4:43 pm
by RickD
Bluejay4 wrote:
Philip wrote:
Bluejay4: I'm really curious to know if this has ever happened and if the website ever gave a counter rebuttal?
Bluejay, you'll have to be more specific, as there are only about a zillion topics on this site, upon which even the Christians here may not see perfectly eye to eye on, depending upon the topic. Once you get beyond the essentials of the faith (especially concerning Jesus), you'll see a lot of variation of viewpoints.
Has this website ever been the target of attack from secular/atheist websites and/or youtube videos?
Yes. I've seen it a few times. I just don't recall where. They weren't valid arguments, so I didn't really pay them much attention.

Re: Has ever been rebutted by secular/atheist websites?

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 7:53 am
by Hortator is a rather old website, I think as old as 1998. Some of the essays, articles and arguments Rich Deem has made used links. Unfortunately, on the internet, things rarely last forever. And so a lot of the links he uses as sources and further evidence are broken.

The real kicker is that some websites will purposefully remove their URL links if they are mentioned on a G&S page, which is just a despicable tactic.

And so, with broken links, they make the claim that Rich just "makes up" his sources, when the truth is that his sources sabotage him when they find out he used their sources. That's really the only somewhat valid, if at all, attack against us you will see. The rest are hit-pieces from people who did not read carefully or at all.

Edit: also we have discussed this very briefly before in this thread, ... 29&t=40580

Re: Has ever been rebutted by secular/atheist websites?

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 10:51 am
by PaulSacramento
There is a website dedicated to debunking this one.
Typically you can tell that they don't understand the premises made here.
What else is new though.

Re: Has ever been rebutted by secular/atheist websites?

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 12:17 am
by Bluejay4
Hortator is a rather old website, I think as old as 1998. Some of the essays, articles and arguments Rich Deem has made used links. Unfortunately, on the internet, things rarely last forever. And so a lot of the links he uses as sources and further evidence are broken.

The real kicker is that some websites will purposefully remove their URL links if they are mentioned on a G&S page, which is just a despicable tactic.

And so, with broken links, they make the claim that Rich just "makes up" his sources, when the truth is that his sources sabotage him when they find out he used their sources. That's really the only somewhat valid, if at all, attack against us you will see. The rest are hit-pieces from people who did not read carefully or at all.

Edit: also we have discussed this very briefly before in this thread, ... 29&t=40580
I once read a Qoura thread on, essentially it was a bunch of atheists getting butthurt over the website. Most were claiming that this website's entire premise was based on a fallacy, I can't remember which one though. Very disheartening, maybe you could find the thread and comment on it?

Re: Has ever been rebutted by secular/atheist websites?

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 9:13 pm
by Hortator
Bluejay4 wrote: I once read a Qoura thread on, essentially it was a bunch of atheists getting butthurt over the website. Most were claiming that this website's entire premise was based on a fallacy, I can't remember which one though. Very disheartening, maybe you could find the thread and comment on it?
Um, why? xD

If I wanted to have an unwanted encounter with an atheist on the internet, I could click 2 links in any direction. This is one of the few places on the internet I don't have to feel defensive about my faith, and can at long last put my guard down. Granted, a few unwanted ones will straggle in. That is to be expected. To be an atheist is to love conflict. I should know, I was one once in my ignorant youth.

But these people will never respect us. They really believe that we are the cause of most of the world's problems, war, economic woes, racism, because we believe in the moral authority of a deceased Jewish carpenter. That is how irrational they are. There is simply no point in a discussion with them. I have heard every atheist argument there is to be made, and have successfully refuted them all. I have more to learn from a fellow in Christ than I do an angry teenager.

Re: Has ever been rebutted by secular/atheist websites?

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 4:02 pm
by Storyteller
Not all atheists are like that.
Some can, and do, have respectful, interesting discussions on here.
And I think there is a lot we can learn from that.

Re: Has ever been rebutted by secular/atheist websites?

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 4:10 pm
by Nessa
Hortator wrote:
Bluejay4 wrote: I once read a Qoura thread on, essentially it was a bunch of atheists getting butthurt over the website. Most were claiming that this website's entire premise was based on a fallacy, I can't remember which one though. Very disheartening, maybe you could find the thread and comment on it?
Um, why? xD

If I wanted to have an unwanted encounter with an atheist on the internet, I could click 2 links in any direction. This is one of the few places on the internet I don't have to feel defensive about my faith, and can at long last put my guard down. Granted, a few unwanted ones will straggle in. That is to be expected. To be an atheist is to love conflict. I should know, I was one once in my ignorant youth.

But these people will never respect us. They really believe that we are the cause of most of the world's problems, war, economic woes, racism, because we believe in the moral authority of a deceased Jewish carpenter. That is how irrational they are. There is simply no point in a discussion with them. I have heard every atheist argument there is to be made, and have successfully refuted them all. I have more to learn from a fellow in Christ than I do an angry teenager.
I am with my twin on this one :mrgreen:

How bout learning how to love an angry teenager, does that not count? :econfused:

Re: Has ever been rebutted by secular/atheist websites?

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 4:19 pm
by B. W.
Maybe there should be a report broken link section on the main page where the articles are written so we know what needs corrected...