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Duplessis Orphans

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 5:25 am
by melanie
I have recently seen a very interesting, tragically sad documentary about the Duplessis orphans.
I then did some research into these claims.
It left me feeling that the details are sketchy without surprise but there is enough proof, testimonials and some pretty heart wrenching accounts to warrant the question.... What happened to these children?
In 1995, these now adults who were seeking an apology, an acknowledgement of their abuse were silenced by the courts.
A brief overview is that during 1940-1970 children from mostly European countries who were in the care of Catholic orphanages were subjected to the most horrendous abuses that took place within Canada.
They were deemed 'mentally unfit' as children. Which is a practice that is medically absurd in itself considering how young these children were. Unfortunately these children were the most vulnerable, without family to protect or question.
They were 'sold' by the Catholic Church into psychiatric hospitals.
Where they were subjected to sexual abuse, experimentation, torture, lobotomies, electric shocks, drug experimentation, euthanasia and then once dead sold for further scientific study to medical schools.
It is said there are mass graves in St Jean de Dieu. Survivors have tried to get this area exhumed to identify the bodies and collaborate the story but have been stopped by the courts.
This area that was claimed to hold these mass graves of children was sold years later and when dug up bones were found but was dismissed as animal bones. Construction workers who found the bones have gone on record and claimed that these bones were definately human.
A few journalist have tried to break this story over the last decade and have been shut down, lost their jobs, lost funding and have been given no audience by any major news outlet.

This is thought to be a cover up by the Vatican, Canadian and US governments and the CIA.
There is a connection between the experimentation on these children and MK Ultra.
For those of you that think MK Ultra is a conspiracy then you haven't done enough research.

I know so many people think this is all conspiracy but that's exactly what you are meant to think.
How would they get away with it otherwise.
We talk all the time about evil, and how deep the disregard for human decency can desend but I think it runs much deeper than we would ever like to realise.
As long as we keep eating our vegemite toast, watching our 'news' that has been regulated by the media sources. How much 'freedom' of speech do you think we really have? We keep going to work, watching MTV, being on social media, lost in our own little bubble then we never question deep enough for these monsters to not only be held accountable but to stop what I'm quite sure continues today.
What is excused in the name of science in regards to extreme evil, didn't die out with the Nazi's but continues to this very day.

This is not an attack on the Catholic Church as a whole. But it is a question of the systematic suppression of evidence on the abuse of children.
Very recent history has clearly shown deliberate coverups by church officials which denied accountability for many years until the evidence built up to such levels that denial was no longer appropriate. This spanned continents, decades, and children in the hundreds of thousands.

This situation with the Duplessis orphans is somewhat different. It is a coverup of the state and church. It doesn't only involve sexual abuse but systematic torture, mind altering experimentation and genocide of what is thought to be thousands of children.

Perhaps one day their voices will be heard and the truth exposed.

Re: Duplessis Orphans

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 5:41 am
by RickD

I've never heard of any of this. Could you provide a reputable link for us to look at?


Re: Duplessis Orphans

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 6:51 am
by melanie
I had never heard of it either Rick till a few weeks ago.
How is that possible.
In the 90's the victims were awarded 20 million but because of the sheer member of victims it didn't equate to much and they weren't after financial compensation but an apology and national recognition which never happened. Not all the victims took the money but the courts declared after this that the case was 'closed'. Meaning they could no longer seek justice through the court system.
Keeping in mind that those that survived were lucky, majority died.
Innocent, orphaned children. ... phans.html ... 02007.html

Re: Duplessis Orphans

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 7:51 am
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
It just so happens that my father was a so-called Duplessis Orphan (DO). After his mother died, his father placed him in an orphanage run by Catholics. These orphanages were mostly populated by the children of unwed mothers. The Province of Québec provided the Roman Catholic Church with a stipend (money) for the care of these children. If the children were declared «retarded» or crazy, they went to the St Jean de Dieu psychiatric hospital in Montréal, which was also run by the RCC in those days. The stipend for crazy children was about 6 times the amount for non-crazy children, so there was an incentive to declare a lot of these children crazy or «retards».
melanie wrote:In 1995, these now adults who were seeking an apology, an acknowledgement of their abuse were silenced by the courts.
They were not silenced by the court! (Nor were these children «from European countries» as you stated. They were local children.) The group of DOs that brought a class action suit against the Province settled the case; The Province offered an official apology and a financial settlement. Survivors received an amount of $$$ which varied according to the time they had spent in orphanages or in hospitals.
melanie wrote:Where they were subjected to sexual abuse, experimentation, torture, lobotomies, electric shocks, drug experimentation, euthanasia and then once dead sold for further scientific study to medical schools.
There was physical and sexual abuse. The Catholic church is notorious for that even today. As for «experimentation, torture, lobotomies, electric shocks...» your show obviously conflated the DO's experiences with those of other tragic events that happened at McGill University and are totally unrelated to the DOs.
melanie wrote:It is said there are mass graves in St Jean de Dieu.
Baloney. «It is said» that there was no Moon landing by Apollo 11 also. «It is said» that 9/11 was the work of Mossad and the CIA. «It is said» that Charlie Hebdo...
melanie wrote:This is thought to be a cover up by the Vatican, Canadian and US governments and the CIA.There is a connection between the experimentation on these children and MK Ultra. For those of you that think MK Ultra is a conspiracy then you haven't done enough research.
Again, the show you saw conflated events at McGill University with the DO. The DO case did not involve the USA or the CIA.
melanie wrote:Perhaps one day their voices will be heard and the truth exposed.
That day has already come and gone. The matter is settled.

What you saw on TV wasn't a documentary. Rather, it was a crockumentary. It mixed elements of truth with wild speculation. The only thing that seems to be missing is the involvement of aliens...


Re: Duplessis Orphans

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 8:30 am
by melanie
So the Catholic Church is notorious for physical and sexual abuse even today.
The children were indeed from many European nations.
You say that there was 'stipend' or monetary allowance was higher for 'retarded' or mentally ill children thus making it much more finicially beneficial for children to be deemed so. Subjecting them to psychiatric institutions.
Where according to you they were abused sexually and physically.
But the really extreme abuse which is worse than physical and sexual on children, so torture only happened at one location.
To which your argument was well not across the board just at one particular university, McGill University.

You should know me better than to think I garnered that information from one documentary.
I have resaearched this, funny that.
I can only imagine what is put forward in Canada by Canadian media.
We have much the same thing here in Australia.
I'm regards to the treatment of the Aboriginals and the stolen generation.
What 'happened' and what really happened.
Thank goodness I have had the blessed opportunity of personally knowing and speaking to those that went through it.
It doesn't quite add up to our 'history'.

My mum was also a catholic orphan.
So I do have some personal reference as to what went on.

As for your reference to 'aliens'.
Your on the wrong thread FL.
Keep it relevant

Re: Duplessis Orphans

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 9:40 am
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
melanie wrote:So the Catholic Church is notorious for physical and sexual abuse even today.
Yes. The RCC's priests have been convicted of these crimes in many jurisdictions.
melanie wrote:The children were indeed from many European nations.
Nope. The DO were all local children. Local children in those days were mostly of European descent, with some aboriginals. All DO children were Canadian. I suspect you simply misunderstood the crockumentary.
melanie wrote:You say that there was 'stipend' or monetary allowance was higher for 'retarded' or mentally ill children thus making it much more finicially beneficial for children to be deemed so. Subjecting them to psychiatric institutions. Where according to you they were abused sexually and physically.

I don't say that. I don't know because I wasn't there. The historical and media records show that. My father was also subjected to gratuitous abuse by the nuns who ran the orphanage where he stayed. So, I'm going by what my father told me, as well as other records.
melanie wrote:But the really extreme abuse which is worse than physical and sexual on children, so torture only happened at one location.To which your argument was well not across the board just at one particular university, McGill University.
McGill University had nothing to do with the DOs. NOTHING! That university was implicated in another cover-up, one that had to do with a professor doing medical experimentation for the US government and the CIA. The crockumentary you watched conflated the university story with the DO story and probably also a story (or stories) about government-sponsored abuse of aboriginals.

I've seen a «documentary» on the DOs as well. I'm quite sure it is a similar «documentary» to the one you saw, except that mine was certainly edited for this market. You can't lie as much to people who have lived through an event, so you have to tone things down... (French Canadian proverb). These shows are sensational, period.

If you want to believe your crockumentary, go makes for more interesting reading
