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Hallucinogenic drugs advice

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 5:17 pm
by rattlekrait
I have a question about drugs. Ill be honest, i'm getting pretty curious about some of them. Its not to be cool, or rebellious or because of depression, i am just simply curious. I am in high school by the way.
I have heard about some of these hallucinogens like LSD, Magic Mushrooms and Salvia, and they seem very interesting. They don't seem to have a lot of negative side effects despite wide use, and some even may with physical ailments. Also, they are non addictive as far as i know.

Is it a sin to try hallucinogenic drugs? Unlike crack or weed, you aren't necessarily using them for the feeling, just to see and experience weird stuff. Maybe thats why i am so curious.

All replies are appreciated, Thanks!

Re: Hallucinogenic drugs advice

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 5:24 pm
by RickD
Not a lot of negative side effects?

Seems pretty negative to me. Have a read:

Welcome to the board btw.

Stay in school. Stay off drugs. Don't let your dog drink milk out of your mouth.

Follow those, and you'll be well on your way to a productive adult life. :D

Re: Hallucinogenic drugs advice

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 6:02 pm
by Nessa
rattlekrait wrote:I have a question about drugs. Ill be honest, i'm getting pretty curious about some of them. Its not to be cool, or rebellious or because of depression, i am just simply curious. I am in high school by the way.
I have heard about some of these hallucinogens like LSD, Magic Mushrooms and Salvia, and they seem very interesting. They don't seem to have a lot of negative side effects despite wide use, and some even may with physical ailments. Also, they are non addictive as far as i know.

Is it a sin to try hallucinogenic drugs? Unlike crack or weed, you aren't necessarily using them for the feeling, just to see and experience weird stuff. Maybe thats why i am so curious.

All replies are appreciated, Thanks!
I havent done alot of research but I know their are substantial risks to opening the door to mental illness, or making a pre existing condition worse

Re: Hallucinogenic drugs advice

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 6:31 pm
by abelcainsbrother
rattlekrait wrote:I have a question about drugs. Ill be honest, i'm getting pretty curious about some of them. Its not to be cool, or rebellious or because of depression, i am just simply curious. I am in high school by the way.
I have heard about some of these hallucinogens like LSD, Magic Mushrooms and Salvia, and they seem very interesting. They don't seem to have a lot of negative side effects despite wide use, and some even may with physical ailments. Also, they are non addictive as far as i know.

Is it a sin to try hallucinogenic drugs? Unlike crack or weed, you aren't necessarily using them for the feeling, just to see and experience weird stuff. Maybe thats why i am so curious.

All replies are appreciated, Thanks!
I don't believe you when you say they have no negative side effects despite wide use and they help physical ailments. It sounds like the devil is talking to you. You can do anything you choose to but it is never a good idea to decide to try these kinds of drugs and they don't make you cool or popular with your peers either. You should instead find a hobby you like to do and focus on that instead.

I've known alot of people who started out with what they thought were harmless substances who became severe drug addicts and it completely ruined their whole life,their whole goal in life became chasing the next high and one that I know is dead now and the sad thing is that nobody could stop her and she could not even see or realize her ruined state and she wasted away slowly despite everything everybody ever tried to do to get her help,nothing worked except death eventually. So it is just not a good idea to even open yourself up to anything like this ever happening to you. Find something else to to spend your time and money on. Just a tip of advice.

Re: Hallucinogenic drugs advice

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 7:25 pm
by Philip
Rattlekrait, you sound very much like my 17-year-old self. I was curious about the very same things.

First, from a Biblical perspective, we are warned against drunkenness - a sin that can cause immense misery, can lead to an addiction, if constantly drinking to excess. Other drugs (yes, alcohol is a drug) would be covered by these same teachings - altering your thinking, judgment and physical control is wrong. Period!

But back to my young self. While I did not go down the road into the drug culture, I did swerve pretty close to it. Mostly with my intense but short affair with getting drunk, and especially with Mary Jane. I did none of this until I was a senior in high school. All the "cool" kids who were getting loaded every weekend scared me. They were wild. It they got caught by the law or parents, it wasn't going to be a big deal. For me, with my dad - it would have been the death penalty (I barely exaggerate). But, in my senior year (1974-75), a few kids I'd known and hung out with since elementary school started getting stoned. I was curious, it didn't seem like it was hurting them, looked like they were having a blast (getting blasted). Well, pretty soon, I owned a bong and was having a great time - at FIRST.

What I discovered is that getting high is a LOT of fun until it becomes habitual - which doesn't take long at all - and it becomes just just another day, another party, just another high. But, at first, it's another, altered world, where everything seems hilarious, everything looks and seems different, and it's a cheap way to have a grand, old time! But I was very lucky! I could easily have graduated to cocaine, uppers, serious pills, acid, etc. That's where that scene leads, often. While I didn't do harder drugs and pills, I was certainly often in proximity to that culture. Even with my party pals, what I found out is that, mostly, people who enjoy getting high on a regular basis - well, that's what they do. And, eventually, pretty much ALL they do. Typically, everyone in that scene is constantly getting stoned. It's just no fun otherwise, to be sober and seeing a bunch of high or drunk people. Sober, you realize how immature and stupid they all acted.

At first, getting high is so fun, it seems to make your worries and problems go away (again, at first), that your intentions to just experiment are soon in the rear mirror. When something is so fun, it makes things exciting - well, why not enjoy that as much as possible, eh? So, that's exactly what I did. I could have very easily been busted at a house party, gotten a DUI/DWI, driving around stoned. Now, EVERYONE pretty much knows who the stoners are - it's no big secret because stoners always think they are cooler than those who don't partake, and they have big mouths, bragging about their latest parties. Eventually, there will always be people in that scene that graduate to other substances and will try to introduce them to you. While pot isn't physically addictive, it is VERY psychologically so. Of course, getting drunk goes hand in hand with getting stoned, so developing alcohol addiction is a very real possibility.

Most kids don't realize is that certain substances can cause addition VERY quickly. NO druggy ever thinks they can't handle whatever substance. They all think they can experiment for awhile, and stop anytime they sense a problem. But it doesn't work like that, as any substance abuser or addict can testify to. It's fun, you WANT to do it, then want to do it more often - addiction is a stealth thing, it sucks you in, looks oh so sexy, innocent, exciting, and before you know it...

So, that's the story from my hippie-dippy days. Rattlekrait, as you are a Christian, ask yourself WHY you would want to go against God's instructions for you not to get drunk (high), to not be in perfect control of your faculties at all times? If you think you are missing something cool and exciting, something you feel the need to experience - let me tell you, it's all hype and a road to NOWHERESVILLE! And today, it's far more dangerous, as there are far more powerful and dangerous chemicals mixed in and cut with just about everything. And you have absolutely NO idea what is in any pill, acid tab, or substance.

Believe me, even just fun stuff like pot is hard to just do a few times. Why go down this road? Why risk all the negatives? Why disobey God? It was only through my spiritual re-awakening that I escaped that stoner world. Eighteen months in, I was burned out. When I quit doing what all my pals were, I soon realized I had absolutely nothing in common with them, I realized they were going nowhere fast. And so, I realized the need to get new friends. I thank God for pulling me out of that time and scene, and that I did not get addicted to anything, never was arrested, etc. And all of that was entirely probable, as the mid-70s were just one big epidemic of everyone chasing some drug. And they didn't call it "high" school for nothing!

Sorry for the lengthy ancient history lesson, from the last century :roll: . Rattle, I'll pray God touches your heart and conscience. And I'm so glad you actually asked the question! Stick around, there's always some fun, interesting discussions here.

Re: Hallucinogenic drugs advice

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 9:00 pm
by Storyteller
I've taken acid, smoked weed and taken mushrooms, even tried coke.

Dont do it.

None of them, luckily, did me harm.

Alcohol is my downfall.

And curiousity killed the cat, dont do it.

Re: Hallucinogenic drugs advice

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 8:40 am
by B. W.
rattlekrait wrote:I have a question about drugs...

...Is it a sin to try hallucinogenic drugs? Unlike crack or weed, you aren't necessarily using them for the feeling, just to see and experience weird stuff. Maybe thats why i am so curious.

All replies are appreciated, Thanks!
If you do drugs - this may happen to you..


Re: Hallucinogenic drugs advice

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 3:13 pm
by rattlekrait
Thanks for all the replies. Its awesome knowing that you were all my age once and know what its like. Thank you for all the advice.

Re: Hallucinogenic drugs advice

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 4:17 am
by Storyteller
rattlekrait wrote:Thanks for all the replies. Its awesome knowing that you were all my age once and know what its like. Thank you for all the advice.
Now I feel really old! :mrgreen:

Re: Hallucinogenic drugs advice

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 4:36 am
by RickD
rattlekrait wrote:Thanks for all the replies. Its awesome knowing that you were all my age once and know what its like. Thank you for all the advice.
I think I was your age once. I just can't remember.

Re: Hallucinogenic drugs advice

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 5:56 am
by Storyteller
RickD wrote:
rattlekrait wrote:Thanks for all the replies. Its awesome knowing that you were all my age once and know what its like. Thank you for all the advice.
I think I was your age once. I just can't remember.
That`ll be all the hallucinogenics you took :mrgreen:

Re: Hallucinogenic drugs advice

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 1:26 am
by B. W.
Storyteller wrote:
RickD wrote:
rattlekrait wrote:Thanks for all the replies. Its awesome knowing that you were all my age once and know what its like. Thank you for all the advice.
I think I was your age once. I just can't remember.
That`ll be all the hallucinogenics you took :mrgreen:
Watch Pee Wee' Playhouse theme song video again and tell me if you see Rick during the 1980's.

Hint - he lives in a box and wears a turban or that might be underwear y:-?

Re: Hallucinogenic drugs advice

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 12:48 pm
by IceMobster
rattlekrait wrote:I have a question about drugs. Ill be honest, i'm getting pretty curious about some of them. Its not to be cool, or rebellious or because of depression, i am just simply curious. I am in high school by the way.
I have heard about some of these hallucinogens like LSD, Magic Mushrooms and Salvia, and they seem very interesting. They don't seem to have a lot of negative side effects despite wide use, and some even may with physical ailments. Also, they are non addictive as far as i know.

Is it a sin to try hallucinogenic drugs? Unlike crack or weed, you aren't necessarily using them for the feeling, just to see and experience weird stuff. Maybe thats why i am so curious.

All replies are appreciated, Thanks!
As you said, it seems they don't have negative effects. I mean, you came to this Christian site to ask for objective opinion. Why, of course, you will be told it is bad etc etc. Now, I am not stating that no Christian can give objective opinion or that I claim it has absolutely no side effects but I am damn annoyed by bias. Provide reasons for both sides even if you do not agree with that other side.
The site Rick quotes says no study has been done or showed that the hallucinogens (now I'm unsure and skeptical towards LSD of the ones you mentioned) have long term negative sides. Concerning the short term ones (and long ones), do read what the other side has to says as well, before deciding yourself: ... _faq.shtml ... 001%29.pdf

Re: Hallucinogenic drugs advice

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 3:48 pm
by Philip
With so much potential for IMMEDIATE negatives coming from even short term drug experiments, as one is altering their reality and perceptions, why risk that? As for the uncertainty of long-term impact, again, why the unnecessary risks - even if it MIGHT turn out to be negligible. Not to mention, illegal drugs all come with great uncertainty as to their safety and ingredients. Are you both a chemist and a pharmacist, able to certify the precise ingredients, what something was cut with, etc? If not, you would have absolutely NO idea of what you are ingesting or its results. The manufacture of illegal drugs is ALL about the profit and not safety. Illegal drugs are cut with all manner of potentially toxic substances. Only the naive and stupid would ever risk taking them.

Re: Hallucinogenic drugs advice

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 4:29 pm
by RickD
I heard hallucinogenic drugs make for really lucid dreams.