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Christians "obey" the "greedy" jew, according to this conspiracy site

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 1:22 pm
by JurassicTerrorist
https://problemwithchristians.wordpress ... ew-of-god/ (DISC: there can sometimes be swear words on this site). So according to this site when christians obey god, they actually "obey" the jews, so the jews can control them and get more money... This site is in general very anti-semetic, saying stuff like "nuke Israel", "burn the jew out of Amerika" (he spelt America like that for some reason) and calling them neanderthals, he also claims jews did 9/11 and Islamic state is in reality just jews in disguise. Also this guy apparently really likes Vladimir Putin for stopping the "evil" jewish islamic state (ironic considering the fact Putin is russian orthodox, which would mean according to him, that he is brainwashed by the EVIIIIIL jews).

I kind of hope this guy is just being a troll, because he is spouting tons of unbelievable BS from his keyboard. Heck, this is some of his commandments from his "new ten commandments":" Burn the bible, have sex as much as you can (while burning bibles), always lie to anyone claiming authority, do covet hotness.

Re: Christians "obey" the "greedy" jew, according to this conspiracy site

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 1:39 pm
by RickD
That site doesn't even deserve a response.

Re: Christians "obey" the "greedy" jew, according to this conspiracy site

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 12:22 pm
by IceMobster
Yeah, I've encountered quiet a lot of these types of people. They claim the jews and their banking system dates back to Sumerians. So, the whole purpose of starting to write on the stone was to write checks and bills and it was not really needed for literature and poetry since it was being learned by heart, orally. Further on they go with saying how Bible and Quran are deeds of such people (Jews/Zionists/Illuminati/...) with the sole purpose of them leading towards poverty while the other side (them) gets rich.
Now this is a crude summary so keep that in mind. There are many versions of this, so, for example, some claim it doesn't date that back (5k years in Sumer), etc etc

Well, call me crazy and all, but do you really believe 9/11 was not an inside job? Dafuq?