What do you guys believe about ghosts?

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What do you guys believe about ghosts?

Post by rattlekrait »

Hey guys! Merry Christmas and happy new year! I have a weird question tonight. What do you guys believe about ghosts,demons and other spirits? What can they do? Have you had any experiences with any?
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Re: What do you guys believe about ghosts?

Post by B. W. »

rattlekrait wrote:Hey guys! Merry Christmas and happy new year! I have a weird question tonight. What do you guys believe about ghosts,demons and other spirits? What can they do? Have you had any experiences with any?
God is Spirit... Holy Spirit...

Ghost, depends on what you mean. There are ghost echos on a radar screen... But if you mean people coming back as ghost to haunt a place,my answer in NO!

IMHO -those are demonic beings posing as departed people who were very familiar with that person intimating them. Have I run across these - yes.

Demons and other spirits, well Satan fits here and he is real and so are demons. Have I encountered these, yes. Thing is, I don't make an issue out of these encounters. We as a Christians have been granted authority over these buggars, and we can stop their influence several ways such as the gospel spreading and setting people free to stop seeking these and re-inviting them back in their homes, families, self by means of the occult, drugs, abuse, etc..

I do ministry work on the Reservations in South Dakota and below is how real they are and what I often encounter up there as well as here in Colorado Cities as well too. This is from the New York Times, May 2015.
...“They call him the Tall Man spirit,” said Chris Carey, a minister who works with youths, some of them suicidal, on the reservation. “He’s appearing to these kids and telling them to kill themselves.”

Mr. Steele, who said many Native Americans traditionally believe in a “suicide spirit” similar to Slender Man, said young people had been sharing disturbing videos on Facebook that encourage suicide. One video, he said, gave instructions on tying a hangman’s noose. Another directed children to go to a specific place outside the village, saying there were ropes there. “Go use them,” the video instructed.

Quoted from New York Times, May 2015 concerning high suicide rate
This happened in Pine Ridge as well as due North on Cheyenne River and Standing Rock Reservations and all over every Rez in the USA..

They often appear as shadows, black heavy black shadows of various shapes or like a owl or person and vary in size and emit an literal ice cold fear terror when they are near. They get people to kill themselves as well as sex abuse crimes.

I encountered these before and as a Christian they are nothing to fear when you know your authority. However, most folks do not and on the Rez the traditional peoples are constantly encounter and seeing these and keep inviting them back by certain lifestyles and traditions

This Tall Man is actually an Owl headed figure and it is big. Eagle Butte Police have reported it - even chased after it, after it battered and bruised a young women inside an ambulance. Something tossed the paramedics out and the woman was beaten along with welts and bite marks appearing when no one was inside. The police managed to open the door and it jumped out and become tall. They pursed but gave up as they did not know what to do if they caught it. This actually happened. You can believe or you don't have too.

These shadow beings are demonic and they influence people to kill themselves in packs and droves. Anglo Saxon and modernized people make excuses and simply pass this off as stupid. However, it is real. Places where the gospel spreads large scale, these happenings actually decrease. Go figure.

Sadly some Christians can become goofy about demons and thus cause other Christians to disregard the demonic altogether even though the bible in Eph 6:10-18 speaks of spiritual warfare as real. Can't help that. Only can correct such daffy folks.

So to answer your question: YES...
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Re: What do you guys believe about ghosts?

Post by EssentialSacrifice »

i believe there are doors you should never open, especially intentionally. it's really not safe. :twisted: really.
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Re: What do you guys believe about ghosts?

Post by PaulSacramento »

Demons are real, bad spirits are real.
Ghosts as in the spirits of the dead haunting things? Nope.
When we die our spirit rests and sleeps.
The dead are described routinely as sleeping in the bible BUt what does that mean?
When we sleep we are at rest BUT we still have SOME consciousness of what is around us but because we are surrounded by God's love we are at peace and do not need anything.
However, if people summon the dead, it attracts demons and evil spirits, the spirit of those that are dead and are not of God.
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