IceMobster wrote:No matter if it is a Mao Zedong or someone who sinned less, does anyone truly deserve eternal hell?
Eternal. Forever.
Pain and suffering forever only because of your actions in a span of 100 years? What are 100 years compared to eternity? Absolutely nothing.
Which raises a question. How can an absolute Love (an adjective we give to God) even think of something as such?
You may claim that God is both absolute love and absolute justice at the same time (which I could agree upon since God is perfect and absolute), but, which one of those absolutes decides who goes where?
And even if He decides that a certain person goes to hell, how could He send someone to hell for an eternity? Where is the love in that?
How can absolute love really be love if it continues to let itself be played and taken advantage of? Especially by folks who proved doing this continually...
Are you perfect and without flaws, Ice? Have you ever betray, rejected, abandoned, lied about anyone? Ever put folks on trial in your mind? Ever used someone to get your way or blame someone else for your own mistakes? Have you ever manipulated, plotted and schemed? Beaten people with words or fist? Ever stolen anything? Do you think that maybe you are doing so right now, with God, no less?
Fact is Ice, we all deserve hell and be rejected by God. We as human beings are not really nice people. It is we who reject, ignore, abandon, abuse, cheat, lie, steal, blame and cause all the woe. Even the human concept of love is skewed in such a manner as to manipulated God with the pull the heart string get out jail card, a mickey, as the Aussies Kiwi's would say. God has a right to wipe everyone of us out. In Genesis chapter Six he almost did but for his own name sake and his ability to keep his own promises he did not thru a guy named Noah.
As for Muslims, no , they do not worship the same God. The god of the Muslims demands submission and promotes the subjection of women as toys, as 3 rd class citizens, and is a religion of conquering, not peace in the western sense. Islam, which means peace only when all are conquered and submitted to Islam worldwide, actually promotes death for not converting to Islam, promotes slavery, humiliation, high extortion taxes on those not converting, till they do. They demand world domination and imposing Sharia Law on all, that is the Islamic peace.
No, not the same God at all but rather Islam was founded upon blending four pagan gods into one god, of the moon from the Mecca, Canaan, Babylonian regions. Who sought to overthrow a god in heaven but failed and came to earth to continue the fight to have the great sky god submit to them. Interesting to note about these four deities blended into allah the moon god all seek to have their messiah come to finish the job, interesting. Ice, the god of Muslims is Not the same God as Christians and Jews at all.
Jesus came and died on a cross to set folks free from all there abuse and sin, not enslave them, or kill you if you do not believe. Jesus treated women with respect as equals, not as play things. Jesus proved the love of God real as well as allowing folks to reject that love and telling them of the consequences for doing so people can freely make up their own minds one way or another - all freely I might add, without coercion. Simple choice.
He did, and because of love, warn what will happen to folks in the afterlife who choose to continue to murder, abuse, abandon, reject, manipulate, lie, steal, hurt others, take advantage of, plot and scheme for advantage, game, reject, put of trial, make others carry a heavy burden, crucify... reject the freedom he offers freely. In other words, God gives such folks a place they so desire, a place without him, surround by the things the love to do. As one sows, they also reap.
That is Love absolute. A Love that will absolutely protect those who freely come to be changed freely by Him, free from those that continue to murder, abuse, abandon, reject, manipulate, lie, steal, hurt others, take advantage of, plot and scheme for advantage, game, reject, put of trial, make others carry a heavy burden, crucify, game God by pitting his own character traits against each other in order to escape a jam.
I am wondering if that is what you are doing, Ice, pitting Gods character trait of Love against its own nature in order to get away with all dysfunction by your form of logic and reason?
If a person rejects God's love proved upon that cross of Jesus in this mortal life, then in heaven, they would continue to reject and exploit it. What's to stop them from not doing so as eternal beings? What is there to stop them for exploiting God's character to get their demands? There would no consequences for doing so because in human vernacular, love, cannot say no to dysfunction exploitation as that would be intolerant and mean spirited. You really think, by heavens' osmosis all would change - how could they when on earth they refused?
Isaiah 26:10 explains this because the Heaven is the only truly land of uprightness. Such folks that reject Christ would reject him in heaven and join in Satan's rebellion full swing - always seeking to trip God up by always pitting God's character traits against each other in order for their domination to remain intact. Fact is, Ice, for many folks, they will not behold God's Glory with respect, honor, and love but rather as the means to meet their demands and lust.
So, because of God's great love, he made an everlasting place for those that refuse him (Matt 25:41) that is eternal an everlasting (Matt 25:46) because God being true to his character. God does not take away life because he reneges on no gift. Though are mortal flesh dies, we do not. What we do here on earth to each other, and God, proves what we would continue to do in heaven without end, unless changed before we get there by God's own hand indwelling by a new birth (John 3:16, 36) from him to help begin the needed change.
Love that cannot say NO but always says YES simply enables a person to never face a needed change of direction for mind, heart, and ways is not really love at all