How do you pray?

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How do you pray?

Post by IceMobster »

Not sure if this is the right sub-forum to put this topic into so, a moderator can feel free to put it wherever (s)he thinks it is more fit.

I am interested to hear how other people pray. Do you have a certain person in mind and then pray "Our Father who art in Heaven" or a similar one? Do you read some prayer from a prayer book whilst you think of a certain person or something you want?

The thing is, I do not pray in such a way (by repeating a set prayer). I do not see sense in repeating words. My prayer consists of talking to God in my mind. No matter what I do at that point. No matter how much time I put into it.
Would you consider that a prayer?

Even though, sometimes I do not see reason in prayer. Why would you pray? Why should God help you? Is it possible that I get answers which are not "God loves you and that is why He would help you" or along those lines? How do you know a prayer works or worked? Why doesn't your faith falter when your prayer is not answered? Because you know God's plan is greater than you can comprehend? How can you know that...? :?

Raises another question: since I do not pray that often (or I simply forget it since I do not put that much reason in it, I guess) wouldn't it be hypocritical or not humble to ask for a "favor" (I've put this under quotation because I am aware that relationship with God is not that of a merchant - I pay up with prayers and you return with deeds) in difficult times?

I do realize I've put quite a lot of questions... Nevertheless, I'd like to receive quite a lot of answers, haha... I know, you could now say that I could get a lot of them through prayer, but, meh...
Also, don't hesitate to describe how you got into prayer or how your prayer was answered or something similar. A life story.
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Re: How do you pray?

Post by Nessa »

When I first came here I started a prayer thread and there were some really helpful responses.. ... ng#p180164

God and I have non verbal communication too....someone makes me moody, I just kinda give a little nod in their direction...God sees..then BAM!.... ;) ok..maybe not quite like that... :lol:
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Re: How do you pray?

Post by Storyteller »

IceMobster wrote:Not sure if this is the right sub-forum to put this topic into so, a moderator can feel free to put it wherever (s)he thinks it is more fit.

I am interested to hear how other people pray. Do you have a certain person in mind and then pray "Our Father who art in Heaven" or a similar one? Do you read some prayer from a prayer book whilst you think of a certain person or something you want?

The thing is, I do not pray in such a way (by repeating a set prayer). I do not see sense in repeating words. My prayer consists of talking to God in my mind. No matter what I do at that point. No matter how much time I put into it.
Would you consider that a prayer?
I pray, or rather chat, to God all the time, and I mean all the time. I pray in the morning, to say thank you for waking up, thank you for the beginning of the day, I pray at night to thank Him for the day, I ask for forgiveness for any sin, even the ones I commit without knowing.
IceMobster wrote:Even though, sometimes I do not see reason in prayer. Why would you pray? Why should God help you? Is it possible that I get answers which are not "God loves you and that is why He would help you" or along those lines? How do you know a prayer works or worked? Why doesn't your faith falter when your prayer is not answered? Because you know God's plan is greater than you can comprehend? How can you know that...? :?
IceMobster wrote:Raises another question: since I do not pray that often (or I simply forget it since I do not put that much reason in it, I guess) wouldn't it be hypocritical or not humble to ask for a "favor" (I've put this under quotation because I am aware that relationship with God is not that of a merchant - I pay up with prayers and you return with deeds) in difficult times?

I do realize I've put quite a lot of questions... Nevertheless, I'd like to receive quite a lot of answers, haha... I know, you could now say that I could get a lot of them through prayer, but, meh...
Also, don't hesitate to describe how you got into prayer or how your prayer was answered or something similar. A life story.
I can remember praying earnestly twice in my life, where I was really, really sincere in my prayers. Once, when I hadn`t really come to know Christ and once shortly after.
The first time was after my second miscarraige. I was totally, utterly devestated, angry at God, angry that He would, and ddid, take away my baby (I lost four babies in total before having my daughter. I shouted at Him, cursed Him, told Him that if that was who He was, He didn`t seem a very loving God to me. I prayed, with all of my heart, to have a child. I absolutely knew it would happen, and it did.

The second time, my daughter was/is learning to play piano. She played a piece for me, kept getting it wrong near the end. She was getting so frustrated, so upset with her mistakes, I challenged God. Asked Him to guide her, let her play it through. I told Him in no uncertain terms that this was it. If He didn`t grant this, I wouldn`t, couldn`t believe in Him. Guess what? She played it perfectly.

I "pray" all the time, when reading, when posting, thinking about God, to me, that`s as much of a prayer as reciting Our Father. Sometimes I just ache in front of Him. I write, thats prayer. I sing (badly and privately) that`s prayer.

I don`t think God cares how we pray and communicate with Him as long as we do.

I won`t repeat my life story here, you can read My Journey if you want to read all that but I now see that God has always been there, waiting. Guiding, helping, protecting and loving.

God knows what is in our hearts, He doesn`t need a set structure to a genuine prayer, He will recognise it as such, even if we don`t.

Prayer, for me, is such a personal thing, to the point I feel uncomfortable praying in any way other than alone. Just me and God.
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Re: How do you pray?

Post by EssentialSacrifice »

often, sincerely and mostly for others ... in fact, you should be here right now :amen:

*edit: apologies if this sounded haughty, abrupt. the truth is prayer should be offered as often as possible. He is infinite and will / wants to listen 24/7/365. it should be said with the sincerest of intents. my prayers come from my mind to the heart in offering in to the hands of God . imo, i' sure the prayers we say for other's are the best received by our Father, not for ourselves but for the mercy of all for the sake of His sorrowful passion.
Last edited by EssentialSacrifice on Thu Jan 14, 2016 9:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How do you pray?

Post by Philip »

God is a Person Whom desires communication and relationship. So how do you talk to a person you have a relationship with? Of course, we praise and thank God, ask for forgiveness of sin. But we should speak with him as we would our most intimate friend, one we can share are darkest secrets, fears, anger, joy, love - all of that. Amazon books lists approximately 1,001 books on prayer - mostly "How Tos" - for methodology, technique, more effectiveness, how Bible figures prayed, etc., etc. And MOST of them are a complete waste of time. Why? Because our prayer's effectiveness depends upon God's will in how he does or doesn't answer them. Of course, we can fail to pray as well. But technique and method, wordiness, fance words, eyes closed, eyes open, on knees, lying in bed - sequence or length - even passion - really these do not matter. What matters is we pray within God's will. The Lord's Prayer is but a model. And most people use prayer as if God were an automatic teller machine - insert prayer and out comes (we hope) whatever was desired. Doesn't "work?" Blame God? Bad technique? Often NO answer is an answer to prayer. Sometimes - oftentimes - silence is normal. Lastly, we need to pray AND also spend time contemplating and listening, and with patience. Remember, prayer is a communication.

Oh, and I think it is key to actually ask God to teach me WHAT HE wants me to pray about and for. We often don't know what we should pray for - from God's viewpoint/His will. We only know what WE want - which may be entirely different and a waste of breath. God knows not only what His will is, but also what HE wants us to pray for. It's really very simple, but we make it difficult. It is only difficult in developing habits and self discipline to constantly pray - whether in bed or driving down the road.
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