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Romance blooms and lovelife blues

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 10:18 pm
by Vergil
I would like to hear about your romantic life cause it might either make a good story or just make people cry on how cute or sweet it is, it would also help to see how would a relationship go (since I myself haven't been in a relationship since birth) and other than that, i would like to hear all your stories on God's greatest gift he gave to us other than the Triumphant Prince of Peace Jesus Christ, and that is Love itself.

(Uhm, noble moderators, if this isn't allowed please feel free to delete this)

Re: Romance blooms and lovelife blues

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 11:04 pm
by Nessa
Vergil wrote:I would like to hear about your romantic life cause it might either make a good story or just make people cry on how cute or sweet it is, it would also help to see how would a relationship go (since I myself haven't been in a relationship since birth) and other than that, i would like to hear all your stories on God's greatest gift he gave to us other than the Triumphant Prince of Peace Jesus Christ, and that is Love itself.

(Uhm, noble moderators, if this isn't allowed please feel free to delete this)
Sorry, I just dont wanna be the one to burst your bubble :shakehead:


I did do a thread on God being a romantic though... One of the most responded to threads here :P Cos we all know how romantic the guys are around here uh huh... :yes:

When my husband and I were dating he did arrange someone to arrive at my door on my birthday to sing to me and give me beautiful flowers...

There was some kind of mix up.... And I ended up with a guy dressed as a transvestite.. Rocky horror show style.... My two year year old neice saw him and her eyes were as big as saucers :shock:

Oh! You wanted sweet.. Nevermind...

Re: Romance blooms and lovelife blues

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 11:08 pm
by Vergil
Nessa wrote:
Vergil wrote:I would like to hear about your romantic life cause it might either make a good story or just make people cry on how cute or sweet it is, it would also help to see how would a relationship go (since I myself haven't been in a relationship since birth) and other than that, i would like to hear all your stories on God's greatest gift he gave to us other than the Triumphant Prince of Peace Jesus Christ, and that is Love itself.

(Uhm, noble moderators, if this isn't allowed please feel free to delete this)
Sorry, I just dont wanna be the one to burst your bubble :shakehead:


I did do a thread on God being a romantic though... One of the most responded to threads here :P Cos we all know how romantic the guys are around here uh huh... :yes:

When my husband and I were dating he did arrange someone to arrive at my door on my birthday to sing to me and give me beautiful flowers...

There was some kind of mix up.... And I ended up with a guy dressed as a transvestite.. Rocky horror show style.... My two year year old neice saw him and her eyes were as big as saucers :shock:

Oh! You wanted sweet.. Nevermind...
I would be honestly be freaked out but this is too funny :lol:

Did you get angry at your hubby? (if i may ask)

Re: Romance blooms and lovelife blues

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 11:19 pm
by Nessa
Vergil wrote:
Nessa wrote:
Vergil wrote:I would like to hear about your romantic life cause it might either make a good story or just make people cry on how cute or sweet it is, it would also help to see how would a relationship go (since I myself haven't been in a relationship since birth) and other than that, i would like to hear all your stories on God's greatest gift he gave to us other than the Triumphant Prince of Peace Jesus Christ, and that is Love itself.

(Uhm, noble moderators, if this isn't allowed please feel free to delete this)
Sorry, I just dont wanna be the one to burst your bubble :shakehead:


I did do a thread on God being a romantic though... One of the most responded to threads here :P Cos we all know how romantic the guys are around here uh huh... :yes:

When my husband and I were dating he did arrange someone to arrive at my door on my birthday to sing to me and give me beautiful flowers...

There was some kind of mix up.... And I ended up with a guy dressed as a transvestite.. Rocky horror show style.... My two year year old neice saw him and her eyes were as big as saucers :shock:

Oh! You wanted sweet.. Nevermind...
I would be honestly be freaked out but this is too funny :lol:

Did you get angry at your hubby? (if i may ask)
Not really angry but it was good ammo to use in fights for awhile. ;)

Ok, to be fair to my beloved,, here is how sweet he can be...

He would write me poetry and would mountain bike to visit me when we were apart....took 12 hours and then the same distance back :mrgreen:

Re: Romance blooms and lovelife blues

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 11:24 pm
by Vergil
Nessa wrote:
Vergil wrote:
Nessa wrote:
Vergil wrote:I would like to hear about your romantic life cause it might either make a good story or just make people cry on how cute or sweet it is, it would also help to see how would a relationship go (since I myself haven't been in a relationship since birth) and other than that, i would like to hear all your stories on God's greatest gift he gave to us other than the Triumphant Prince of Peace Jesus Christ, and that is Love itself.

(Uhm, noble moderators, if this isn't allowed please feel free to delete this)
Sorry, I just dont wanna be the one to burst your bubble :shakehead:


I did do a thread on God being a romantic though... One of the most responded to threads here :P Cos we all know how romantic the guys are around here uh huh... :yes:

When my husband and I were dating he did arrange someone to arrive at my door on my birthday to sing to me and give me beautiful flowers...

There was some kind of mix up.... And I ended up with a guy dressed as a transvestite.. Rocky horror show style.... My two year year old neice saw him and her eyes were as big as saucers :shock:

Oh! You wanted sweet.. Nevermind...
I would be honestly be freaked out but this is too funny :lol:

Did you get angry at your hubby? (if i may ask)
Not really angry but it was good ammo to use in fights for awhile. ;)

Ok, to be fair to my beloved,, here is how sweet he can be...

He would write me poetry and would mountain bike to visit me when we were apart....took 12 hours and then the same distance back :mrgreen:
So it takes him an entire day! amazing, i admire and envy at your consort's will and love for you, Milady.

Re: Romance blooms and lovelife blues

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 11:26 pm
by Nessa
Have you been in love? Maybe you have a few stories to tell us?

Re: Romance blooms and lovelife blues

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 11:47 pm
by Vergil
Nessa wrote:Have you been in love? Maybe you have a few stories to tell us?
It would be a lie to say if i didn't fall in love right? So yes, i have been in love Milady, but sad to say . . . They all fail miserably.

Since you told me of your sweet love stories, I shall tell you mine.

Well, I was friends with this girl, we were both new students and she was my first friend there, though i didn't fell for her at first sight, feelings started to emerge during later months up until in our fourth year, i was a shy young lad and my friends keep telling me to court her now, but i would say i would just do it in another time (and also i was afraid), though i gathered up my strength to try to ask her out in this upcoming Prom, i suddenly learned that a dear friend of mine asked her out (this friend also has a crush on her) though i admit i was jealous, i was happy for him and decide to let this go for the sake of friendship between, but one of my friends was outraged and felt that i was cheated, but i calmed him down and said this all for the greater good of things, he understands (a little) but is still angry at my friend (saying that he's not considerate to my feelings and such) and he feels sorry for me.

Re: Romance blooms and lovelife blues

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 11:55 pm
by abelcainsbrother
Vergil wrote:I would like to hear about your romantic life cause it might either make a good story or just make people cry on how cute or sweet it is, it would also help to see how would a relationship go (since I myself haven't been in a relationship since birth) and other than that, i would like to hear all your stories on God's greatest gift he gave to us other than the Triumphant Prince of Peace Jesus Christ, and that is Love itself.

(Uhm, noble moderators, if this isn't allowed please feel free to delete this)
I don't really like giving out alot of info. But I will say that me and my wife would seem like total opposites. She has tattoos and piercings while I don't. I don't want tattoos or piercings but I like her tattoos and piercings.We love each other though and have been going through a storm for along time and yet our love remains strong. We have been walking through a storm for along time,like walking through a desert but hand in hand through everything life has threw at us.

I have kept on hoping we would finally start seeing the light and get to the other side of this storm we've been in and yet we have experienced set-backs,yet despite it all our love remains strong and I know eventually we will get through this storm we've been in. I'm starting to see the other side and I really believe we are soon to be out of this storm,and it seems like things will get better but it is still going to take time. It should start getting better by May. I won't go into alot of details but we are chasing after our kids but it seems like everything has been against us to be united with them as a family. No we have not lost custody of our kids or anything like that but we just want to get to a place where we are a family again with them and until May our kids are in another state with family.We are gonna move there and it will be a new fresh start for all of us.

Re: Romance blooms and lovelife blues

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 12:06 am
by Vergil
abelcainsbrother wrote:
Vergil wrote:I would like to hear about your romantic life cause it might either make a good story or just make people cry on how cute or sweet it is, it would also help to see how would a relationship go (since I myself haven't been in a relationship since birth) and other than that, i would like to hear all your stories on God's greatest gift he gave to us other than the Triumphant Prince of Peace Jesus Christ, and that is Love itself.

(Uhm, noble moderators, if this isn't allowed please feel free to delete this)
I don't really like giving out alot of info. But I will say that me and my wife would seem like total opposites. She has tattoos and piercings while I don't. I don't want tattoos or piercings but I like her tattoos and piercings.We love each other though and have been going through a storm for along time and yet our love remains strong. We have been walking through a storm for along time,like walking through a desert but hand in hand through everything life has threw at us.

I have kept on hoping we would finally start seeing the light and get to the other side of this storm we've been in and yet we have experienced set-backs,yet despite it all our love remains strong and I know eventually we will get through this storm we've been in. I'm starting to see the other side and I really believe we are soon to be out of this storm,and it seems like things will get better but it is still going to take time. It should start getting better by May. I won't go into alot of details but we are chasing after our kids but it seems like everything has been against us to be united with them as a family. No we have not lost custody of our kids or anything like that but we just want to get to a place where we are a family again with them and until May our kids are in another state with family.We are gonna move there and it will be a new fresh start for all of us.
Your story reminds me of His Majesty, and his struggles to get us back to his loving fold, you touch my heart Milord and I pray that you and your wife will get through whatever life throws at you, please smile all the time.

God will help you

Re: Romance blooms and lovelife blues

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 12:17 am
by Nessa
Vergil wrote:
Nessa wrote:Have you been in love? Maybe you have a few stories to tell us?
It would be a lie to say if i didn't fall in love right? So yes, i have been in love Milady, but sad to say . . . They all fail miserably.

Since you told me of your sweet love stories, I shall tell you mine.

Well, I was friends with this girl, we were both new students and she was my first friend there, though i didn't fell for her at first sight, feelings started to emerge during later months up until in our fourth year, i was a shy young lad and my friends keep telling me to court her now, but i would say i would just do it in another time (and also i was afraid), though i gathered up my strength to try to ask her out in this upcoming Prom, i suddenly learned that a dear friend of mine asked her out (this friend also has a crush on her) though i admit i was jealous, i was happy for him and decide to let this go for the sake of friendship between, but one of my friends was outraged and felt that i was cheated, but i calmed him down and said this all for the greater good of things, he understands (a little) but is still angry at my friend (saying that he's not considerate to my feelings and such) and he feels sorry for me.
Did your dear friend know you liked the girl too?

You did what you felt was right for you and all who were involved. You stayed true to what you believed you should do.
Maybe you were cheated, maybe you weren't but I think you showed a selflessness that is to be admired :)

This world tries to makes us believe that it's all about us and what we want and desire. And in the end alot of people
just end up miserable anyway cos they are so focused on making themselves happy.

I pray that the next time you fall in love it would be with someone who has those same selfless qualities as you showed in that situation :esmile:

Re: Romance blooms and lovelife blues

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 12:25 am
by abelcainsbrother
Vergil wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:
Vergil wrote:I would like to hear about your romantic life cause it might either make a good story or just make people cry on how cute or sweet it is, it would also help to see how would a relationship go (since I myself haven't been in a relationship since birth) and other than that, i would like to hear all your stories on God's greatest gift he gave to us other than the Triumphant Prince of Peace Jesus Christ, and that is Love itself.

(Uhm, noble moderators, if this isn't allowed please feel free to delete this)
I don't really like giving out alot of info. But I will say that me and my wife would seem like total opposites. She has tattoos and piercings while I don't. I don't want tattoos or piercings but I like her tattoos and piercings.We love each other though and have been going through a storm for along time and yet our love remains strong. We have been walking through a storm for along time,like walking through a desert but hand in hand through everything life has threw at us.

I have kept on hoping we would finally start seeing the light and get to the other side of this storm we've been in and yet we have experienced set-backs,yet despite it all our love remains strong and I know eventually we will get through this storm we've been in. I'm starting to see the other side and I really believe we are soon to be out of this storm,and it seems like things will get better but it is still going to take time. It should start getting better by May. I won't go into alot of details but we are chasing after our kids but it seems like everything has been against us to be united with them as a family. No we have not lost custody of our kids or anything like that but we just want to get to a place where we are a family again with them and until May our kids are in another state with family.We are gonna move there and it will be a new fresh start for all of us.
Your story reminds me of His Majesty, and his struggles to get us back to his loving fold, you touch my heart Milord and I pray that you and your wife will get through whatever life throws at you, please smile all the time.

God will help you
Thanks,things will get better and our faith in God keeps us strong through it all.

Here I'll play a song for myself this time.

The Whole Darn Roof Leaks

Re: Romance blooms and lovelife blues

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 12:29 am
by Nessa
abelcainsbrother wrote:
Vergil wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:
Vergil wrote:I would like to hear about your romantic life cause it might either make a good story or just make people cry on how cute or sweet it is, it would also help to see how would a relationship go (since I myself haven't been in a relationship since birth) and other than that, i would like to hear all your stories on God's greatest gift he gave to us other than the Triumphant Prince of Peace Jesus Christ, and that is Love itself.

(Uhm, noble moderators, if this isn't allowed please feel free to delete this)
I don't really like giving out alot of info. But I will say that me and my wife would seem like total opposites. She has tattoos and piercings while I don't. I don't want tattoos or piercings but I like her tattoos and piercings.We love each other though and have been going through a storm for along time and yet our love remains strong. We have been walking through a storm for along time,like walking through a desert but hand in hand through everything life has threw at us.

I have kept on hoping we would finally start seeing the light and get to the other side of this storm we've been in and yet we have experienced set-backs,yet despite it all our love remains strong and I know eventually we will get through this storm we've been in. I'm starting to see the other side and I really believe we are soon to be out of this storm,and it seems like things will get better but it is still going to take time. It should start getting better by May. I won't go into alot of details but we are chasing after our kids but it seems like everything has been against us to be united with them as a family. No we have not lost custody of our kids or anything like that but we just want to get to a place where we are a family again with them and until May our kids are in another state with family.We are gonna move there and it will be a new fresh start for all of us.
Your story reminds me of His Majesty, and his struggles to get us back to his loving fold, you touch my heart Milord and I pray that you and your wife will get through whatever life throws at you, please smile all the time.

God will help you
Thanks,things will get better and our faith in God keeps us strong through it all.

Here I'll play a song for myself this time.

The Whole Darn Roof Leaks
For you acb

Re: Romance blooms and lovelife blues

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 12:35 am
by Vergil
abelcainsbrother wrote:
Vergil wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:
Vergil wrote:I would like to hear about your romantic life cause it might either make a good story or just make people cry on how cute or sweet it is, it would also help to see how would a relationship go (since I myself haven't been in a relationship since birth) and other than that, i would like to hear all your stories on God's greatest gift he gave to us other than the Triumphant Prince of Peace Jesus Christ, and that is Love itself.

(Uhm, noble moderators, if this isn't allowed please feel free to delete this)
I don't really like giving out alot of info. But I will say that me and my wife would seem like total opposites. She has tattoos and piercings while I don't. I don't want tattoos or piercings but I like her tattoos and piercings.We love each other though and have been going through a storm for along time and yet our love remains strong. We have been walking through a storm for along time,like walking through a desert but hand in hand through everything life has threw at us.

I have kept on hoping we would finally start seeing the light and get to the other side of this storm we've been in and yet we have experienced set-backs,yet despite it all our love remains strong and I know eventually we will get through this storm we've been in. I'm starting to see the other side and I really believe we are soon to be out of this storm,and it seems like things will get better but it is still going to take time. It should start getting better by May. I won't go into alot of details but we are chasing after our kids but it seems like everything has been against us to be united with them as a family. No we have not lost custody of our kids or anything like that but we just want to get to a place where we are a family again with them and until May our kids are in another state with family.We are gonna move there and it will be a new fresh start for all of us.
Your story reminds me of His Majesty, and his struggles to get us back to his loving fold, you touch my heart Milord and I pray that you and your wife will get through whatever life throws at you, please smile all the time.

God will help you
Thanks,things will get better and our faith in God keeps us strong through it all.

Here I'll play a song for myself this time.

The Whole Darn Roof Leaks
Amen to that.

If I may ask Milord, how did you met your wife? I would like to know this lovely or funny story of love blooming in the air

Re: Romance blooms and lovelife blues

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 8:15 am
by IceMobster
Vergil wrote:Your story reminds me of His Majesty, and his struggles to get us back to his loving fold, you touch my heart Milord and I pray that you and your wife will get through whatever life throws at you, please smile all the time.

God will help you
Vergil, do you speak like that in real life, in person, as well?

Re: Romance blooms and lovelife blues

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 9:04 am
by Philip
One thing I love about ACB, is that he has to be the ultimate optimist! And once he decides he's for something, he is ALL in! No second guessing for him! So, his bride must certainly know that he'll always be there for her, and will always love her. So his commitment to her and his optimism on positive outcomes will serve their marriage tremendously!