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What is God to you?

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 3:24 am
by Nessa
What is God to you?

For anyone and everyone...

Re: What is God to you?

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 5:27 am
by PaulSacramento

Re: What is God to you?

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 6:47 am
by Byblos

Re: What is God to you?

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 8:42 am
by Philip
He is Righteous, unfathomable love, the very definition of staggering beauty, power and intelligence. He is a limitless Creator, Designer, Author, Mysterious and constantly surprising, while also predictably consistent in many other key ways. As He is eternal, I realize that THIS universe and THIS time are but one book on God's bookshelf. What does that mean, how does that look and work? I have no idea. But we know he hasn't changed, and that He is constantly active and loves to create extraordinary things - and so I can guarantee the book He wrote about THIS universe is NOT His first time out as an Author.

Who knows how many "books of times" God has authored - or how many bookshelves they fill up? y:-?

Re: What is God to you?

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 1:24 pm
by IceMobster
God is an entity which is immensely transcendent yet at the reach of your hand. Infinite yet finite. Absolute Love yet Love itself (add any other noun that fits).
Reading this with a closed mind one would claim God is a paradox. Something or someone not possible. Yet there He is. The One who is. :mrgreen:

Re: What is God to you?

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 1:25 pm
by Katabole
Who God is, is best described in the epistles of John in the New Testament.

John describes God this way:

God is life. Light. Love. Truth. And righteous.

The living example of those concepts are personified in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and manifested in our world by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Re: What is God to you?

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 7:40 pm
by Vergil
Normal Vergy.

God is Our Father, He is the Creator of the Heavens above and the Heavens below, and of the green Earth, He is the Sovereign Lord of Mankind whose light shines throughout the world and beyond, He is Almighty and benign, for He so loved the world that he gave us his Son and his messengers so that we may return to him and love as He loved us, a Faithful Partner to us even when we commit sin and make mistakes, Lord of Wisdom and Knowledge, He loved Mankind even at his/her worst and best of all

He is the Father who loved us so much that he gave his only Son to Man so that all those who believed in him will not die but have everlasting life and are attuned to his Spirit, like the coming of dawn, with healing risen with his wings, the waves and of the earth await for him, the people cry and the sheep that is lost, shall find their way into the promised land and into His fold forever and ever.

Other Verg.

God is our Light among the vast emptiness and darkness, his will is absolute and his judgement benign, all those who don't believe in him shall be lost but are yet to find the way back to him, yet, all sinners will fear His wrath, the Heretics, the Blasphemers and Defilers will suffer the ultimate punishment for they will burn and shout forgiveness but they will not be heard, they shall be denied forever, those who serve the darkness shall His name and they will see his Glory shine throughout the old night and alas, His love reign supreme overall in his heavenly splendor, his godly royalty and the King of Righteous with the Prince of Peace at his right-hand shall come and Good shall reign forever.

Re: What is God to you?

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 12:15 am
by Nessa
IceMobster wrote:God is an entity which is immensely transcendent yet at the reach of your hand. Infinite yet finite. Absolute Love yet Love itself (add any other noun that fits).
Reading this with a closed mind one would claim God is a paradox. Something or someone not possible. Yet there He is. The One who is. :mrgreen:
How did you come to that conclusion? Personal experience?

Re: What is God to you?

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 1:35 pm
by IceMobster
Nessa wrote:
IceMobster wrote:God is an entity which is immensely transcendent yet at the reach of your hand. Infinite yet finite. Absolute Love yet Love itself (add any other noun that fits).
Reading this with a closed mind one would claim God is a paradox. Something or someone not possible. Yet there He is. The One who is. :mrgreen:
How did you come to that conclusion? Personal experience?
You can obviously see the philosophical(Plato primarily) view of God mixed with Christian theology (since that one has had the most impact on me). It makes the most sense to me. Indeed, I could remove the theology part and stay at the Platoistic point of view on God. However, I believe God is a being you can talk to and Plato doesn't, so there is that.
I've come to that conclusion by reason, obviously. Don't know what else to say here.

As for the second question, you will have to thoroughly explain it in a way of telling me what is you person experience with God. Why?
Because certain people (crudely simplified and even generalized) claim that their marriage is the sole proof for God's existence which I find stupid. Coincidence is a factor that is possible in such scenarios. (This is an example.)
Anyway, did I have a divine revelation? No.
Did I hear God talk to me? No.
Did I notice God in the trembling of trees once the wind passes through them(as Aurelius Augustin of Hippo did)? No.
So, personal experience? Apart from dream(s), no. I wouldn't say so.

Re: What is God to you?

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 3:16 pm
by Nessa
IceMobster wrote:
Nessa wrote:
IceMobster wrote:God is an entity which is immensely transcendent yet at the reach of your hand. Infinite yet finite. Absolute Love yet Love itself (add any other noun that fits).
Reading this with a closed mind one would claim God is a paradox. Something or someone not possible. Yet there He is. The One who is. :mrgreen:
How did you come to that conclusion? Personal experience?
You can obviously see the philosophical(Plato primarily) view of God mixed with Christian theology (since that one has had the most impact on me). It makes the most sense to me. Indeed, I could remove the theology part and stay at the Platoistic point of view on God. However, I believe God is a being you can talk to and Plato doesn't, so there is that.
I've come to that conclusion by reason, obviously. Don't know what else to say here.

As for the second question, you will have to thoroughly explain it in a way of telling me what is you person experience with God. Why?
Because certain people (crudely simplified and even generalized) claim that their marriage is the sole proof for God's existence which I find stupid. Coincidence is a factor that is possible in such scenarios. (This is an example.)
Anyway, did I have a divine revelation? No.
Did I hear God talk to me? No.
Did I notice God in the trembling of trees once the wind passes through them(as Aurelius Augustin of Hippo did)? No.
So, personal experience? Apart from dream(s), no. I wouldn't say so.
No, none of that is obvious to me.

I didnt come to believe in God through personal revelation at all. Which has made me a black sheep in the pentecostal churches Ive attented. I dont feel Gods presence as such. Im still learning how to defend my faith. I do believe in the Christian God and that the bible is inerrant. The Christian God does makes the most logical sense to me.

Re: What is God to you?

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 3:46 pm
by IceMobster
Nessa wrote:No, none of that is obvious to me.

I didnt come to believe in God through personal revelation at all. Which has made me a black sheep in the pentecostal churches Ive attented. I dont feel Gods presence as such. Im still learning how to defend my faith. I do believe in the Christian God and that the bible is inerrant. The Christian God does makes the most logical sense to me.
Well, that makes us almost the same, lol.
Hmmm, try this for a start: "Summa Theologica" by Thomas Aquinas in 50 pages by Dr. Taylor Marshall. Keep in mind that it is written from a Catholic perspective. (Note to moderator(s): this book was given for free to all emails subscribed to a certain Catholic site. No copyright laws broken.) ---> link: ... hbtyTJ5E9g (It is a long link since it was a part of the email message, so, it is not a virus or something harmful.)

Re: What is God to you?

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 3:51 pm
by RickD
IceMobster wrote:
Nessa wrote:No, none of that is obvious to me.

I didnt come to believe in God through personal revelation at all. Which has made me a black sheep in the pentecostal churches Ive attented. I dont feel Gods presence as such. Im still learning how to defend my faith. I do believe in the Christian God and that the bible is inerrant. The Christian God does makes the most logical sense to me.
Well, that makes us almost the same, lol.
Hmmm, try this for a start: "Summa Theologica" by Thomas Aquinas in 50 pages by Dr. Taylor Marshall. Keep in mind that it is written from a Catholic perspective. (Note to moderator(s): this book was given for free to all emails subscribed to a certain Catholic site. No copyright laws broken.) ---> link: ... hbtyTJ5E9g (It is a long link since it was a part of the email message, so, it is not a virus or something harmful.)
Oh boy. Jac is gonna fall in love with you. He's the Thomist to end all Thomists. Or something like that.

Re: What is God to you?

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 4:10 pm
by Nessa
RickD wrote:
IceMobster wrote:
Nessa wrote:No, none of that is obvious to me.

I didnt come to believe in God through personal revelation at all. Which has made me a black sheep in the pentecostal churches Ive attented. I dont feel Gods presence as such. Im still learning how to defend my faith. I do believe in the Christian God and that the bible is inerrant. The Christian God does makes the most logical sense to me.
Well, that makes us almost the same, lol.
Hmmm, try this for a start: "Summa Theologica" by Thomas Aquinas in 50 pages by Dr. Taylor Marshall. Keep in mind that it is written from a Catholic perspective. (Note to moderator(s): this book was given for free to all emails subscribed to a certain Catholic site. No copyright laws broken.) ---> link: ... hbtyTJ5E9g (It is a long link since it was a part of the email message, so, it is not a virus or something harmful.)
Oh boy. Jac is gonna fall in love with you. He's the Thomist to end all Thomists. Or something like that.
Icemobster can detail the bromance in the romance thread :mrgreen:

Re: What is God to you?

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 4:14 pm
by Nessa
IceMobster wrote:
Nessa wrote:No, none of that is obvious to me.

I didnt come to believe in God through personal revelation at all. Which has made me a black sheep in the pentecostal churches Ive attented. I dont feel Gods presence as such. Im still learning how to defend my faith. I do believe in the Christian God and that the bible is inerrant. The Christian God does makes the most logical sense to me.
Well, that makes us almost the same, lol.
Hmmm, try this for a start: "Summa Theologica" by Thomas Aquinas in 50 pages by Dr. Taylor Marshall. Keep in mind that it is written from a Catholic perspective. (Note to moderator(s): this book was given for free to all emails subscribed to a certain Catholic site. No copyright laws broken.) ---> link: ... hbtyTJ5E9g (It is a long link since it was a part of the email message, so, it is not a virus or something harmful.)
Thanks for that - was half expecting to be criticized for my inability to show good reasons to believe what I do

Re: What is God to you?

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 4:49 pm
by IceMobster
RickD wrote:Oh boy. Jac is gonna fall in love with you. He's the Thomist to end all Thomists. Or something like that.
Ehh... Is that a good thing? :mrgreen:
Btw, I disagree with Thomas on him stating that the idea of the existence of God comes "a posteriori" as opposed to "a priori". I am more on Plato's side here. The idea of the existence of God is inherent in every human being.
Nessa wrote:Thanks for that - was half expecting to be criticized for my inability to show good reasons to believe what I do
Oh, rrrright! Forgot about that. Yes! You should feel ashamed of your lack of knowledge of what you believe!!! :mrgreen:
Even when you get the hand of what you believe in, keep in mind not to teach that knowledge to others(!!):
1 Timothy 2:11-15(NIV):
  • A woman/wife should learn in quietness and full submission. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man/husband; she must be quiet. 13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. 15 But women will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety.
Nessa wrote:Icemobster can detail the bromance in the romance thread :mrgreen:
That bromance is non-existent since I'm not a true Thomist. :mrgreen:
The romance thread shall see no juicy poetry concerning bromance. :ssorry: