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Short video lecture from the god father of modern Nde research

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 10:10 am
by bippy123
Dr Bruce Greyson on the difference between veridical ndes and the perception of being out of your body when the right temporal lobe is stimulated and a short talk on the analogy of the brain being like a TV set that recurve a consciousness .
Greyson is professor emeritus at the university of Virginia and head of the division of perceptual studies . Stacked credential

Re: Short video lecture from the god father of modern Nde research

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 3:29 pm
by B. W.
Here is an article link regarding interview with Greyson

Interview: Bruce Greyson on Researching Near-Death Experiences at the University of Virginia

I find what he mentions very interesting on a personal level...

Re: Short video lecture from the god father of modern Nde research

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 8:10 am
by bippy123
B. W. wrote:Here is an article link regarding interview with Greyson

Interview: Bruce Greyson on Researching Near-Death Experiences at the University of Virginia

I find what he mentions very interesting on a personal level...
Explain BW?
He does mention that thinking that brain equals mind works great when it's in our every day life but this theory breaks down during the extreme times . What's fascinating is that he grew up in a science based materialistically inclined family . Also as a psychiatrist he examines the sceptical claims that there is a link between certain mental disorders and Nde experiences and finds that they are 2 completely separate things .

Re: Short video lecture from the god father of modern Nde research

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 8:08 am
by B. W.
bippy123 wrote:
B. W. wrote:Here is an article link regarding interview with Greyson

Interview: Bruce Greyson on Researching Near-Death Experiences at the University of Virginia

I find what he mentions very interesting on a personal level...
Explain BW?
He does mention that thinking that brain equals mind works great when it's in our every day life but this theory breaks down during the extreme times . What's fascinating is that he grew up in a science based materialistically inclined family . Also as a psychiatrist he examines the sceptical claims that there is a link between certain mental disorders and Nde experiences and finds that they are 2 completely separate things .
I too have trouble paying the bills! :lol:

More seriously though, I do not view this mortal life as most folks do. Have a different perspective. Things that people strive so hard for, their game playing, agendas, brown nosing, seeking applauds, accolades, and acclaim for mere pleasure of feeling more important than others. The constant struggle to be appreciated, accepted, valued by others to win their approval, and all the self seeking to gain power over others intellectually, physically, politically, is foreign to me.

Such acts are the cause of so much hardship in the world and the cause of so many mental hangups and issues.For example, parents failing to give proper attention to their children causes so much pain and endless struggles seeking approval by other means: in books, in drugs, alcohol, politics, control and performance issues, intellectual snobbery, arrogance, etc and etc. I see this within some ministers of the gospel, in the work place, politics, some folks on this forum, in community leaders, and just about every where.

In other words, you grasp how fallen we of the human race really are! It produces a sadness as well as a Hope too. The hope is to help other folks become free of these things that really enslave them. This freedom can only come by Jesus Christ.

That is the most important thing to me is Jesus Christ. From this comes a driving desire to have folks to experience the presence of Jesus Christ, the living Lord of Glory. When people grasps but a glimpse of this, experience just a small part of this, it changes them inside out in ways no other religion or psychology can. They find rest and peace that does not go away due to any circumstances and thus can certainly endure all things.

Not to sound trite, or that I am better than anyone here because I am the least qualified to teach anyone on this matter but I would like for folks to encounter Jesus as Lord, Holy, High and lifted up - see him as I have! Jesus is no figment of the intellect and he is not at all the same as other religions as others try to proclaim to prove intellectual superiority. He is real, The Almighty! Grand! Terrifying! Awesome! He is LORD!

It is so difficult to convey the Majesty of the Lord to folks - that is what I find so difficult. A few grasp this by mortal faith and do gain a glimpse of the Lord's majesty and are forever changed. The thing is, one can simply ask and keep seeking to experience the presence of the Lord and in due time he will reveal a drop to the person. Often before this happens an awareness of ones plaguing sins, or personal issues bear heavy weight upon the seeker. A driving desire, hunger, thirst for the Lord is a passion an - oh just if I could touch the hem of his garment then I'd be whole type of drive!

They feel God so far away and they so miserable. Here, the Lord is sanctifying preparing them for the encounter because every knee will bow and tongue confess he is Lord! The suddenly when the person reaches the end of self, their huger/thirst for God unmet drives them to a place of silence and then the encounter comes in an omni-personal way no human expressions can convey. From now on, the journey begins as ones explores the unending deepness and vastness of God.

Everything around you, as in the the words of an old Hymn, Turn your Eyes Upon Jesus says is true after that:..the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace...

Has profound truth that liberates one. in other words I feel a stranger here on this earth, like I do not belong, trying to help as many folks get on board a life boat before the Titanic sinks. Sadly, with tears, wondering why so many ignore the life boat and choose to instead remain on board a slowing sinking ship.

That is what I mean...


Now back to Greyson...

Bruce Greyson is an intellectual and with that, due to ignorance, writes that the Holy Spirit is the same as Kundalini spirit, same as pagan concept of great spirit as the brand name for the some sort of generic energy system. With that he is in great error and it must be pointed out that he does not know what he is talking about. Kundalini spirit makes when have jerking movements that controls the body in abnormal ways, it produces alter state of being and much weirdness and alter consciousness. Next, the wide array of the pagan concepts of a great spirit produces works to earn salvation, as well as euphoric states that causes people to rely on another mortal person for insights, help, a word, etc.

However the Holy Spirit will usher you into experience the presence of God and you remain intact, sound mind, content, and your body does not contort into strange motions. The Holy Spirit changes you inside out and draws you to the bible whereas the others mentioned draw you away form the bible and often mock it.

Yes, there are mountain top experiences with the Holy Spirit, great joy, elation to be sure, however, these will not hinder a interpersonal contact with others at all. In fact, these draw people to Jesus and away from the world system. In other words, one can experience the presence of God and hold an intellectual conversation with another if the mountain top experience becomes interrupted. Whereas the evidence of this happening with the other spirits mentioned by Greyson is non-existent.