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Bad endings in Movies

Posted: Sat May 07, 2016 3:33 am
by Nessa
So what is it with movies that have bad endings?

I'm talking about watching a movie one moment and the next moment it feels like there is a powercut but NOOOO! It's the end of the freakin' movie..

'Like huh? That was not the end..surely?! I need closure.. Don't leave me hanging grrrrr'

Talk about an anticlimactic evening :econfused:

Stupid movie ending!!

Also hate movies that have closure but are badly written.

Anyone relate?

Re: Bad endings in Movies

Posted: Sat May 07, 2016 3:42 am
by IceMobster
Yes! "Parallels" is one such movie I watched not long ago.

Nevertheless, I hate even more when the movie has an unrealistic (in most cases, happy) ending. You know, the usual hollywood cliche (or rather, bulls###).

Re: Bad endings in Movies

Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 11:12 pm
by Vergil
Spellbinder (1988)

That movie has a bad, very bad, bad ending on which i wished i was the director to change the freaking ending

Re: Bad endings in Movies

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 4:18 pm
by Hortator
The movie, "The Mist" was inspired by a Steven King book, but took a very, very different direction with it's ending, one even Stephen himself said he wished he had thought of.

Not a bad ending per se, but it's definitely not a movie you want to watch twice.

Re: Bad endings in Movies

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 4:47 pm
by Storyteller
Hortator wrote:The movie, "The Mist" was inspired by a Steven King book, but took a very, very different direction with it's ending, one even Stephen himself said he wished he had thought of.

Not a bad ending per se, but it's definitely not a movie you want to watch twice.
The Fog?

Re: Bad endings in Movies

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2019 9:25 pm
by Nessa
Well lookie here :shock: