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Worshipping and loving Christ

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 9:11 am
by Storyteller
I have been watching a few videos and reading a lot recently. I have realised so much. The biggest thing was my love and worship of Christ.

Sure, I said I worshipped Christ but really, it was from a selfish heart. It was more about prolonging "me" rather than truly giving myself over to Christ.
Everything I have, everything I see, all that I am is because God loved, and loves me.

A few garbled thoughts..

Imagine a flower,you have the root and the stem, thorns and the flower. How does the root appreciate the flower, how does it see what beauty it will become? This life and heaven is kindalike that.
(not my idea, an explanation from Cross Roads by W P Young.)

I am starting to really know Christ, through what im reading, which makes sense as I live in a world of words.

Two books that really helped me think things through, helped me a step nearer to God, Cross Roads, and Crazy Love by Francis Chan.

I want my life to be more about Christ and less about me. But I dont wana lose me.

Re: Worshipping and loving Christ

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 9:44 am
by crackpot
just a thought: if you want to know about Jesus, who he is and what he has done, read the relevant epistles in the bible.

Don't read modern books ABOUT Jesus until you understand the former.

Why should an atheist have to remind you of this?

Re: Worshipping and loving Christ

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 11:00 am
by Storyteller
Why do you assume I dont read the Bible?


I didnt say I didnt understand Jesus or didnt know Him. I said I wanted more.

I read the Bible, every day. I live for books so often have several on the go. The Bible is one of them. Always.

Re: Worshipping and loving Christ

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 11:26 am
by crackpot
Storyteller wrote:I didnt say I didnt understand Jesus or didnt know Him. I said I wanted more.
allright so you read the bible. Good.

What makes you think you are going to get "more" info on Jesus from other sources?

How do you determine if these other sources are informing you correctly about Jesus?

Re: Worshipping and loving Christ

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 11:43 am
by SoCalExile
Francis Chan is a man to avoid: Lordship Salvation, connections to John MacArthur, Mike Bickle and IHOP, Lectio Divina at Passion 2012 with Beth Moore, John Piper, Louis Giglio and Lecrae....

Re: Worshipping and loving Christ

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 12:41 pm
by crackpot
SoCalExile wrote:Francis Chan is a man to avoid:...
Thank you. Case closed. I hope you learned something today Storyteller.

Re: Worshipping and loving Christ

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 1:53 pm
by Storyteller
Just because I may not agree with someones view doesnt mean I cant learn something from them, or their view.

Why do I think I will learn more about Jesus through reading anything other than the bible? Because I live for books. And stories.

Yes, I learnt domething.

How it feels to be judged.

Re: Worshipping and loving Christ

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 2:08 pm
by Storyteller
And I pray, and listen.

I am not a fool.
I like to read, even differing views.

I have Christ in my heart and trust Him.

Re: Worshipping and loving Christ

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 2:11 pm
by crackpot
Storyteller wrote:Yes, I learnt domething. How it feels to be judged.
You were not being judged. You were being set back on the right track.

Re: Worshipping and loving Christ

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 2:13 pm
by B. W.
Storyteller wrote:I have been watching a few videos and reading a lot recently. I have realised so much. The biggest thing was my love and worship of Christ.

Sure, I said I worshipped Christ but really, it was from a selfish heart. It was more about prolonging "me" rather than truly giving myself over to Christ.
Everything I have, everything I see, all that I am is because God loved, and loves me.

A few garbled thoughts..

Imagine a flower,you have the root and the stem, thorns and the flower. How does the root appreciate the flower, how does it see what beauty it will become? This life and heaven is kindalike that.
(not my idea, an explanation from Cross Roads by W P Young.)

I am starting to really know Christ, through what im reading, which makes sense as I live in a world of words.

Two books that really helped me think things through, helped me a step nearer to God, Cross Roads, and Crazy Love by Francis Chan.

I want my life to be more about Christ and less about me. But I dont wana lose me.
God's presence is ever present. The problem is that we fail to notice.

In the deadest of churches, God's presence is there but for the folks, they hinder, quench, repress the Holy Spirit's influence. We are called not to quench (hinder, dampen, repress) the Spirit in 1 Thess 5:19.

When one feels the tug to know God, the ways one quenches (hinders, dampens, represses) the presence of God is challenged and revealed and healed through process. When coming into an awareness of God's ever present presence one is drawn to prayer, the bible, and longing to know God, as well as learning from others.

We become conscience of how self dampens the world around us. That is where Story is at and trying to explain.

One other thing that happens when one comes in an increasing awareness of God's presence is that of conflict with others!

I will post more on this subject a bit later...

Re: Worshipping and loving Christ

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 2:17 pm
by B. W.
crackpot wrote:
Storyteller wrote:Yes, I learnt domething. How it feels to be judged.
You were not being judged. You were being set back on the right track.
Story don't let one who's avatar name is crackpot get your goat!
crackpot wrote:
Storyteller wrote:I didnt say I didnt understand Jesus or didnt know Him. I said I wanted more.
allright so you read the bible. Good.

What makes you think you are going to get "more" info on Jesus from other sources?

How do you determine if these other sources are informing you correctly about Jesus?
Crackpot say's he not a Christian either!

Re: Worshipping and loving Christ

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 2:23 pm
by Storyteller

You know me better than that B.W.! :)

(noticed the no to being Christian too y:-? ) Kinda ironic really.

A lot of what Chan said I disagree with but he raised enough valid points to drive me to prayer. That was, and is, a good thing.

I dont think.its impossible to find Christ in books, and things, other than the bible.
My relationship with Him is real, and present. I just want more :)

Look forward to reading more from you too x

Re: Worshipping and loving Christ

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 2:34 pm
by SoCalExile
Storyteller wrote:Just because I may not agree with someones view doesnt mean I cant learn something from them, or their view.

Why do I think I will learn more about Jesus through reading anything other than the bible? Because I live for books. And stories.

Yes, I learnt domething.

How it feels to be judged.
Who's judging? I'm marking out those who should be avoided. Chan has a lot of charisma but teaches a works-based gospel:
In Chan’s book, “Crazy Love,” David Cook Pub., 2008, pp. 68-78, he creates a list of what he describes as his “Profile of the Lukewarm.” His descriptions are along these lines:

1. People who say they love Jesus but only include him as a part of their lives;
2. People who are moved by stories about those who do what he calls, “radical things for Christ,” but they themselves do not do such things;
3. People who rarely share their faith with others for fear of rejection;
4. on page 78 he says, “Lukewarm People feel secure because they attend church, made a profession of faith at age twelve, were baptized, come from a Christian family, vote Republican, or live in America.” After making his list of what he calls “The Lukewarm,” he then discards them like matchsticks all in one fell swoop on pp. 83-84. Chan says, “As I see it, a lukewarm Christian is an oxymoron; there’s no such thing. To put it plainly, churchgoers who are “lukewarm” are not Christians. We will not see them in heaven.”
The problem is, Chan doesn't know what "lukewarm" really is; he needs "salve" for his eyes.

Re: Worshipping and loving Christ

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 2:36 pm
by Philip
What makes you think you are going to get "more" info on Jesus from other sources?
This is why God gave us prophets, apostles, teachers and those who have dedicated much time, study and contemplation to Scripture. And when God raises up such, He imparts to them spiritual gifts that equip them as teachers, ministers, pastors, theologians, etc. And as Scripture was written in languages foreign and ancient (to us), then those who have relentlessly studied the surrounding issues are better prepared to bring illumination to us.
How do you determine if these other sources are informing you correctly about Jesus?
That's a great question! First, you can bet that NO one providing illumination to the Bible is likely to have EVERY aspect correct. There ARE issues and passages in Scripture that reasonable people can speculate upon as to their exact meanings. But one marker that is crucial is 1) Whom and WHAT do they say Jesus is, and 2) What do they say is necessary for salvation. So, if a source of teaching denies the historical/Biblical Christ, then RUN from all they say. If they subtract or add to what Jesus says is necessary for salvation (faith and belief in Who and What He is), then RUN - as an awful lot of bad teaching - even heretically so - comes from those with a message that "faith in Jesus-plus _____________ is necessary for salvation. Many would also cause much anguish with false teachings that either diminish fruitful living or add burdens and cause problems.

I am VERY wary of what many denominations teach, as they often have morphed both Scripture AND their own traditions into their doctrines. If a thing is taught that cannot be found or discerned within Scripture, be VERY wary of it. Ritual-based stuff - stay AWAY! Mysticism and secret knowledge - or knowledge that only a certain person supposedly has - STAY AWAY. Over time, if you stick with those who take Scripture to be their guide, that point ONLY to Jesus as the answer to salvation, you will begin to understand sources that are trustworthy. Research people - what criticisms are there of various teachers? Do the criticisms have merit? Are people trying to honor Scripture, or are they adding to it with legalistic inclusions? Know what Biblical-based instructions are for interpreting and understanding Scripture - there are rules of consistency that are important. Beware of teachings seeking to tie up assertions concerning Scripture into neat systems of interpretation - remember, the logic of man can often fail to correctly discern Scripture because it is concerned with some man-made construction or system/lens through which is asserts correct interpretation must follow.

Just because Scripture says "A" is true, and "B" is true, men can sometimes wrongly conclude that these mean "C" is true - even if "C" must contradict other Scripture to be so. This is the mistake of systems, like Five Point Calvinism and Arminianism. Beware the ISMS - whatever their source. Yes, A and B might be true, but it doesn't mean C is. Especially if C contradicts D and F, which Scripture shows to be true as well. So many times, a doctrinal teaching passes certain tests, but then some other part of it ignores other key Scripture - WHY, because it doesn't fit with the originators' SYSTEM. God is not subject to a man-made system or logic. Yes, there is a very discernible consistency to Scripture - but that's not to say God thinks like a man does. We can't put God in our own man-made theology box - or ANY box!

Lastly, pray for understanding that God will open your mind to better understand His Word, and how to apply it. Pray to find useful and accurate resources for further understandings.

Re: Worshipping and loving Christ

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 2:46 pm
by Storyteller
Appreciate the responses guys, reading with interest. :)

SoCal.. you didnt judge me. Im with you on being wary of Chans teachings but that doesnt mean they cant provoke thought.

crackpot assumed a lot about me, you didnt.

crackpot judged, you offered discussion with an opinion.

its all good x